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Wound of Isis

Wound of Isis

Ancient Pain, Deep Healing

“Isis,” the archetypal feminine energy, has endured deep wounds from the earliest days of creation, anguish that became embedded and endlessly reenacted in the human experience from Atlantis to modern times. These traumas have caused untold devastation, abuse and suffering, and fueled our search for freedom. Now, it is finally time for healing, time for the scars to be released from our collective masculine-feminine consciousness. This restoration, a hope long protected by Archangel Amael, has been the very purpose of our human journey. As duality is resolved and New Energy dawns, the ancient battles can be laid to rest. A beautiful new synergy of human and divine is emerging within hearts all around the globe.

With a story arc that includes all the tension, drama, twists and turns of an epic suspense thriller, The Wound of Isis tells the tale of creation, desolation, and redemption. The story includes our initial coding through the Order of the Arc; the ultimate bad guy Azura Timu and the surprising role of Fidel Castro; ancient Lemurian, Aztec and Mayan civilizations; forgiveness, freedom and so much more. This is YOUR story ­– the history of your origins, your discoveries, your suffering, and your ultimate salvation.

Let us send out to all of Creation that the potential is now there to release all the wounds of the feminine energy. It is time for the reintegration of masculine and feminine into one single energy. Let us change the times that you live in. Let us have no one ever stealing energy from another again. ~ Tobias

This extraordinary series took place during five separate events over eighteen months in three geographical areas. Beginning with Shoud 4 of the New Energy Series, Tobias unfolds the story and energy of the deep and ancient “Wound of Isis,” the trauma experienced by the feminine energy. Seven days later the Harmonic Concordance occurred on November 8, 2003, a significant event in both human and celestial realms that helped begin the healing of the wounds of Isis and Chiron.

Three months later, in February 2004 during a You Are God Also workshop in Mexico City, Tobias began to gently address some of the deep wounds that have been held in the land of Mexico and in the overall feminine energy. In May of the same year, during a special event in the Bahamas, Tobias speaks for the first time of Azura Timu and the devastating events that led to the fall of Atlantis. These profound traumas are etched deeply into the human psyche and are now coming up for resolution on a global scale.

Finally, in February 2005, this incredible series culminated in an Embodiment workshop in Mexico City. Assisted by Archangel Amael, the Angel of Hope, Tobias opens the subjects of aspect integration, energy stealing and sexual abuse, setting the stage for Crimson Circle’s most important workshops, Aspectology and the Sexual Energy School.


Session information

1 – When the Divine Plan Meets the Human Plan
November 1, 2003 • Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado, USA
 • Session – 1:18:56
Speaking of the approaching Harmonic Concordance, Tobias explains the masculine-feminine symbolism of the Star of David and how it represents the wounding and ultimate healing of these energies. He speaks of the beautiful Divine Plan, the often difficult Human Plan, and how to finally bring them together and go beyond victim energies.

2 – The Harmonic Concordance
November 8, 2003 • Evergreen, Colorado, USA
 • Session 1 – 1:05:06
 • Session 2 – 59:09
With tremendous love, Tobias leads Shaumbra through a grand ceremony of completion, fulfillment, and renewal as we begin to move into the New Energy. He tells a brief history of our existence, why the energies of masculine/feminine, light/dark, human/divine became separated, the purpose of the Order of the Arc, the roles of the masculine and feminine energies, and why now is the time for integration.

3 – The Wound of Isis
February 2004 • Mexico City, Mexico
 • Session 1 – 9:39
 • Session 2 – 44:58
 • Session 3 – 52:00
Tobias speaks in detail about the energies of Isis and Adam, and how their wounding manifested in the Atlantean kingdom. The events that took place left many scars in the land and in the feminine energy of humanity. In this time of healing, Tobias gently guides the listener through releasing the old wounds and discovering your New Energy passion.

4 – Atlantis Rising
May 2004 • Nassau, the Bahamas
 • Session 1 – 51:29
 • Session 2 – 1:05:13
 • Session 3 – 27:52
 • Session 4 – 1:04:27
Beginning with the premise that energy always seeks resolution, Tobias helps to create a very safe space in which the listeners can move into their true feelings and senses. He talks about the history of Atlantis including the geography, lifestyles, technologies, and energy research that was done there. He also brings in the energy of Azura Timu, a notorious Atlantean ruler who was responsible for immense trauma, destruction, and devastation. In one of his most difficult channels ever, Tobias revisits the deep wounds experienced in the Temples of Tien, and gently invites listeners to release.

5 – Healing the Wound
February 2005 • Mexico City, Mexico
 • Session 1 – 41:40
 • Session 2 – 23:50
 • Session 3 – 42:23
 • Session 4 – 25:50
 • Session 5 – 44:04
Assisted by Amael, the Archangel of Hope, Tobias leads the listeners through an experience integrating many aspects, from this and many other lifetimes. He gives a brief history of Creation, how energy stealing began, and why we brought it to Earth in sometimes gruesome ways. Tobias speaks of sex, both angelic and human, how it has been abused, and how it can now take on a whole new joy and freedom. And, assisted by St. Germain, he talks of alchemy, energy moving, the pleasure of sex, and creating the life you choose.

$ 95 USD


  • Masculine/feminine, light/dark, good/evil
  • Ancient conflicts, power games, energy stealing
  • Sexual abuse, torture, enslavement
  • The time has come to release these wounds
  • Energy always seeks resolution
  • Open to love, your divinity is waiting

Format: Downloadable audio and text

Cost: $95

Featuring: Tobias

Recorded In the Colorado, Bahamas & Mexico, 2003, 2004 & 2005

Translations: All languages are in text format only

Introduction to the Sexual Energies School
Introduction to the Sexual Energies School


  • The most important challenge of all – loving yourself
  • It’s the answer to everything
  • Without it, you’re already undergoing abuse
  • Self-love makes miracles possible
  • Lack of self-love brings illness and death
  • Are you manifesting your heart’s desires or just taking up space?

Beyond Duality
Beyond Duality


  • Light and dark have melded together 
  • It happened because of love here on Earth
  • The implications are profound
  • This integration changes everything
  • Humans are tirelessly supported by many angels
  • Allow yourself to experience life beyond duality

Ancestral Freedom
Ancestral Freedom


  • How did you get to be the way you are?
  • Who are your real ancestors, and why does it matter?
  • Find out why some things are so hard to change
  • Release yourself into sovereignty and freedom
  • All beings are called home in this time of convergence
  • Spiritual family is no longer needed because you are no longer lost

The Wound of Adam
The Wound of Adam


  • Unique roles of masculine and feminine
  • Isis’ failure, Adam’s heartbreak
  • From the Order of the Arc to now
  • The discovery of love
  • The deepest wound (that still hurts)
  • Ultimate reunion – it changes everything

Journey of the Angels
Journey of the Angels


  • Understand the current dynamics on Earth
  • Remember who you are and why you’re here
  • Are you still in the Wall of Fire?
  • Did you ever really leave Home?
  • There was never any mistake… ever
  • It’s the greatest story ever told

Sexual Energies School – Information Only
Sexual Energies School – Information Only


  • Learn about the sexual energy virus and how it affects your life
  • Create your own path to self-love, and allow the return to joy 
  • Discover the futility of power games 
  • Learn how to stop others from depleting your energy
  • Improve your relationships, health and well-being
  • Excellent for counselors and other professional facilitators

Aspectology School Online - Information Only
Aspectology School Online - Information Only


  • Unintegrated aspects can cause things like:
  • Illogical fears, disruptive emotional reactions
  • Recurring patterns of self-sabotage or victimhood
  • Guilt, confusion, shame, lack of abundance
  • You don’t need these things anymore
  • It’s time to bring them home

Time of the Merlin Online
Time of the Merlin Online


  • You are here to be a Merlin
  • You’re here to allow energy to serve
  • Suffering does NOT bring salvation
  • Allow your energy to flow in ease and grace
  • Become a Standard of grace for the planet
  • The time is now

Master Code Online: Information Only
Master Code Online: Information Only


  • Everything is coded; it’s like the software of reality
  • Your reality can now be coded consciously
  • The Way – the Atlantean code that brought you here
  • You made it; your coded destiny has been fulfilled
  • The Ascension Code – your greatest gift to humanity
  • The Master Code – a profound gift to yourself