Changing Jobs in a Changing World
Record-breaking numbers of people are walking away from toxic, unsupportive and uncreative work environments, leaving businesses desperate for reliable employees and supply chains struggling to survive. It’s clear that the old model of ‘employment for survival’ is outdated and collapsing, but what will replace it? The planet is abundant, but is it appropriate for people to be paid simply for existing? What about the vast economic disparity among the extremely rich and the rest of humanity? Now is the time for Shaumbra to release the imbalanced energies around making money and become Standards for a whole new way of living in joy, abundance, creativity, and freedom.
In this very timely message, Adamus gives a brief history of work and employment on the planet, from the first job of being a soldier to the newest category of worker – the entrepreneur. He answers a list of questions, ranging from the effects of the coronavirus on the current workplace to the impacts of robots in the workplace, Universal Basic Income and much more. The entire landscape of work is changing drastically, and it’s time to release the old ways. Adamus says you shouldn’t work for a living but rather live for a living. Then he leads a merabh to assist in releasing the old overlays of the toxic work environment, inviting you to allow joy and abundance to be the result of how you spend your time.
With guests listening in from all around the cosmos, Adamus encourages Shaumbra to make an abundant living doing the things you’re happiest doing. “There should be as much joy in your job as there is a paycheck. Start balancing it out.”
Length: 1:26:25
Format: Downloadable audio, text, video
Cost: $25
Featuring: Adamus Saint-Germain, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe
Recorded at Villa Ahmyo, Kona, Hawaii, March 2022
• You are naturally abundant; what form is it taking?
• Any form of lack is serving you
• Abundance isn’t just money in the bank
• The passion to live attracts energy
• Don’t get caught up in limitations
• Come back to a life of wealth and joy