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Adamus Saint-Germain on the Paris Attacks

Adamus Saint-Germain on the Paris Attacks

A Longing for Freedom

As consciousness brings change to this world, humans are turning toward freedom. This in turn brings many old patterns, limitations and fears to the surface, causing unrest that’s sometimes acted out in traumatic ways such as terrorist attacks. While these incidents often originate with religion, more than anything they are about power. While it is tempting to “pray for peace” and try to help the world through such sadness, the most effective thing is to become aware of your own power issues, including feelings of victimness, and allow a deep integration. By taking a compassionate look at what you’re allowing for yourself, your own freedom and responsibility, it brings the illumination of consciousness to all humanity. 

On Friday 13th, November 2015, terrorists attacked numerous locations in Paris, killing 130 innocent people and wounding another 416. Waves of shock and grief went out as the world learned about the tragedy in the international City of Lights. At the same time, humans everywhere stood up to show compassion, unity, and hope in the midst of the darkness that fell over Paris. 

Adamus has a special affection for Paris and France. In his last lifetime as Count St. Germain in the 1700’s, he spent many years living and traveling in France. His name has become synonymous with the style, romance, art, and mystery of Paris. Hours after the attacks ended, he told Geoffrey Hoppe that he and many other angelic beings were in Paris to assist humans who were murdered and wounded, and to help those grieving in the aftermath of the carnage. 

The next day, Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe sat down at their home with Adamus to get his insights into the tragic events. Typical of Adamus, he talked about the attacks but also expanded the discussion into the role of consciousness in global evolution. He offered insights into religion, business, and politics, and answered Linda’s questions about prayer, terrorism, and the future. 

$ 0 USD


 • The world is changing, humanity is evolving 
 • Terrorist attacks are a backlash against the desire for freedom
 • Turmoil will continue as power imbalances are exposed
 • Look within: Are you ready for freedom?
 • To help humanity, integrate your own power issues
 • Illuminate consciousness by accepting full responsibility

Length 29:33

Format: Downloadable [audio mp3, text pdf, video mp4]

Cost: $0

Featuring: Adamus Saint-Germain, Geoff & Linda Hoppe

Recorded Golden, Colorado, November 2015


Battlefields of Power
Battlefields of Power


  • Learn the ancient foundations of Middle East conflict
  • It’s a family fight, with the world joining in
  • It relates directly to your own Realization
  • Letting go of one’s family identity 
  • God, religion, power games and victimhood
  • Ghosts and other non-physical influences

The Darkness is Your Divinity
The Darkness is Your Divinity


  • The answer to your tears and prayers – “Where is Spirit?”
  • Light and dark are different expressions from the same source
  • The Darkness took on your burdens, pain and self-loathing
  • It was the greatest gift of love from Self
  • The Darkness IS your divinity, seeking to reunite with you
  • Light and dark – together forever in love and service

Beyond Duality
Beyond Duality


  • Light and dark have melded together 
  • It happened because of love here on Earth
  • The implications are profound
  • This integration changes everything
  • Humans are tirelessly supported by many angels
  • Allow yourself to experience life beyond duality

Act of Consciousness - Book
Act of Consciousness - Book


  • Are you ready for your life to change?
  • In the freedom of enlightenment, nothing really matters
  • You can experience life in whatever way you choose
  • It’s ALL an act, so play a role you like!
  • Learn how your reality is created and how to change it
  • And then relax into your enlightenment

Ancestral Freedom
Ancestral Freedom


  • How did you get to be the way you are?
  • Who are your real ancestors, and why does it matter?
  • Find out why some things are so hard to change
  • Release yourself into sovereignty and freedom
  • All beings are called home in this time of convergence
  • Spiritual family is no longer needed because you are no longer lost

A Time To Inspire
A Time To Inspire


  • Give up the struggle and let energy serve you
  • This lifetime is NOT a mistake
  • No need to worry about the Earth
  • Society is becoming more equitable
  • You’re providing the vision and inspiration
  • This is why you’re here!

The New Serenity Prayer
The New Serenity Prayer


  • Prayer to the Master within
  • Serenity
  • Courage
  • Wisdom