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Monthly Webcast & CC 25th Anniversary Celebration • Louisville, Colorado • August 3, 2024

Monthly Webcast & CC 25th Anniversary Celebration • Louisville, Colorado • August 3, 2024

We hope you can join us for our 25th Anniversary Celebration in beautiful Colorado immediately following the August Monthly Meeting & Webcast.


The Threshold • Online • August 9 - 11, 2024

The Threshold • Online • August 9 - 11, 2024

This important class is offered online once a year, hosted live by Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe.

• Your path to Realization holds a few surprises
• Secrets hidden deep beyond the human’s awareness
• Take a journey with your dragon 
• It is unrelenting, but becomes your dearest friend
• Even St. Germain himself did not escape the dragon
• The final, ruthless, inevitable step before Realization

Metaphysics of the Merlin • ONLINE • September 7 - 8, 2024

Metaphysics of the Merlin • ONLINE • September 7 - 8, 2024


  • At least six channeled messages
  • “State of the Circle” with Geoff & Linda
  • Live worldwide gathering
  • Two days of celebration and inspiration
Monthly Meeting & Webcast • Online Only • October 5, 2024

Monthly Meeting & Webcast • Online Only • October 5, 2024

from the Shaumbra Pavilion

Villa Ahmyo
Kona, HI


Exploring the New Light • Kona, Hawaii • October 13 - 17, 2024

Exploring the New Light • Kona, Hawaii • October 13 - 17, 2024

During this Exploring the New Light gathering, Adamus will dive deeper into the physics of the New Light, and with the group explore the implications of this New Light on individuals as well as humanity. 

Monthly Meeting & Webcast • Online • November 2, 2024

Monthly Meeting & Webcast • Online • November 2, 2024

from the Shaumbra Pavilion

Villa Ahmyo
Kona, HI


Metaphysics of The Mind • Kona, Hawaii • November 6 - 10, 2024

Metaphysics of The Mind • Kona, Hawaii • November 6 - 10, 2024

In this new and groundbreaking course from Adamus Saint-Germain, we’ll take a look at what’s happening in the mind from the metaphysical perspective rather than the traditional psychological viewpoint. 

Masters Circle • Kona, Hawaii • November 17 - 21, 2024

Masters Circle • Kona, Hawaii • November 17 - 21, 2024

More a gathering than a workshop, each Masters Circle will be tailored to the specific group of Shaumbra in attendance rather than a structured workshop format. 

Master's Life Series – Distilled Wisdom

Master’s Life – Part 16: Returning to Grace

Master’s Life – Part 16: Returning to Grace


  • Moving from oneness felt like falling from grace
  • When one is fragmented, life is bumpy
  • Feeling unworthy blocks higher potentials
  • Grace brings you back together in all realms
  • You never fell, so enjoy every moment of life
  • It is divine to enjoy the human condition
The Master’s Life – Part 15: Across the River

The Master’s Life – Part 15: Across the River


  • You can cross the veil and remain on Earth
  • Go beyond the illusion of separation
  • Reunite with Self to find every answer within
  • Float in the river of your own energy
  • Maintain a constant in-the-moment balance
  • When it’s time, return to the ocean of your soul
The Master’s Life – Part 14: Soul Encounters

The Master’s Life – Part 14: Soul Encounters


  • The soul is your energy, potentials, wisdom, and sovereignty
  • You, human, are your own soul’s song of energy
  • Other people are you masquerading as them
  • Time’s up for this grand Game of Angels
  • You are the soul, dreaming of itself as a human
  • It’s time to wake up, put on your wings of wisdom and soar
The Master’s Life – Part 13: Entelligence

The Master’s Life – Part 13: Entelligence


  • Human intelligence is based in duality and emotion
  • Energy intelligence is neutral and unlimited
  • It’s all yours
  • Take your place in the kingdom of Self
  • And finally let energy serve you fully
  • “Stop, look and listen before you start to freak!”
The Master’s Life – Part 12: Pathways to Realization

The Master’s Life – Part 12: Pathways to Realization


  • Clear explanations of awakening and Realization
  • Ascended Master anecdotes and statistics
  • Pathways they tried but do not recommend
  • Common experiences on the way to Realization
  • Dead ends, steppingstones and easier pathways
  • What’s your pathway?
The Master’s Life – Part 11: Living Energy

The Master’s Life – Part 11: Living Energy


  • Everything you perceive is your energy
  • It’s the biggest Point of Separation in this lifetime
  • Doubt is natural and can be a beautiful tool for clarity
  • The Order of the Arc has served its purpose
  • What’s your Energy Quotient?
  • Everything is in service to you! Can you allow it?
The Master’s Life – Part 10: Way Out

The Master’s Life – Part 10: Way Out


  • The passion returns… finally!
  • Go out and come back at any time
  • A glimpse into a different future
  • Never again forget who you really are
  • Gravity, Focus and duality are here to serve you
  • Welcome Home
The Master's Life – Part 9: Realusion

The Master's Life – Part 9: Realusion


  • Discover how reality comes into being – and how to change it
  • Learn what gravity, time and space really are
  • Release the “mem-brain” that’s been limiting your consciousness
  • Making friends with energy
  • Everything is within, only YOU can change it
  • Shift your perspective – it’s the wizard effect!
The Master’s Life – Part 8: Nova Vita (Your New Life)

The Master’s Life – Part 8: Nova Vita (Your New Life)


  • Your crystalline disc (like imaginal disc of a butterfly)
  • “Styling” your new self
  • A grand reunion with past lives
  • Meeting yourself within your creation 
  • Profound compassion and gratitude for your human
  • No more “tomorrow anxiety”
The Master’s Life – Part 7: I Am Creation

The Master’s Life – Part 7: I Am Creation


  • The true nature of creation finally revealed
  • Wisdom – a most beautiful realization
  • Spiritual maturity and the Now Future
  • Understanding energy and letting it work for you
  • The absolute awe of creation…
  • Meeting the creator within its creation
The Master’s Life – Part 6: No More!

The Master’s Life – Part 6: No More!


  • Held back by causes, let go of the world’s problems
  • The sweet clarity of “No more!”
  • What to do about your anger 
  • Freedom: do you really want the change it brings?
  • Into the magical Crystal Caves
  • What do you see in the mirror?
The Master’s Life – Part 5: Ahmyo

The Master’s Life – Part 5: Ahmyo


  • Conscious every-day communion between human and Master
  • Allow wisdom, abundance, health, relationships, more
  • Cohabitating with the Master – is the human ready?
  • It changes the way energy serves you
  • Helping the Master understand the human
  • A deep experience of allowing Ahmyo
The Master's Life - Part 4: Sensuality

The Master's Life - Part 4: Sensuality


  • Understanding what a true sense really is
  • More than 9 additional human ‘senses’
  • The TRUE human sense is Focus
  • Why you’re in Focus and how to get out
  • Angelic senses of Imagination, Unity, Beauty
  • Love – the greatest sense of all
The Master's Life – Part 3: Embodiment

The Master's Life – Part 3: Embodiment


  • Three foundations of enlightenment
  • Technology body vs. light body
  • Releasing ancestral issues & nature
  • Rebalancing the body, opening the senses
  • Welcoming the light body
  • The purpose and illusion of death
The Master's Life - Part 2: I Am Here

The Master's Life - Part 2: I Am Here


  • Distractions on the way to Realization
  • Where are you?
  • Expanding the flame of your consciousness
  • Being aware of multiple realities
  • Applying consciousness to abundance and health issues
  • Practical applications of being “here”
The Master's Life - Part 1: Transfiguration

The Master's Life - Part 1: Transfiguration


  • Body aches and pains, physical issues
  • Light body – physics, how to bring it in
  • Biological intelligence
  • Dynamics of birthing into physical reality
  • Going beyond ancestors and mass consciousness
  • Jesus/Yeshua’s transfiguration – and yours

ProGnost™ – Adamus' Planetary Forecasts

ProGnost 2024 Update: The Speed of Change

ProGnost 2024 Update: The Speed of Change


  • You’re here at the craziest, fastest time ever
  • Everything accelerated after the Quantum Leap
  • Earth is becoming the planet of love and enlightenment
  • Everything now is about your Realization
  • Suffering helps nothing; it’s time to say, “No more!”
  • You’re setting the example for how to enter enlightenment
ProGnost 2024 - The Laws Are Not Yours

ProGnost 2024 - The Laws Are Not Yours


  • Laws and rules attract gravity
  • Laws of nature are correct but incomplete
  • The laws of religion are the darkest of all
  • Social laws are meant for cooperation, not control
  • Self laws are the most complex and contradictory
  • Release the laws to go beyond density and gravity
ProGnost 2023 Update

ProGnost 2023 Update


  • Light will expand at least 7% in 3-5 years
  • The atomic structure is simply condensed light
  • Reality is an illusion that can be altered
  • The key is letting un-gravity serve you
  • Gaia’s departure makes way for your light body
  • AI is responding to your consciousness
ProGnost 2023 - Quantum Weirdness

ProGnost 2023 - Quantum Weirdness


  • Gravity holds reality in place
  • More consciousness means less gravity
  • Less gravity means more freedom
  • Things get very weird in the “crazy zone”
  • Everything opens, realms begin to merge
  • Your divinity, your YOU-ness is now available
ProGnost 2022 Update - Meta Realities

ProGnost 2022 Update - Meta Realities


  • Consciousness is the basis of every reality
  • Everything now is about the quantum leap of consciousness
  • Humans are moving into digital realities
  • Perception comes from within and the observer changes reality
  • It’s time to be hyper aware of your consciousness
  • Digitize or energize?
ProGnost 2022 - Metaphysics for Masters

ProGnost 2022 - Metaphysics for Masters


  • Bring metaphysics to the practical level
  • To change something in your life, be more present
  • Particles move between dimensions; you can too
  • All perceptions take place in the mind
  • Limit not yourself with any belief
  • You can change whatever you want – for yourself
ProGnost 2021 Update - It's About Time

ProGnost 2021 Update - It's About Time


  • Are you ‘losing’ time, feeling disoriented?
  • Are you frantically busy or sleeping a lot?
  • It’s because time itself is fracturing
  • Energy is flowing like never before
  • Everything is going new
  • It’s all happening now!
ProGnost 2021 - The Ænd Times

ProGnost 2021 - The Ænd Times


  • Your energy precedes you
  • We’re going local linear and far beyond
  • Technology is driving tremendous change
  • Society is transforming in countless ways
  • There’s a reason you’ve felt deep sadness
  • Take care of you first; it changes everything
ProGnost 2020 Update - Adamonomics

ProGnost 2020 Update - Adamonomics


  • How’s your economy?
  • Realization is allowing energy to serve you abundantly
  • Let your radiance be seen, even by “Big Brother”
  • Debt is the devil, let it go
  • Invest in yourself, borrow from the Bank of the I Am
  • Learn, engage, invest – and watch what happens!
ProGnost 2020 - Planetary Awakening

ProGnost 2020 - Planetary Awakening


  • The planetary awakening is happening – huge news!
  • Many will come to Realization through technology rather than spirituality
  • We found what we were looking for, so Order of the Arc is closing down
  • What comes from Earth will go throughout the universe
  • There’s a large number of first-timers on the planet
  • Humans are facing identity loss, digital hypnosis, gender blur and more
ProGnost 2019 Update - For the Dreamers

ProGnost 2019 Update - For the Dreamers


  • Technology is the most important issue on the planet today
  • You are here to bring consciousness to this historic change
  • You can get to the New Earth by death or by dragon
  • Magic is real!
  • Time to stop playing the “spiritual journey” game
  • You are the dreamer of a whole new era
ProGnost 2019  - The Dragon Enters

ProGnost 2019 - The Dragon Enters


  • Ancient dragon stories were based on Atlantis
  • It’s about forgetting our origins and losing our name
  • The dragon returns now, will you invite yours?
  • It brings disruption and clarity
  • It demands that you release guilt and shame
  • It is time to live in magic and grace 
ProGnost 2014 & Update - It’s Happening Now

ProGnost 2014 & Update - It’s Happening Now


  • You’ve been rehearsing for this – now it’s time
  • You already know what to do: Add consciousness
  • Disruption, virus, civil unrest, weather changes, anxiety and more
  • The desire for freedom brings in immense energies
  • Elohim, Lords of Light and archangels
  • It’s time for tough love, the unrelenting forgiveness
ProGnost 2018 Update - Goodbye Gaia

ProGnost 2018 Update - Goodbye Gaia


  • Gaia, your home for so long, is leaving
  • It’s time for humans to take responsibility for the planet
  • TechGREEN – Technology, Gaia, Realms, Earth, Energy, Nature
  • Evolution: moving toward God; Pandelution: God moving in its creation
  • Practical implications of Gaia’s departure
  • Earth needs to be more social, human sovereignty
ProGnost 2018 - Last Era of the Mind

ProGnost 2018 - Last Era of the Mind


  • Creation starts at the end… really!
  • Coming soon – the fragmentation of TimeSpace
  • Human are creating a whole new species
  • Consciousness changes everything – that’s why you’re here
  • Evolution vs. pandelution
  • TechGRIN – Tech, Genology, Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Nanotech
ProGnost Update - July 2017

ProGnost Update - July 2017


  • When you’re not in drama, all is well
  • Technology changes are the result of consciousness
  • Karma is manmade, and 6 billion people are working on it
  • Tech is affecting masculine & feminine, mind & body
  • Upheaval in God consciousness brings chaos
  • Repercussions of AI and VR in this Time of Machines
ProGnost 2017 - Bridge to Theos

ProGnost 2017 - Bridge to Theos


  • Technology, politics and artificial intelligence
  • Earth, our beloved – and hungry – planet of Love
  • Old Earth, New Earth, and why they won’t unite
  • Where is the love?
  • The beauty and sensuality of Theos is just for you
  • A Dream Bridge to the place of deepest love
ProGnost 2016 Update

ProGnost 2016 Update


  • Look at Earth and humanity from Angel’s Peak
  • Consciousness is changing the planet
  • Evolution is accelerating 
  • Parallel realities: consciousness vs. run-away technology
  • Everything goes new … everything
  • “When consciousness is present, it changes everything”
ProGnost 2016

ProGnost 2016


  • Consciousness and physical reality are converging
  • Will Old Earth and New Earth come together?
  • Virtual reality and other changes – not science fiction!
  • It’s time to awaken your ‘Master Sense’
  • Prepare for disruption
  • And remember that All is Well

Master's Pause – Rejuvenation Experiences

I Am Receiving

I Am Receiving


  • Can you fully receive the bounty of your energy?
  • It’s a huge, unfamiliar, and radical shift
  • It upends and disrupts the ancient paradigm of toil
  • These new metaphysics can change your life
  • Relax and enjoy the fruits of your labors
  • You’ve earned this!
I Am Potentials

I Am Potentials


  • Explore the Secret Garden of your potentials
  • Let the sense of smell guide you
  • Make each choice just for you
  • Every potential serves your Realization
  • Feel the magic, it’s always here
  • Bring it with you every day
I Am Light

I Am Light


  • Pain is a signal that you’re holding back your light
  • You’ve been more afraid of your light than of your darkness
  • No more need to hold back or hide your light
  • Feel its purity, tenderness, magic and joy
  • You’ve earned it, you deserve it; now let it flow
  • Let yourself feel the wonder, the marvel of your own light


I Am Worthy

I Am Worthy


  • You are worthy of your energy
  • Can you let it serve you freely?
  • Worthiness is an angelic sense
  • It’s a way of perceiving yourself
  • There’s nothing you need to prove
  • “I am worthy!” – the energy lights up
I Am Beauty

I Am Beauty


  • Beauty is its own wisdom
  • It changes how energy comes to you
  • Beauty is an experience, not a value judgment
  • Gift yourself with the sense of Beauty
  • Beauty is in everything
  • It’s your energy, how could it be anything but beautiful?
I Am Comfort

I Am Comfort


  • There is value in discomfort, but you can transcend it
  • Discomfort comes from resisting chaos
  • Magic happens in unpredictability
  • Chaos just means you don’t understand it yet
  • Wisdom is the knowingness of the future
  • It’s your energy – how could it not work out?
I Am Free

I Am Free


  • The soul has always been free
  • Human has been “separate” from consciousness
  • Release the past, mass consciousness, time and the mind
  • Integrate – “into great” – consciousness and energy
  • Then you will be free in your own energy and passion
  • True freedom – it’s all natural!
I Am Abundance

I Am Abundance


  • Abundance is a state of being
  • Now is the time to get over your hang-ups about it
  • Abundance is the ability to receive from your I Am
  • Suffering has been a huge block; are you done yet?
  • It’s all your energy, serving you in the Now
  • “Abundance is a natural state, let’s get on with it”
I Am True

I Am True


  • Doubt is a distraction AND it’s a gift
  • It’s an irritant to keep you moving
  • Helps you not stay stuck in an unnatural state
  • But it doesn’t need so much attention
  • There is actually nothing false within you
  • Come back to “I am real”
I Am Calm

I Am Calm


  • The dragon is here, the planet is awakening
  • You have all the tools for your own stability
  • You have heart – compassion, passion, love
  • You have wisdom and knowingness
  • You are safe; it’s okay to be calm
  • Relax deeply into “I Am Calm”
I Am Merlin

I Am Merlin


  • Merlin is returning
  • It’s the integration of the human’s experience and the Master’s wisdom
  • “I Am Merlin” – this starts the energy moving
  • Magic is real, but it’s only for YOU
  • Open to your own energy, truth, passion and magic
  • Are you ready to be Merlin?
I Am Remembering

I Am Remembering


  • Remember why you’re here, your passion, your own precious name
  • Remember your potentials and the beauty of life
  • An experience to share with the Master
  • Allowing this wisdom changes everything
  • Focus, TimeSpace, gravity, experience – so many reasons to forget
  • It hurts to remember too soon, but now you’re ready
I Am Joy

I Am Joy


  • Allow the awareness of joy
  • It changes everything
  • Joy is a sense, a way to perceive reality
  • Imagine being open, vulnerable and safe
  • Feel the joy inherent in every living thing, in all of life
  • To be alive is to be in joy!
I Am Safe

I Am Safe


  • To a sensitive being, feeling safe is a huge challenge
  • There’s a place you go…
  • Remember the safe space of compassion
  • Safety issues with the outer, inner and unseen worlds
  • Imagine always feeling safe…
  • Watch the profound difference in your life
I Am Sleeping

I Am Sleeping


  • Sleep like you haven’t a very long time
  • Original purpose of sleep was a return to Self
  • A Master doesn’t need much sleep
  • The soul beckons, “Come with me…”
  • Return to the compassion of the I Am
  • The Master’s sleep… just rest…
I Am Cleansing

I Am Cleansing


  • A time to stop, integrate and rebalance
  • Everything is toxic!
  • Free energy body can handle it 
  • This detox actually works (unlike most others)
  • No need for diets and potions
  • It’s so easy…

Magic & Physics – Experience Beyond 3D

The Art of Light – Part 1: Imagination

The Art of Light – Part 1: Imagination


  • Learn how imagination creates your life
  • Imagine abundance, health, joy – are you worthy?
  • Light is imagination; from there, all creation happens
  • True imagination is not false or make-believe
  • You are the light of the world
  • You’re not battling darkness but filling a void with life
DreamWalk into Aerotheon

DreamWalk into Aerotheon


  • Gravity is a tool of creation
  • It holds particles and waves together as reality
  • It holds thoughts and emotions in patterns
  • Gravity can also help you release and expand
  • Experience your true inner freedom
  • Return to your natural state
Love 2.0

Love 2.0


  • Love is vital to the planet’s evolution
  • Love changes how light becomes reality
  • It can expand gravity and alter time & space
  • Self-love is the Christ Seed planted with Yeshua
  • Now is the time for this precious harvest
  • What is love? Awareness and acceptance
ProGnost 2023 Update

ProGnost 2023 Update


  • Light will expand at least 7% in 3-5 years
  • The atomic structure is simply condensed light
  • Reality is an illusion that can be altered
  • The key is letting un-gravity serve you
  • Gaia’s departure makes way for your light body
  • AI is responding to your consciousness
Light of the Merlin • Online

Light of the Merlin • Online


  • Christos Physics – the true physics of creation
  • Gaia explains how this reality was created
  • Your genius is the light you’ve carried since birth
  • It’s time to release the genie within
  • Earth will be very different very soon
  • It is becoming a true planet of light!
Meta Changes: Heaven’s Cross Follow-up

Meta Changes: Heaven’s Cross Follow-up


  • Heaven’s Cross, the Apocalypse, brought in light
  • Now physics are literally changing
  • Extraordinary things begin to happen
  • In unity with soul, the path clears in front of you
  • Life flows in grace, ease, and understanding
  • In this ocean of divinity, all things are possible
I Am Receiving

I Am Receiving


  • Can you fully receive the bounty of your energy?
  • It’s a huge, unfamiliar, and radical shift
  • It upends and disrupts the ancient paradigm of toil
  • These new metaphysics can change your life
  • Relax and enjoy the fruits of your labors
  • You’ve earned this!
Time Traveling: Metaphysics of the Soul

Time Traveling: Metaphysics of the Soul


  • Time traveling is natural!
  • Learn how to visit – and change – your past
  • Realize that the future is also up to you
  • Meet yourself in other lifetimes
  • Everything changes with access to wisdom
  • It’s all about illumination
Heaven’s Cross Merabh

Heaven’s Cross Merabh


  • A deep and personal guided journey
  • An experience of your own Apocalypse
  • It is the unveiling of All That You Are
  • Discover and explore the heavens of you Self
  • No healing, no effort, no struggle
  • It’s You, flowing through the realms
 Heaven's Cross: The Opening

Heaven's Cross: The Opening


  • The veil begins to lift
  • Divinity is here
  • Human is no longer lost
  • It’s the culmination of lifetimes
  • A self-chosen destiny
  • It is our dream come true
DreamWalk of Realization

DreamWalk of Realization


  • You chose to be here right here, right now
  • Are you ready to allow your real Realization?
  • This time is special, the Zero Point
  • Everything is yours… everything
  • This is heaven, and you’re the God here
  • What you allow now can literally change history
Heaven’s Cross – Part 3: Questions & Answers

Heaven’s Cross – Part 3: Questions & Answers


  • Once open, Heaven’s Cross will never close
  • This is what you’ve dreamed of since Atlantis
  • Allow yourself now a life of joy, ease, abundance and grace
  • New levels of light can bring tremendous healing
  • Time, space, and gravity can serve you now
  • The human’s job is simply to experience this
Heaven’s Cross – Part 2: The Apocalypse

Heaven’s Cross – Part 2: The Apocalypse


  • Apocalypse means to reveal, uncover, open
  • Foretold in Revelations, the time is now
  • Rewrite your Book of Life beyond the current page
  • Physics are changing, science will soon catch up
  • Everything is possible
  • Be aware, listen, observe – it’s why you’re here
I Am Merlin

I Am Merlin


  • Merlin is returning
  • It’s the integration of the human’s experience and the Master’s wisdom
  • “I Am Merlin” – this starts the energy moving
  • Magic is real, but it’s only for YOU
  • Open to your own energy, truth, passion and magic
  • Are you ready to be Merlin?
Heaven’s Cross – Part 1: Preparing for the Opening

Heaven’s Cross – Part 1: Preparing for the Opening


  • Hopelessness comes when you forget your Self
  • It’s the cause of depression, addiction, illness, suicide
  • Heaven’s Cross opens the door to your divine flow
  • Rekindles the connection with your Christ Consciousness
  • And gently ends the isolation of Earth from other realms
  • This event is about physics & science, as well as metaphysics
Passion of the Merlin

Passion of the Merlin


  • The historic culmination of ages and lifetimes
  • Your old human template is dissolving
  • Merlin is timeless, immortal, wisdomized
  • “To live or die?” – that is the question
  • The Merlin is you, no longer bound by time
  • Human, soul, turn and face yourself
Dream of the Merlin

Dream of the Merlin


  • The other realms are finally open
  • Access has been closed since Atlantis
  • All you wish for has already been created
  • As a Merlin, you can bring it here to Earth
  • Your soul is right here with you
  • Remember why you’re really here
Time of the Merlin Online

Time of the Merlin Online


  • You are here to be a Merlin
  • You’re here to allow energy to serve
  • Suffering does NOT bring salvation
  • Allow your energy to flow in ease and grace
  • Become a Standard of grace for the planet
  • The time is now
ProGnost 2023 - Quantum Weirdness

ProGnost 2023 - Quantum Weirdness


  • Gravity holds reality in place
  • More consciousness means less gravity
  • Less gravity means more freedom
  • Things get very weird in the “crazy zone”
  • Everything opens, realms begin to merge
  • Your divinity, your YOU-ness is now available
Threshold Online:  Information Only

Threshold Online: Information Only


  • The path to Realization holds a few surprises
  • Secrets hidden deep beyond the human’s grasp
  • The dragon comes to find them
  • An unrelenting demon becomes your dearest friend
  • St. Germain himself did not escape
  • The final ruthless step before Realization
The Master’s Life – Part 15: Across the River

The Master’s Life – Part 15: Across the River


  • You can cross the veil and remain on Earth
  • Go beyond the illusion of separation
  • Reunite with Self to find every answer within
  • Float in the river of your own energy
  • Maintain a constant in-the-moment balance
  • When it’s time, return to the ocean of your soul
Checking into Heaven

Checking into Heaven


  • America’s most prolific author talks about:
  • Finding extraordinary wisdom in an ordinary life
  • Harnessing the creative power of stories
  • Discovering a surprise at the “Pearly Gates”
  • A practical explanation of the soul
  • And a personal request from Mr. Twain himself


Making Light Body

Making Light Body


  • Your physical body is just a costume
  • The light body is the real You
  • It’s your singular Body of Consciousness
  • It makes everything easier
  • You’ve earned this, it’s time
  • Note: For Masters only



  • The gravity of Time keeps you in this reality
  • To understand the I Am, go beyond Time
  • Going timeless is the death of death
  • Everything is within; where’s your awareness?
  • Magic is multiple, many occurring at once
  • To be in sync, be authentic and genuine with yourself
ProGnost 2022 Update - Meta Realities

ProGnost 2022 Update - Meta Realities


  • Consciousness is the basis of every reality
  • Everything now is about the quantum leap of consciousness
  • Humans are moving into digital realities
  • Perception comes from within and the observer changes reality
  • It’s time to be hyper aware of your consciousness
  • Digitize or energize?
ProGnost 2022 - Metaphysics for Masters

ProGnost 2022 - Metaphysics for Masters


  • Bring metaphysics to the practical level
  • To change something in your life, be more present
  • Particles move between dimensions; you can too
  • All perceptions take place in the mind
  • Limit not yourself with any belief
  • You can change whatever you want – for yourself
Master Code Online: Information Only

Master Code Online: Information Only


  • Everything is coded; it’s like the software of reality
  • Your reality can now be coded consciously
  • The Way – the Atlantean code that brought you here
  • You made it; your coded destiny has been fulfilled
  • The Ascension Code – your greatest gift to humanity
  • The Master Code – a profound gift to yourself
Adamus on Topic: DreamWorlds

Adamus on Topic: DreamWorlds


  • This is just a dream, but it’s not the only one
  • You are dreaming all the time
  • You can bring back the best dream potentials
  • Are you worthy of them?
  • Become dream-aware and literally change your reality
  • Dreams: the next quantum thing for Shaumbra
ProGnost 2021 Update - It's About Time

ProGnost 2021 Update - It's About Time


  • Are you ‘losing’ time, feeling disoriented?
  • Are you frantically busy or sleeping a lot?
  • It’s because time itself is fracturing
  • Energy is flowing like never before
  • Everything is going new
  • It’s all happening now!
Time Travels

Time Travels


  • Travel as a magi beyond time itself
  • Learn how the Star People helped create civilization
  • Reconnect with the gods, pharaohs & ancient ones
  • They have been waiting for you
  • Heal the wounds of Atlantis
  • Move beyond your destiny into a new future
Magic of the Masters

Magic of the Masters


  • DreamWalk to Atlantis and the Temples of Tien
  • The love of Tobias and adventures of Sam
  • Communing – the energies sing!
  • Kuthumi hiding from his soul
  • It’s not what you believe, it’s what you allow!
  • Time to go beyond mass consciousness
10 Years with Adamus

10 Years with Adamus


  • YOU are the new Merlin
  • Integrate your aspects and tell your stories
  • Merlin is the wisdom, dragon is the clarity
  • Kuthumi’s story of how Adamus got his name
  • The human now becomes pure energy
  • It is the end of suffering
The Master’s Life – Part 10: Way Out

The Master’s Life – Part 10: Way Out


  • The passion returns… finally!
  • Go out and come back at any time
  • A glimpse into a different future
  • Never again forget who you really are
  • Gravity, Focus and duality are here to serve you
  • Welcome Home
The Master’s Life – Part 11: Living Energy

The Master’s Life – Part 11: Living Energy


  • Everything you perceive is your energy
  • It’s the biggest Point of Separation in this lifetime
  • Doubt is natural and can be a beautiful tool for clarity
  • The Order of the Arc has served its purpose
  • What’s your Energy Quotient?
  • Everything is in service to you! Can you allow it?
ProGnost 2020 - Planetary Awakening

ProGnost 2020 - Planetary Awakening


  • The planetary awakening is happening – huge news!
  • Many will come to Realization through technology rather than spirituality
  • We found what we were looking for, so Order of the Arc is closing down
  • What comes from Earth will go throughout the universe
  • There’s a large number of first-timers on the planet
  • Humans are facing identity loss, digital hypnosis, gender blur and more
The Master’s Life – Part 7: I Am Creation

The Master’s Life – Part 7: I Am Creation


  • The true nature of creation finally revealed
  • Wisdom – a most beautiful realization
  • Spiritual maturity and the Now Future
  • Understanding energy and letting it work for you
  • The absolute awe of creation…
  • Meeting the creator within its creation
Expanding Your Intuition

Expanding Your Intuition


  • Intuition is natural and makes life easier
  • It works closely with your body
  • Learn to trust yourself implicitly
  • The results are very tangible
  • Give yourself permission
  • Everything you need comes to you
ProGnost 2019  - The Dragon Enters

ProGnost 2019 - The Dragon Enters


  • Ancient dragon stories were based on Atlantis
  • It’s about forgetting our origins and losing our name
  • The dragon returns now, will you invite yours?
  • It brings disruption and clarity
  • It demands that you release guilt and shame
  • It is time to live in magic and grace 
The Simple Master – Allowing & And

The Simple Master – Allowing & And


  • Do you really choose to stay?
  • Redefining death; merabh of “new death”
  • Consciousness, energy and the mind
  • Humans, energy and power games
  • The sense of Truth
  • What’s next? It comes to you
The Master's Life – Part 3: Embodiment

The Master's Life – Part 3: Embodiment


  • Three foundations of enlightenment
  • Technology body vs. light body
  • Releasing ancestral issues & nature
  • Rebalancing the body, opening the senses
  • Welcoming the light body
  • The purpose and illusion of death
DreamWalk to the Crystal Caves

DreamWalk to the Crystal Caves


  • This energy is from your desire to go to the next level
  • But be careful – it amplifies what you’re already choosing!
  • A reminder of the cosmic & crystalline energies already within you
  • They are your energies, waiting to serve you
  • Are you REALLY ready?
  • Only you can know for sure...



• All aboard the Ahmyo Express!
• Live in grace without doubt or limitation
• To know thy soul is to know thyself
• Discover the rhythm of your soul
• Live like you’ve never lived before
• The ahhhh of creation

Interdimensional Living

Interdimensional Living


  • Reawaken your angelic senses and abilities
  • Consciously experience other dimensions
  • Unlock your prison and be free
  • Travel far and wide with Kuthumi
  • Remember your Self
  • Profound experiences and practical information
The Master’s Life – Part 13: Entelligence

The Master’s Life – Part 13: Entelligence


  • Human intelligence is based in duality and emotion
  • Energy intelligence is neutral and unlimited
  • It’s all yours
  • Take your place in the kingdom of Self
  • And finally let energy serve you fully
  • “Stop, look and listen before you start to freak!”
Breath of the I Am

Breath of the I Am


  • Come back together with your Self
  • The breath of Spirit is your breath
  • The gentle breath of allowing
  • No more struggle, no more trying
  • Now comes the breath of the I Am into your life
  • You are ready
ProGnost 2019 Update - For the Dreamers

ProGnost 2019 Update - For the Dreamers


  • Technology is the most important issue on the planet today
  • You are here to bring consciousness to this historic change
  • You can get to the New Earth by death or by dragon
  • Magic is real!
  • Time to stop playing the “spiritual journey” game
  • You are the dreamer of a whole new era
The Master's Life – Part 9: Realusion

The Master's Life – Part 9: Realusion


  • Discover how reality comes into being – and how to change it
  • Learn what gravity, time and space really are
  • Release the “mem-brain” that’s been limiting your consciousness
  • Making friends with energy
  • Everything is within, only YOU can change it
  • Shift your perspective – it’s the wizard effect!
Halloween DreamWalk 2016

Halloween DreamWalk 2016


  • A beautiful experience with fairies and Ascended Masters 
  • Fantasy and imagination are real!
  • The veil is very thin around Halloween
  • Death is an illusion; you’re still you 
  • What happens in the other realms is up to you
  • Remember and allow your own divine light
The Master's Life - Part 2: I Am Here

The Master's Life - Part 2: I Am Here


  • Distractions on the way to Realization
  • Where are you?
  • Expanding the flame of your consciousness
  • Being aware of multiple realities
  • Applying consciousness to abundance and health issues
  • Practical applications of being “here”
Cosmic Conversations

Cosmic Conversations


  • TimeSpace is the motion of experience through the I Am
  • You don’t move; TimeSpace moves through you
  • Wisdom results from this movement and experience
  • Gravity is the glue that holds it all together
  • Ever expanding creation is the ultimate joy of the Creator
  • Power is an illusion
DreamWalk for Childhood Magic

DreamWalk for Childhood Magic


  • Were you ever told as a child, “You’re just making it up?”
  • Learn how to unlock and open to the magic of your childhood
  • There is so much more to life than this reality
  • Remembering your childhood takes trust in yourself
  • The land of Fae: a realm of magic, faeries and elves
  • The magic comes from allowing your knowingness
New Earth Update 2014

New Earth Update 2014

Para ordenar en Español haz CLICK AQUÍ


  • A place of hope and freedom
  • It’s where you often go in dreams
  • But it’s non-mental, so the mind forgets
  • Many more are under construction
  • New Earth is a beautiful act of creation
  • Now, tell your stories
Walk On DreamWalk

Walk On DreamWalk


  • Who are you without anyone else?
  • The house of your being has many rooms
  • These rooms are filled with many beings
  • They have all played a part in your experience
  • You even encounter God
  • Far beyond it all you still exist


Consciousness Revolution

Consciousness Revolution


  • Remember the secrets of your omniverse!
  • Cosmic science beyond even quantum physics
  • Time holds everything together – and keeps you stuck
  • Most of your consciousness exists outside of time
  • Experience your true multidimensional nature
  • “You’re here. You’re there. Your there is here.”
Grand Canyon Journey

Grand Canyon Journey


  • The Now moment is awareness without past or future
  • The Grand Canyon is an interdimensional crossroads
  • Chaos = movements, shifts, changes and clearing
  • Energy came from the passion of consciousness
  • There is a direct link between Egypt and the Grand Canyon
  • An experience of energy, space and interdimensional travel
Crystal Energies Merabh

Crystal Energies Merabh


  • Earth energy is familiar, it comes in all forms and flavors
  • Crystal energy is pure, life-giving, high frequency
  • Crystalline energy seeded life on this planet 
  • It’s now available to bring your creations to life
  • Crystalline energy is stored in 21 crystal caves around the world
  • How will you allow it to serve you?
Just Passing Through (Time) Merabh

Just Passing Through (Time) Merabh


  • Time lets you be in this very sensual experience
  • Stop fighting time; let it work for you
  • Time isn’t linear, it swirls and bends
  • And you are just passing through 
  • No need to struggle, it comes to you
  • You’re not stuck anymore
Grace Merabh

Grace Merabh


  • Open to a life of ease and grace
  • It is the life of a Master
  • Enter into the holy of holies, the Sanctum of Grace
  • Grace becomes apparent when you recognize yourself as the Master
  • Energy, your own crystallized consciousness, is here to serve you
  • Grace can be a way of life



  • Alchemy is the transmutation & re-manifestation of energy
  • Your consciousness calls forth energy for experience
  • The art of alchemy was used in Atlantis and ancient Egypt
  • Alchemy happens without power or force
  • Experience alchemy for yourself
  • Use it in your daily life
New Energy Synchrotize

New Energy Synchrotize


  • Are you living the life you really want?
  • If not, do you want to understand why?
  • Adamus explains how it all works
  • Release the old hypnosis and beliefs
  • Redesign your reality landscape
  • Finally create the life you desire!
Ask Tobias: Time, Space & Measurement Systems

Ask Tobias: Time, Space & Measurement Systems


  • Time doesn’t exist, it’s only a belief system
  • Space is an illusion, you can change it
  • Open your beliefs, use new measurement tools
  • Release time and space to end the old patterns
  • The future is the past healed
  • Bless every experience, set yourself free

Wellbeing & Enlightenment – Live as a Master

Heavens Cross: One-Year Update

Heavens Cross: One-Year Update


  • With a soul’s maturity, New Light becomes available
  • It serves the Master, no matter what
  • The vast majority of humans are filled with goodness
  • Some are trying to hold back but it won’t work
  • Allow your energy to serve – no more excuses
  • Now is the time to bathe in your own light
Master’s Life – Part 16: Returning to Grace

Master’s Life – Part 16: Returning to Grace


  • Moving from oneness felt like falling from grace
  • When one is fragmented, life is bumpy
  • Feeling unworthy blocks higher potentials
  • Grace brings you back together in all realms
  • You never fell, so enjoy every moment of life
  • It is divine to enjoy the human condition
21 Shaumbra Realizations

21 Shaumbra Realizations


  • You are consciousness embodied
  • Life is purely for experience
  • Your energy is constantly serving you
  • Healing and integration are inevitable
  • Realization and ultimate freedom are natural
  • You are already on your way Home
The Realm Workers: Call to Return

The Realm Workers: Call to Return


Many Realm Workers have felt:
       - Tired all the time
       - Unsuccessful at life
       - Like they got something wrong
You were doing important work in the other realms
Now you can finally enjoy life!

I Am Potentials

I Am Potentials


  • Explore the Secret Garden of your potentials
  • Let the sense of smell guide you
  • Make each choice just for you
  • Every potential serves your Realization
  • Feel the magic, it’s always here
  • Bring it with you every day
Sam’s “Be Well” Message

Sam’s “Be Well” Message


  • Wisdom from a life well lived:
  • “Be organic and pick off the bad apples”
  • “Prune the tree and let the energies flow”
  • “Use logic and commune with your soul”
  • It's so important to stay grounded and balanced
  • The world is changing, it’s why you’re here
Rights of a Master

Rights of a Master


  • “I Am Safe”
  • “I Am Aware of my Soul Senses”
  • “I Am Relaxed”
  • “I Am in Physical Harmony”
  • “I Am Beyond Death”
  • And more…
Adamus on Topic: The Big Work Walkout

Adamus on Topic: The Big Work Walkout


  • A brief history of jobs
  • Evolving from slavery to freedom
  • Humanity: “Take this job and shove it!”
  • It’s time for a new kind of productivity
  • Release old concepts, beliefs, and suffering
  • Be a Standard for doing what brings joy
Kasama Online - Information Only

Kasama Online - Information Only


  • Energy responds to your self-perception
  • The song of your soul has always been there
  • Now is the time to release all suffering
  • Sing back to your soul
  • See yourself in a new way
  • Allow kasama to become a way of life
Dream of the Merlin

Dream of the Merlin


  • The other realms are finally open
  • Access has been closed since Atlantis
  • All you wish for has already been created
  • As a Merlin, you can bring it here to Earth
  • Your soul is right here with you
  • Remember why you’re really here
I Am Light

I Am Light


  • Pain is a signal that you’re holding back your light
  • You’ve been more afraid of your light than of your darkness
  • No more need to hold back or hide your light
  • Feel its purity, tenderness, magic and joy
  • You’ve earned it, you deserve it; now let it flow
  • Let yourself feel the wonder, the marvel of your own light


Saint or Satan?

Saint or Satan?


  • Light doesn’t take sides
  • This is not the time for duality
  • Power seeks more power – don’t feed it
  • Ukraine & Russia are playing roles for the world
  • Shaumbra, this is why you’re here
  • Take to your bench and shine
The Way of the Standard

The Way of the Standard


  • Being a Standard means you:
  • Love and trust yourself
  • Take full responsibility for your creation
  • Live in freedom and compassion
  • Choose life and accept its blessings
  • Shine your light and listen
Two's Day for Shaumbra

Two's Day for Shaumbra


  • The number two signifies duality and power
  • It’s a time of convergence, a power vortex
  • This strong cyclone is affecting everyone
  • At the core of all power is fear
  • You’re here to shine, not take sides
  • The fear and anxiety are not yours
I Am Worthy

I Am Worthy


  • You are worthy of your energy
  • Can you let it serve you freely?
  • Worthiness is an angelic sense
  • It’s a way of perceiving yourself
  • There’s nothing you need to prove
  • “I am worthy!” – the energy lights up
Sounds of the Soul - Egypt 2010

Sounds of the Soul - Egypt 2010


  • Mastery is allowing energy to serve you
  • At first, it’s confusing and uncomfortable
  • What do you want?
  • Command the energy
  • Revitalize your body and mind
  • The Atlantean Dream is finally coming true
Quantum Allowing

Quantum Allowing


  • Quantum Allowing means totally opening up to yourself
  • Fear shows up to make sure you’re ready 
  • Place your consciousness wherever you want to be
  • The soul’s passion is pure existence
  • “I Exist” – that is the enlightenment
  • Your entire journey all comes down to this: Allowing
Mysteries of Love

Mysteries of Love


  • Discover what love is and where it came from
  • Love can be both magical and painful
  • The greatest companion and darkest monster
  • At long last, reconnect with your Lost Love
  • All has been in preparation to bring love home to Self
  • Love and enlightenment – they are the same
This is Yours – DreamWalk Beyond the Noise

This is Yours – DreamWalk Beyond the Noise


  • Noise – it comes from EVERYWHERE!
  • In all the chaos, how do you know what’s really yours?
  • Go beyond time, let it flow by you like a river
  • Watch the noise drift away
  • Come back to what is yours
  • This wisdom will always be with you
The Master’s Life – Part 14: Soul Encounters

The Master’s Life – Part 14: Soul Encounters


  • The soul is your energy, potentials, wisdom, and sovereignty
  • You, human, are your own soul’s song of energy
  • Other people are you masquerading as them
  • Time’s up for this grand Game of Angels
  • You are the soul, dreaming of itself as a human
  • It’s time to wake up, put on your wings of wisdom and soar
I Am Free

I Am Free


  • The soul has always been free
  • Human has been “separate” from consciousness
  • Release the past, mass consciousness, time and the mind
  • Integrate – “into great” – consciousness and energy
  • Then you will be free in your own energy and passion
  • True freedom – it’s all natural!
Sandcastles on the Edge

Sandcastles on the Edge


  • Your dear human self wants to get it right
  • Human stays busy with lots of projects
  • The tide of consciousness washes all away
  • All that remains is the I Am
  • It’s time to fully own all of yourself
  • You are ready
Adamus on Topic: The Unfamiliar Family

Adamus on Topic: The Unfamiliar Family


  • The family unit is at the core of society
  • A new type of family is emerging, which affects everything
  • Lines are blurring in relationship & family definitions
  • Humanity is coming full circle
  • Relationships – no longer based on karma, patriarchy & religion
  • The new family unit is about freedom and love
I Am Sleeping

I Am Sleeping


  • Sleep like you haven’t a very long time
  • Original purpose of sleep was a return to Self
  • A Master doesn’t need much sleep
  • The soul beckons, “Come with me…”
  • Return to the compassion of the I Am
  • The Master’s sleep… just rest…
The Master’s Life – Part 6: No More!

The Master’s Life – Part 6: No More!


  • Held back by causes, let go of the world’s problems
  • The sweet clarity of “No more!”
  • What to do about your anger 
  • Freedom: do you really want the change it brings?
  • Into the magical Crystal Caves
  • What do you see in the mirror?
The Master’s Life – Part 5: Ahmyo

The Master’s Life – Part 5: Ahmyo


  • Conscious every-day communion between human and Master
  • Allow wisdom, abundance, health, relationships, more
  • Cohabitating with the Master – is the human ready?
  • It changes the way energy serves you
  • Helping the Master understand the human
  • A deep experience of allowing Ahmyo
Sensuality Clinic

Sensuality Clinic


  • How to make sure your date of Realization is set
  • What happens when you open the senses
  • Let the wings of your dream carry you into enlightenment
  • Angelic senses of Truth, Joy, Unity and Self
  • Communing with the music and the passion
  • A love song from you to you
Memoirs of a Master - Book

Memoirs of a Master - Book


  • The origins of benching
  • Consciousness changes the very nature of reality
  • You’re no longer trapped in time
  • The darkness is your divinity
  • Captain of the Mothership or passenger in the pod?
  • Simply allow the Master within
I Am Abundance

I Am Abundance


  • Abundance is a state of being
  • Now is the time to get over your hang-ups about it
  • Abundance is the ability to receive from your I Am
  • Suffering has been a huge block; are you done yet?
  • It’s all your energy, serving you in the Now
  • “Abundance is a natural state, let’s get on with it”
I Am Comfort

I Am Comfort


  • There is value in discomfort, but you can transcend it
  • Discomfort comes from resisting chaos
  • Magic happens in unpredictability
  • Chaos just means you don’t understand it yet
  • Wisdom is the knowingness of the future
  • It’s your energy – how could it not work out?
In the Air

In the Air


  • 10,000 Ascended Masters
  • A significant Grand Conjunction
  • The keepers of Time have disbanded
  • Coronavirus has done its job
  • Power is fading
  • NOW is the time to let energy serve you!
Special Message from St. Germain

Special Message from St. Germain


  • You chose to be here at this time of transformation
  • It wasn’t easy, now your last issues will simply dissolve
  • Technology is changing humanity and the planet
  • Changes facilitated by coronavirus
  • All made possible by consciousness
  • It’s time for human individuality and worthiness
Relax into Realization Vol II

Relax into Realization Vol II


  • Free download
  • Music to support your journey
  • Tracks include:
  • “Hope”
  • “Ease and Grace”
  • And more!
ProGnost 2020 Update - Adamonomics

ProGnost 2020 Update - Adamonomics


  • How’s your economy?
  • Realization is allowing energy to serve you abundantly
  • Let your radiance be seen, even by “Big Brother”
  • Debt is the devil, let it go
  • Invest in yourself, borrow from the Bank of the I Am
  • Learn, engage, invest – and watch what happens!
Relax into Realization

Relax into Realization


  • Tracks include:
  • “The Sunny Side of Life”
  • “Taking It Easy”
  • “Sunset Margarita”
  • And more
I Am True

I Am True


  • Doubt is a distraction AND it’s a gift
  • It’s an irritant to keep you moving
  • Helps you not stay stuck in an unnatural state
  • But it doesn’t need so much attention
  • There is actually nothing false within you
  • Come back to “I am real”
I Am Calm

I Am Calm


  • The dragon is here, the planet is awakening
  • You have all the tools for your own stability
  • You have heart – compassion, passion, love
  • You have wisdom and knowingness
  • You are safe; it’s okay to be calm
  • Relax deeply into “I Am Calm”
Time Out with an Ascended Master

Time Out with an Ascended Master


  • Why you can’t forgive yourself
  • What makyo really is
  • St. Germain’s encounter with the dragon
  • Coming soon – love that can melt diamonds
  • Religion and rules versus Allowing
  • Politics – a loser’s seductive game
I Am Remembering

I Am Remembering


  • Remember why you’re here, your passion, your own precious name
  • Remember your potentials and the beauty of life
  • An experience to share with the Master
  • Allowing this wisdom changes everything
  • Focus, TimeSpace, gravity, experience – so many reasons to forget
  • It hurts to remember too soon, but now you’re ready
I Am Joy

I Am Joy


  • Allow the awareness of joy
  • It changes everything
  • Joy is a sense, a way to perceive reality
  • Imagine being open, vulnerable and safe
  • Feel the joy inherent in every living thing, in all of life
  • To be alive is to be in joy!
I Am Safe

I Am Safe


  • To a sensitive being, feeling safe is a huge challenge
  • There’s a place you go…
  • Remember the safe space of compassion
  • Safety issues with the outer, inner and unseen worlds
  • Imagine always feeling safe…
  • Watch the profound difference in your life
Magic of the Masters

Magic of the Masters


  • DreamWalk to Atlantis and the Temples of Tien
  • The love of Tobias and adventures of Sam
  • Communing – the energies sing!
  • Kuthumi hiding from his soul
  • It’s not what you believe, it’s what you allow!
  • Time to go beyond mass consciousness
I Am Cleansing

I Am Cleansing


  • A time to stop, integrate and rebalance
  • Everything is toxic!
  • Free energy body can handle it 
  • This detox actually works (unlike most others)
  • No need for diets and potions
  • It’s so easy…
Fundamental Realizations of Emergence

Fundamental Realizations of Emergence


  • Now is your time of emergence
  • Energy is always in service
  • You are not bound to anything or anyone
  • Welcome the trinity of you
  • No going back and no more hiding
  • Time to experience the joy of self
The Creator Series e-Book

The Creator Series e-Book


  • Discover who you truly are and why you’re here
  • Remember your true divine nature 
  • Gain practical tools to make the journey easier 
  • Feel the support and encouragement from Spirit
  • Move beyond duality into the New Energy
  • Gnost – even more intimate than spirit
Theos DreamWalk

Theos DreamWalk


  • Theos, a place of love, safety, beauty and full expression
  • It’s YOUR space, where your senses can open
  • You can bring nature with you
  • Breathe into the stillness as it comes to you
  • Bring it all back into your everyday life, full circle
  • “In the stillness, the mysteries are revealed”
The Master's Life - Part 4: Sensuality

The Master's Life - Part 4: Sensuality


  • Understanding what a true sense really is
  • More than 9 additional human ‘senses’
  • The TRUE human sense is Focus
  • Why you’re in Focus and how to get out
  • Angelic senses of Imagination, Unity, Beauty
  • Love – the greatest sense of all
4 Masters in Munich

4 Masters in Munich


  • How to go beyond the mind
  • Become power-less and energy-rich
  • Live your dreams and let them come true
  • Walk on – into life, across the Earth, through the realms
  • Celestial graduation and tears of remembrance
  • It’s ALL just an act of consciousness!
60-Second Workout

60-Second Workout


• It’s so easy and completely natural!
• Rebalance, rejuvenate and tone
• Revitalize your body
• Make friends with your body again

Walk On DreamWalk

Walk On DreamWalk


  • Who are you without anyone else?
  • The house of your being has many rooms
  • These rooms are filled with many beings
  • They have all played a part in your experience
  • You even encounter God
  • Far beyond it all you still exist


Kasama - The Soul's Destiny

Kasama - The Soul's Destiny


  • Nothing happens by accident
  • Discover the guiding force in your life
  • Your soul is in constant expression and experience
  • Your destiny is unfolding and already fulfilled
  • Dear human, simply allow the experience
  • Kasama – timeless realization of your soul
Act of Consciousness - Book

Act of Consciousness - Book


  • Are you ready for your life to change?
  • In the freedom of enlightenment, nothing really matters
  • You can experience life in whatever way you choose
  • It’s ALL an act, so play a role you like!
  • Learn how your reality is created and how to change it
  • And then relax into your enlightenment
DreamFlight Merabh

DreamFlight Merabh


  • Refresh and rejuvenate!
  • Reconnect with yourself!
  • Naturally soar and fly all night long 
  • Leave your issues and challenges behind
  • Dance in the air with the wings of an angel
  • Experience the deepest, freest form of sleep
Sensual Well-Being Merabh

Sensual Well-Being Merabh


  • Are your five senses fading?
  • Cleanse and clear for a more vivid human experience
  • Get to know your sensual center
  • Stop filtering through the mind
  • Perceive into the other dimensions
  • Be in your Body of Consciousness
Clarity Merabh

Clarity Merabh


  • If you could have anything, what would you choose?
  • No really, what choice would you actually make?
  • People have too many options, so they don’t make choices
  • Clarity can help with everything
  • A Master can choose, realize and materialize anything – if they’re clear
  • Where are you placing your energy and resources?
Merabh Introduction

Merabh Introduction


  • Change your life with ease and grace
  • Shift your consciousness with gentle peace and acceptance
  • Allow the changes you’ve already imagined into your life
  • Merabhs bring understanding and new potentials
  • Music is a beautiful, integral part of each merabh
  • Simply allow
Yes, I Am Enlightened

Yes, I Am Enlightened


  • What life is like after enlightenment
  • It’s about living in joy and wonder!
  • Embrace the human experience
  • Drink the good wine
  • Share your own stories 
  • All it takes is “YES!”
Re-Order Your Reality

Re-Order Your Reality


  • Everything is connected
  • And all the connections are changing
  • This affects gravity, duality, magnetics and more
  • All systems are re-ordering; it’s chaotically wonderful
  • The world is not falling apart, it’s reorienting
  • You’re here to be part of it
Expanding Your Intuition

Expanding Your Intuition


  • Intuition is natural and makes life easier
  • It works closely with your body
  • Learn to trust yourself implicitly
  • The results are very tangible
  • Give yourself permission
  • Everything you need comes to you
Masters in the New Energy - Book

Masters in the New Energy - Book


  • The Master trusts themselves implicitly
  • The Master makes choices 
  • The Master is a self-contained being
  • The Master understands that life is an illusion
  • The Master accepts all things as they are
  • The Master understands they are a creator
Abundance Clinic

Abundance Clinic


 • You are naturally abundant; what form is it taking?
 • Any form of lack is serving you
 • Abundance isn’t just money in the bank
 • The passion to live attracts energy
 • Don’t get caught up in limitations
 • Come back to a life of wealth and joy

Abundance Merabh

Abundance Merabh


 • Discover the secret to true abundance 
 • Hint: Are you choosing life?
 • Your family, education and job don’t matter
 • Your past doesn’t matter
 • Abundance and beauty or mediocrity and lack
 • It’s totally up to you

I-Nergize (Energize) Merabh

I-Nergize (Energize) Merabh


  • Tired, sluggish, sad?
  • Lift your spirits, invigorate your body, relieve your mind
  • Live with vitality!
  • I-Nergize yourself!
  • A prescription from Dr. Kuthumi 
  • Spice Tea for the Soul
Live Free

Live Free


  • You can have unlimited energy
  • You can transcend time
  • You can access the elixir of your wisdom
  • Freedom is where all this is found
  • And it’s a gift only you can give yourself
  • Are you ready?
Crystal Consciousness

Crystal Consciousness


  • The I Am is awakening, the human needs only to allow
  • Your physical body is a product of the ancestors
  • The light body is ready to come in 
  • It’s easy – and it changes everything
  • Relax into your enlightenment
  • Walk & talk like a Master; it changes how energy comes in



 • Ahmyo is the state of divine grace
 • The simplest truth is I Exist; I Am that I Am
 • If something’s in your reality, you must like it
 • Release makyo from your life
 • Allow energy to serve you, unconditionally
 • All is well, in all of YOUR creation

Ask Tobias: Dei Un Gnost

Ask Tobias: Dei Un Gnost


  • Discover solutions your mind can never find!
  • We are body, mind, spirit and gnost
  • Go beyond Atlantean programming
  • Remember your true divine creativity
  • Learn how to experience gnost in everyday life
  • Gnost – even more intimate than spirit
"I Am a Creator" Certificate

"I Am a Creator" Certificate


  • Acknowledge yourself as a true creator
  • No more karma, blame or excuses 
  • It’s you, granting sovereignty to yourself
  • No one can create your life but you
  • No more victim or power games
  • Are you ready?

Integration & Embodiment – Welcome Your I Am

Message to Shaumbra

Message to Shaumbra


  • It’s time to live the Atlantean dream
  • Time to harvest the seed we planted with Yeshua
  • Tired but determined, we’re finally doing it
  • Enlightenment comes naturally by allowing 
  • This is the time of Realization
  • Crimson Circle and Shaumbra, here for each other
DreamWalk of Realization

DreamWalk of Realization


  • You chose to be here right here, right now
  • Are you ready to allow your real Realization?
  • This time is special, the Zero Point
  • Everything is yours… everything
  • This is heaven, and you’re the God here
  • What you allow now can literally change history
ProGnost 2021 - The Ænd Times

ProGnost 2021 - The Ænd Times


  • Your energy precedes you
  • We’re going local linear and far beyond
  • Technology is driving tremendous change
  • Society is transforming in countless ways
  • There’s a reason you’ve felt deep sadness
  • Take care of you first; it changes everything
Passion of the Merlin

Passion of the Merlin


  • The historic culmination of ages and lifetimes
  • Your old human template is dissolving
  • Merlin is timeless, immortal, wisdomized
  • “To live or die?” – that is the question
  • The Merlin is you, no longer bound by time
  • Human, soul, turn and face yourself
I Am True

I Am True


  • Doubt is a distraction AND it’s a gift
  • It’s an irritant to keep you moving
  • Helps you not stay stuck in an unnatural state
  • But it doesn’t need so much attention
  • There is actually nothing false within you
  • Come back to “I am real”
The Master’s Life – Part 12: Pathways to Realization

The Master’s Life – Part 12: Pathways to Realization


  • Clear explanations of awakening and Realization
  • Ascended Master anecdotes and statistics
  • Pathways they tried but do not recommend
  • Common experiences on the way to Realization
  • Dead ends, steppingstones and easier pathways
  • What’s your pathway?
Aspectology School Online - Information Only

Aspectology School Online - Information Only


  • Unintegrated aspects can cause things like:
  • Illogical fears, disruptive emotional reactions
  • Recurring patterns of self-sabotage or victimhood
  • Guilt, confusion, shame, lack of abundance
  • You don’t need these things anymore
  • It’s time to bring them home
ProGnost 2014 & Update - It’s Happening Now

ProGnost 2014 & Update - It’s Happening Now


  • You’ve been rehearsing for this – now it’s time
  • You already know what to do: Add consciousness
  • Disruption, virus, civil unrest, weather changes, anxiety and more
  • The desire for freedom brings in immense energies
  • Elohim, Lords of Light and archangels
  • It’s time for tough love, the unrelenting forgiveness
Journey of the Angels

Journey of the Angels


  • Understand the current dynamics on Earth
  • Remember who you are and why you’re here
  • Are you still in the Wall of Fire?
  • Did you ever really leave Home?
  • There was never any mistake… ever
  • It’s the greatest story ever told
They Call Us Channelers

They Call Us Channelers


  • Easy-to-understand overview of the Crimson Circle 
  • Challenges of coming to Realization
  • Where is the passion?
  • What’s this lifetime really all about?
  • Human, Master and I Am = Body of Consciousness
  • Allowing the Master to be part of your life
Stories of the Masters - Book

Stories of the Masters - Book


  • Getting over “doing the right thing”
  • Life is like a game of snakes and ladders
  • Reassembling your parts and pieces
  • A cup of hot chocolate with the Master
  • Painting a masterpiece with ease, joy and grace
  • Composing and performing the song of your life
  • And so much more…
Your Journey

Your Journey


  • Why you’re here right now
  • Bringing in the light body
  • Allowing in the Master
  • Living the Ahmyo life
  • Going beyond the battles and causes
  • There are many challenges; take care of yourself
Three Imperatives

Three Imperatives


  • Explore everything
  • Get over it!
  • Stop fearing yourself
The New Serenity Prayer

The New Serenity Prayer


  • Prayer to the Master within
  • Serenity
  • Courage
  • Wisdom
The Love Merabh of Isis and Adam

The Love Merabh of Isis and Adam


  • The original story of love; it’s YOUR story
  • Now is the time to satisfy your deepest longing 
  • Allow fulfillment, love and completion 
  • Adam (masculine) and Isis (feminine) are ready to reunite
  • Will you allow them to come home?
  • Discover, realize and integrate the deepest love
Quantum Allowing

Quantum Allowing


  • Quantum Allowing means totally opening up to yourself
  • Fear shows up to make sure you’re ready 
  • Place your consciousness wherever you want to be
  • The soul’s passion is pure existence
  • “I Exist” – that is the enlightenment
  • Your entire journey all comes down to this: Allowing
Memoirs of a Master - Book

Memoirs of a Master - Book


  • The origins of benching
  • Consciousness changes the very nature of reality
  • You’re no longer trapped in time
  • The darkness is your divinity
  • Captain of the Mothership or passenger in the pod?
  • Simply allow the Master within
ProGnost 2017 - Bridge to Theos

ProGnost 2017 - Bridge to Theos


  • Technology, politics and artificial intelligence
  • Earth, our beloved – and hungry – planet of Love
  • Old Earth, New Earth, and why they won’t unite
  • Where is the love?
  • The beauty and sensuality of Theos is just for you
  • A Dream Bridge to the place of deepest love
DreamWalker Birth Transitions

DreamWalker Birth Transitions


  • Incarnation is a complex process
  • Understanding it can ease your Realization
  • Beautiful parallels between birth & enlightenment
  • Remember the magic of your first incarnation
  • Assist parents and incoming children to connect
  • Discover the secret to come and go at will
Beyond the Lie of Darkness

Beyond the Lie of Darkness


  • Humans believe in evil, which then makes it real
  • It is Satan’s biggest accomplishment
  • Darkness, power, and sin are illusions
  • You have never done anything wrong!
  • This is your key to freedom
  • Return to the inherent grace and beauty of your soul
The Master's Life - Part 1: Transfiguration

The Master's Life - Part 1: Transfiguration


  • Body aches and pains, physical issues
  • Light body – physics, how to bring it in
  • Biological intelligence
  • Dynamics of birthing into physical reality
  • Going beyond ancestors and mass consciousness
  • Jesus/Yeshua’s transfiguration – and yours
Adamus Saint-Germain on the Paris Attacks

Adamus Saint-Germain on the Paris Attacks


 • The world is changing, humanity is evolving 
 • Terrorist attacks are a backlash against the desire for freedom
 • Turmoil will continue as power imbalances are exposed
 • Look within: Are you ready for freedom?
 • To help humanity, integrate your own power issues
 • Illuminate consciousness by accepting full responsibility

Facets of Wisdom

Facets of Wisdom


  • There are no failures in your creations
  • Everything will serve you
  • Don’t call “pre-creations” failures
  • Whatever you get into, you can get out of
  • Acknowledgement can shift everything
  • “I see you”
End of the New Age

End of the New Age


  • The New Age began with Yeshua (Jesus)
  • It had a good run, now it’s time to evolve
  • Enlightenment isn’t what you think – it’s more
  • Allow and relax into it
  • We’re now in The Age of Consciousness
  • And there’s a big purple elephant in the room
Into Knowingness

Into Knowingness


  • Go beyond the commotion and anxiety of thoughts
  • Be where everything comes to you in the perfect moment
  • Experience the freedom of simplicity and clarity
  • The sparkles of knowingness are always within you
  • Beyond mental control and judgment freedom awaits
  • All is well in all of creation
Kasama - The Soul's Destiny

Kasama - The Soul's Destiny


  • Nothing happens by accident
  • Discover the guiding force in your life
  • Your soul is in constant expression and experience
  • Your destiny is unfolding and already fulfilled
  • Dear human, simply allow the experience
  • Kasama – timeless realization of your soul
Distillation Merabh

Distillation Merabh


  • “Ease and grace through distilling” 
  • The mind thinks; the spirit distills
  • Distilling brings in the wisdom
  • The details, facts and figures don't matter
  • Go from chaos and confusion to pure wisdom
  • Spirit brings everything to its pure essence
Beyond Duality

Beyond Duality


  • Light and dark have melded together 
  • It happened because of love here on Earth
  • The implications are profound
  • This integration changes everything
  • Humans are tirelessly supported by many angels
  • Allow yourself to experience life beyond duality
Body of Consciousness

Body of Consciousness


  • Find out what’s really been going on with your body, mind and spirit
  • All your parts and pieces are melding together – it changes everything
  • Discover the true role of DNA 
  • You’re going from seven chakras to a single energy center
  • Return to the oneness of your Self
  • When fully integrated, you can bring your body with you at death
Love of Self Merabh

Love of Self Merabh


  • Amazing things happen when you love yourself
  • Release guilt, shame and relationship problem
  • Love songs are everywhere, and they’re all about somebody else
  • If you wrote a love song to yourself, what would it say?
  • Self-love – it's the deepest dream, the greatest gift
  • It’s time to fall in love with you
DreamWalk Journey on Metatron's Starboat

DreamWalk Journey on Metatron's Starboat


  • Journey on a magical starboat into the multidimensional realms
  • Stop believing in your limitations, and fly!
  • Warm yourself at the crystal fire of your passion, joy and desire
  • Understand death as a smooth and graceful process, like dreaming
  • Shine your light of joy, passion and compassion for disincarnate beings
  • Understand “What Dreams May Come”
Life Merabh

Life Merabh


  • Life is:
  • Filled with beauty and mystery
  • Sensual and outrageous
  • Rich, raw, real, deep, meaningful
  • Desired by angels
  • Dive into life like a Master, it's what you came here for!
Call of the Soul

Call of the Soul


  • You and your soul long to be together
  • Are you ready to feel totally at ease with yourself?
  • Learn what it’s like to live as an Ascended Master 
  • Abundance and health are your natural state
  • Others will notice your radiance 
  • This is the most precious time of all
Probabilities and Potentials

Probabilities and Potentials


  • What will create your life tomorrow? 
  • Will it be the same old probabilities or new potentials?
  • Go beyond “the tube” of what has always been
  • Change your destiny
  • Your potentials are unlimited and always available 
  • DreamWalk into the vast field of your potentials
Soul Encounter

Soul Encounter


  • The greatest gifts often appear at the darkest times
  • Discover why your soul might feel so far away
  • The reunion can happen at any time
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re smart or not
  • A complete breakdown can be a precious gift
  • Being conscious means being fully aware of every moment
The Alchemy of Light & Dark

The Alchemy of Light & Dark


 • Experience the freedom of New Energy alchemy
 • It’s an inside job, no longer fighting with self
 • Heal ancient wounds inflicted by the Church
 • Stop hiding; you are safe now
 • How do you get to heaven? By living life!
 • Look not to the past for treasures, they’re here now

Discovering Your Passion

Discovering Your Passion


  • Passion – the burning joy of life
  • Remember: You are the I Am Presence on Earth
  • Karma is man-made – let it go!
  • Questions create reality – ask the good ones!
  • Feel the flame of passion, the joyful dance of life
  • Are you ready to allow passion into your life?
Lords of Freedom - Egypt 2013

Lords of Freedom - Egypt 2013


  • After Atlantis, humans first emerged in Egypt
  • Your journey has included this land
  • The Ancient Ones are ready to be free
  • It's time for your freedom as well
  • Your soul is waiting
  • All it takes is an act of consciousness
What is Love? - Merabh

What is Love? - Merabh


  • Everlasting love – what is it?
  • Where did it come from?
  • Why does it get weighed down?
  • Fall in love with yourself
  • Be free to love without restrictions
  • Experience the profound effects of true love 
Crystal Consciousness

Crystal Consciousness


  • The I Am is awakening, the human needs only to allow
  • Your physical body is a product of the ancestors
  • The light body is ready to come in 
  • It’s easy – and it changes everything
  • Relax into your enlightenment
  • Walk & talk like a Master; it changes how energy comes in
Light Body Merabh

Light Body Merabh


  • Your body is a miracle!
  • But it’s not yours, it’s a rental from the ancestors
  • No wonder it often feels foreign
  • Now is the time to allow in your light body 
  • It is wholly yours and can transform the physical
  • By invitation only
DreamWalk Journey to Your Secret Garden

DreamWalk Journey to Your Secret Garden


  • There is a beautiful place of creation that’s only yours
  • Visit any time to bring new potentials into your life
  • You have already created unlimited potentials for yourself
  • Potentials can be anything
  • Important differences between potentials and probabilities
  • Are you ready to receive all you desire?
Beyond Ancestral Biology Merabh

Beyond Ancestral Biology Merabh


  • Transform the body by making it your OWN!
  • Stop renting it from your ancestors 
  • Breathe in your light body
  • Release hereditary illnesses and traits
  • Renew your biology
  • Become the Body of Consciousness
Enlightenment Merabh

Enlightenment Merabh


  • Enlightenment is within you now, in each heartbeat
  • Are you ready to realize it?
  • You can’t think your way into Realization
  • It is neither a goal nor a destination
  • It is your Spirit-given right
  • The Master walks in awareness of their enlightenment
Mysteries of Love

Mysteries of Love


  • Discover what love is and where it came from
  • Love can be both magical and painful
  • The greatest companion and darkest monster
  • At long last, reconnect with your Lost Love
  • All has been in preparation to bring love home to Self
  • Love and enlightenment – they are the same
To the Messengers

To the Messengers


  • High consciousness + deep awakening = chaos
  • YOU are a messenger of change
  • You’re affecting all of creation in all realms
  • Absolute self-trust is required
  • Physics, gravity, mathematics – everything changes
  • Time to let all energies serve you
The Silent Prayer

The Silent Prayer


  • In love for myself:
  • I accept my perfect Being
  • I accept the abundance that fills my life
  • I take responsibility for my creation
  • I know that I Am an angel of light
  • All things are as they should be
Sovereign One

Sovereign One


  • Let go of the world’s problems
  • You are here to be an example of wisdom 
  • Whatever you get into, you can always get out of
  • As the ancient ones pass the torch, history can be healed
  • Become your own One, a sovereign being
  • Now, welcome magic into your life
The Beauty of Life

The Beauty of Life


  • “Bump and fill” is often how your divinity comes in
  • Tobias/Sam is a teacher of self-love and Aspectology
  • In his last lifetime, he finally learned to allow
  • Angels line up to experience the beauty and sensuality of life
  • Feel what you’re really doing as a consciousness pioneer
  • Life is beautiful and precious; dive deep into the experience!
Are You Having a Spiritual Awakening?

Are You Having a Spiritual Awakening?


  • Spiritual awakening means:
  •  - Going beyond your human identity
  •  - Reconnecting with your true Self
  •  - All while still in a physical body
  • It scrambles your mind and changes your life
  • And it’s a completely natural, beautiful process
"I Am a Creator" Certificate

"I Am a Creator" Certificate


  • Acknowledge yourself as a true creator
  • No more karma, blame or excuses 
  • It’s you, granting sovereignty to yourself
  • No one can create your life but you
  • No more victim or power games
  • Are you ready?

Releasing & Clearing – Return to Balanced Energy

ProGnost 2024 Update: The Speed of Change

ProGnost 2024 Update: The Speed of Change


  • You’re here at the craziest, fastest time ever
  • Everything accelerated after the Quantum Leap
  • Earth is becoming the planet of love and enlightenment
  • Everything now is about your Realization
  • Suffering helps nothing; it’s time to say, “No more!”
  • You’re setting the example for how to enter enlightenment
The Human Face of Mastery

The Human Face of Mastery


  • What or who is a Master?
  • There are misconceptions & expectations
  • The life of a Master is full of surprises
  • Now is the time to claim your mastery
  • It involves deep trust in Self
  • And helpful tools along the way
ProGnost 2024 - The Laws Are Not Yours

ProGnost 2024 - The Laws Are Not Yours


  • Laws and rules attract gravity
  • Laws of nature are correct but incomplete
  • The laws of religion are the darkest of all
  • Social laws are meant for cooperation, not control
  • Self laws are the most complex and contradictory
  • Release the laws to go beyond density and gravity
The Making of Rude Awakening

The Making of Rude Awakening


  • The full story of Rude Awakening, from inception to delivery
  • A glimpse into the creation process of a feature length documentary
  • The “cave scene” revealed, including storyboards, greenscreen, before & after shots
  • Special effects, makeup artists and the real DeLorean
  • Behind the scenes with interviewees
  • Never before seen on-set photos and videos
The Slavic Power Vortex

The Slavic Power Vortex


  • The time of empire building is over
  • Humanity will no longer tolerate it
  • More and more humans are ready for freedom
  • Russia and Ukraine are actors on the world stage
  • A huge power vortex is making its last stand
  • Your light is needed, now more than ever
Metaphysics of Pain

Metaphysics of Pain


  • Nearly all chronic pain is “emotionally sourced”
  • It is often based in stuck energies seeking release
  • Communicate with your body and your Self
  • Ask what the pain is about, then tell it goodbye
  • Learn practical & effective ways to release pain
  • Let go… let go… let go…
Energy Vampires

Energy Vampires


  • Recognize physical, psychic, and energy abuse
  • Move beyond victimization
  • It’s about self-love, not blame
  • Everything you need is within
  • Choose freedom whenever you’re ready
  • Everything changes when you say, “No more!”
Ask Tobias: Mental Imbalance

Ask Tobias: Mental Imbalance


  • Everyone has a degree of mental imbalance
  • It’s the mind going beyond its limitations
  • Medications are not the answer
  • Reconnect with the pre-programmed Self
  • Let go of control
  • Breathe life back into yourself!
Rising to Freedom

Rising to Freedom


  • Give yourself freedom
  • It’s the best gift you can give yourself
  • Let go of stories and obligations of the past
  • New Energy feels like chaos and confusion
  • Breathe it in, your divinity will guide you
  • Your steady light affects the land
Ask Tobias: The Evolution of Gaia

Ask Tobias: The Evolution of Gaia


  • Gaia helped set up the unique experiment of Earth
  • Now she’s moving on, gifting the planet to its residents
  • It’s time for humans to take responsibility for our home
  • Many new sources of energy are waiting to be discovered
  • Water is a conduit for interdimensional energies
  • Gravity itself is changing
Consciousness Reset

Consciousness Reset


  • Billions of individual resets add up to planetary change
  • This is the time for benching embodied Masters!
  • Your compassionate light is all that’s needed
  • It affects the entire world
  • Sense and feel, no thinking required
  • Be like Belle
I Am Comfort

I Am Comfort


  • There is value in discomfort, but you can transcend it
  • Discomfort comes from resisting chaos
  • Magic happens in unpredictability
  • Chaos just means you don’t understand it yet
  • Wisdom is the knowingness of the future
  • It’s your energy – how could it not work out?
Tears of Humanity

Tears of Humanity


  • Understand the deep sadness you feel
  • Man’s inhumanity to man – why?
  • Greed, hunger, violence – why?
  • Earth was meant for joy, discovery, experience
  • We’ve lost our dignity
  • Take care of yourself first, it changes everything
Threshold Online:  Information Only

Threshold Online: Information Only


  • The path to Realization holds a few surprises
  • Secrets hidden deep beyond the human’s grasp
  • The dragon comes to find them
  • An unrelenting demon becomes your dearest friend
  • St. Germain himself did not escape
  • The final ruthless step before Realization
Sexual Energies School – Information Only

Sexual Energies School – Information Only


  • Learn about the sexual energy virus and how it affects your life
  • Create your own path to self-love, and allow the return to joy 
  • Discover the futility of power games 
  • Learn how to stop others from depleting your energy
  • Improve your relationships, health and well-being
  • Excellent for counselors and other professional facilitators
From Awakening to Realization

From Awakening to Realization


  • What’s this all about anyway?
  • A brief history of Shaumbra
  • Why you’re here
  • Post-awakening – going beyond spiritual
  • Realization, enlightenment – it’s natural
  • The light of consciousness is here
The Land of Blue

The Land of Blue


  • How to get unstuck
  • Seeing beyond the current reality
  • You are not bound to anything or anyone
  • You’re not crazy!
  • Time is not your natural state of being
  • Allow yourself to know…
The New Human Species

The New Human Species


  • Non-physical friends
  • New species coming in right now
  • Homo sapien, homo techno, robo sapien, homo christos
  • Fracturing TimeSpace
  • Earth changes and cycles
  • Light body / bioluminescence 
ProGnost 2018 Update - Goodbye Gaia

ProGnost 2018 Update - Goodbye Gaia


  • Gaia, your home for so long, is leaving
  • It’s time for humans to take responsibility for the planet
  • TechGREEN – Technology, Gaia, Realms, Earth, Energy, Nature
  • Evolution: moving toward God; Pandelution: God moving in its creation
  • Practical implications of Gaia’s departure
  • Earth needs to be more social, human sovereignty
ProGnost 2018 - Last Era of the Mind

ProGnost 2018 - Last Era of the Mind


  • Creation starts at the end… really!
  • Coming soon – the fragmentation of TimeSpace
  • Human are creating a whole new species
  • Consciousness changes everything – that’s why you’re here
  • Evolution vs. pandelution
  • TechGRIN – Tech, Genology, Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Nanotech
Channelers of Change

Channelers of Change


  • How they got into channeling
  • Changes on Earth are all about freedom
  • Stop asking “What’s wrong with me”
  • Only keep the thoughts you want
  • Allowing vs. changing the world
  • Gaia leaving, body changes, co-creation, cosmic waves & more
ProGnost Update - July 2017

ProGnost Update - July 2017


  • When you’re not in drama, all is well
  • Technology changes are the result of consciousness
  • Karma is manmade, and 6 billion people are working on it
  • Tech is affecting masculine & feminine, mind & body
  • Upheaval in God consciousness brings chaos
  • Repercussions of AI and VR in this Time of Machines
The Creator Series e-Book

The Creator Series e-Book


  • Discover who you truly are and why you’re here
  • Remember your true divine nature 
  • Gain practical tools to make the journey easier 
  • Feel the support and encouragement from Spirit
  • Move beyond duality into the New Energy
  • Gnost – even more intimate than spirit
The Wound of Adam

The Wound of Adam


  • Unique roles of masculine and feminine
  • Isis’ failure, Adam’s heartbreak
  • From the Order of the Arc to now
  • The discovery of love
  • The deepest wound (that still hurts)
  • Ultimate reunion – it changes everything
ProGnost 2016 Update

ProGnost 2016 Update


  • Look at Earth and humanity from Angel’s Peak
  • Consciousness is changing the planet
  • Evolution is accelerating 
  • Parallel realities: consciousness vs. run-away technology
  • Everything goes new … everything
  • “When consciousness is present, it changes everything”
Beyond the Lie of Darkness

Beyond the Lie of Darkness


  • Humans believe in evil, which then makes it real
  • It is Satan’s biggest accomplishment
  • Darkness, power, and sin are illusions
  • You have never done anything wrong!
  • This is your key to freedom
  • Return to the inherent grace and beauty of your soul
Journey of The Angels: The Musical Experience by Amir

Journey of The Angels: The Musical Experience by Amir


  • Remember who you are and why you’re here
  • Journey back through time
  • Did you ever really leave Home?
  • There was never any mistake… ever
  • It’s the greatest story ever told
  • Return to the joy of life and the love of self


DreamWalk for Releasing Emotional Wounds

DreamWalk for Releasing Emotional Wounds


  • Have you ever been angry, ridiculed, abused, betrayed, abandoned?
  • These deep wounds can last a very long time
  • Don’t judge yourself; it was never about lessons or karma
  • Now is the time for true healing
  • Come on a journey to free these trapped part of self
  • At last, you can bring the element of love
Adamus Saint-Germain on the Paris Attacks

Adamus Saint-Germain on the Paris Attacks


 • The world is changing, humanity is evolving 
 • Terrorist attacks are a backlash against the desire for freedom
 • Turmoil will continue as power imbalances are exposed
 • Look within: Are you ready for freedom?
 • To help humanity, integrate your own power issues
 • Illuminate consciousness by accepting full responsibility

ProGnost 2016

ProGnost 2016


  • Consciousness and physical reality are converging
  • Will Old Earth and New Earth come together?
  • Virtual reality and other changes – not science fiction!
  • It’s time to awaken your ‘Master Sense’
  • Prepare for disruption
  • And remember that All is Well
DreamWalk for Childhood Magic

DreamWalk for Childhood Magic


  • Were you ever told as a child, “You’re just making it up?”
  • Learn how to unlock and open to the magic of your childhood
  • There is so much more to life than this reality
  • Remembering your childhood takes trust in yourself
  • The land of Fae: a realm of magic, faeries and elves
  • The magic comes from allowing your knowingness
Ancestral Freedom

Ancestral Freedom


  • How did you get to be the way you are?
  • Who are your real ancestors, and why does it matter?
  • Find out why some things are so hard to change
  • Release yourself into sovereignty and freedom
  • All beings are called home in this time of convergence
  • Spiritual family is no longer needed because you are no longer lost
Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?


  • Why are you here on the planet?
  • Why have you lost so much?
  • Why do you feel so alone?
  • This is the most difficult lifetime you’ve ever had
  • The biggest job you’ve ever taken on
  • You’re awakening, integrating self, and changing consciousness
Ask Tobias: The 13th Strand

Ask Tobias: The 13th Strand


  • There is no sin or error in being gay or lesbian
  • These “blended ones” carry a 13th strand in their DNA
  • They are pioneers, change-makers and unifiers
  • They are helping humanity integrate duality
  • It’s time to stop carrying society’s guilt and karma, including AIDS
  • And bring in a new understanding of sexuality
Going Beyond Merabh

Going Beyond Merabh


  • Live beyond the matrix!
  • Feel beyond the five human senses!
  • Release the mental programming that keeps you in 3D
  • Remove your Atlantean headband
  • Maybe you're crazy… maybe that’s okay
  • Expansion, openness, freedom - don't give up until you find it
Past Lives Merabh

Past Lives Merabh


  • Who are you?
  • You have had many lives, names and experiences
  • It’s time to move on from the cycle of lifetimes
  • This is the lifetime of integration
  • Free yourself from destiny
  • The future is the past, integrated and healed
STUDIO K - Tales from a Master

STUDIO K - Tales from a Master


  • Stories of ambition, adventure, heartbreak, redemption
  • It’s hard to let go of the search, just ask Kuthumi
  • He wanted to be the grandest of all 
  • Learn why his friends call him “Big Pants, Little Heart”
  • He finally learned to let go of the stories and come home
  • Soul honors your choice, always, because it’s really you
DreamWalker For Pets

DreamWalker For Pets


  • Learn the difference between animals and pets
  • Our dear pets are here in pure service and love
  • This unconditional love transcends time, space and lifetimes
  • DreamWalking your pet is both a connection and an invitation
  • You will know when your pet begins the transition process
  • Even from the other realms, they are still with you
Death & the Astral Realms

Death & the Astral Realms


  • There are 4 important stages of death
  • Understanding the process takes away the fear
  • First, soul-human agreement on when to leave
  • Then, tremendous release and liberation
  • After the farewells come the Near Earth realms
  • What happens next is up to each individual
Winds of the Anasazi

Winds of the Anasazi


  • The Awakening is on
  • The Ancient Ones, the Anasazi are free to go
  • We are now the Dream Makers
  • The Four Corners area is unique and special
  • Anasazi held the energy there for a very long time
  • Dance with them now in celebration and release
The Gift of Chaos

The Gift of Chaos


  • Humans and angels love to put things in order
  • Order is limitation, and it’s always temporary
  • Chaos comes when consciousness wants freedom
  • Chaos is beautiful, free-flowing energy
  • Breathe chaos in, it doesn't need to be frightening
  • Your Body of Consciousness knows exactly what to do
Letter to Awakening Humans

Letter to Awakening Humans


  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Why are you here on Earth?
  • The answers are there
  • The call of your soul has been heard
  • You are going through an awakening
  • There is support, and you are never alone
The Lost Children of Christ

The Lost Children of Christ


  • Did childhood trauma cause you to shut down?
  • Though difficult, it was for a reason
  • The Earth faced equal potential for life or destruction
  • You came at this critical time to bring Christ Consciousness
  • Those around you did not understand, couldn’t support you
  • The world is ready now; this is your time
The Alchemy of Light & Dark

The Alchemy of Light & Dark


 • Experience the freedom of New Energy alchemy
 • It’s an inside job, no longer fighting with self
 • Heal ancient wounds inflicted by the Church
 • Stop hiding; you are safe now
 • How do you get to heaven? By living life!
 • Look not to the past for treasures, they’re here now

Discovering Your Passion

Discovering Your Passion


  • Passion – the burning joy of life
  • Remember: You are the I Am Presence on Earth
  • Karma is man-made – let it go!
  • Questions create reality – ask the good ones!
  • Feel the flame of passion, the joyful dance of life
  • Are you ready to allow passion into your life?
Ask Tobias: Addictions

Ask Tobias: Addictions


 • Addiction is NOT a sign of weakness
 • It has to do with the pleasure center that keeps you embodied
 • There are many beliefs and overlays with addictions
 • The problem with 12-Step recovery programs 
 • What’s the difference between pleasure and joy?
 • The future is the past healed

Ask Tobias: Relationships

Ask Tobias: Relationships


  • Discover why a lot of spiritual people are alone
  • Where, when and how did relationships begin?
  • The reason yours might have ended
  • You’re alone… now what?
  • How to develop a relationship with yourself
  • Sex in the New Energy
Tobias Returns to Israel

Tobias Returns to Israel


  • It’s time for a new consciousness of God
  • A brief history of creation, Earth, and the Jews
  • Change is coming to the Middle East
  • Six very special angelic guests
  • Fulfilling a promise made 2,600 years ago
  • Now is the time of salvation
Ask Tobias: Conspiracies

Ask Tobias: Conspiracies


  • Many conspiracy theories are true!
  • What happens when you go down the rabbit hole?
  • Fear + drama = energy stealing
  • Kuthumi discusses UFOs, 9/11, aliens and more
  • Drama is juicy, seductive and addictive
  • Learn how to escape the confusion
Abundance Clinic

Abundance Clinic


 • You are naturally abundant; what form is it taking?
 • Any form of lack is serving you
 • Abundance isn’t just money in the bank
 • The passion to live attracts energy
 • Don’t get caught up in limitations
 • Come back to a life of wealth and joy

Battlefields of Power

Battlefields of Power


  • Learn the ancient foundations of Middle East conflict
  • It’s a family fight, with the world joining in
  • It relates directly to your own Realization
  • Letting go of one’s family identity 
  • God, religion, power games and victimhood
  • Ghosts and other non-physical influences
Wound of Isis

Wound of Isis


  • Masculine/feminine, light/dark, good/evil
  • Ancient conflicts, power games, energy stealing
  • Sexual abuse, torture, enslavement
  • The time has come to release these wounds
  • Energy always seeks resolution
  • Open to love, your divinity is waiting
DreamWalk Journey to the Earthbound Realms

DreamWalk Journey to the Earthbound Realms


  • Experience a DreamWalk of service, radiance and compassion
  • Death is the doorway to a new life
  • Ghosts are beings unable to go through the doorway
  • This DreamWalk is a tremendous service to them
  • “In silence we shine our light”
  • What you feel out here is not your own; be in total acceptance
Death Merabh

Death Merabh


  • Death is nothing to fear!
  • It’s a natural state of release and rejuvenation
  • Humans use fear of death to avoid fully living
  • You have died many times
  • Now, return to your Self
  • Allow the surrender while remaining in your body
Angels and Aliens

Angels and Aliens


  • What’s the difference between angels and aliens?
  • How the Watchers, Nephilim and others infiltrated Earth
  • Their wars affected Earth – and inspired Greek mythology
  • The aliens cannot hurt you
  • Angels, including you, are messengers; remember your message
  • It’s time to send a clear message of freedom – No more!
It Doesn't Matter

It Doesn't Matter


  • It’s the best of times and the worst of times
  • YOU are the grand being you’ve been waiting for
  • You’ve already arrived, now experience the journey
  • Drop the burdens, they’re not yours
  • Things aren’t falling apart, they’re coming together
  • You are here for the experience, now live!
The Darkness is Your Divinity

The Darkness is Your Divinity


  • The answer to your tears and prayers – “Where is Spirit?”
  • Light and dark are different expressions from the same source
  • The Darkness took on your burdens, pain and self-loathing
  • It was the greatest gift of love from Self
  • The Darkness IS your divinity, seeking to reunite with you
  • Light and dark – together forever in love and service
The Silent Prayer

The Silent Prayer


  • In love for myself:
  • I accept my perfect Being
  • I accept the abundance that fills my life
  • I take responsibility for my creation
  • I know that I Am an angel of light
  • All things are as they should be
Twelve Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Twelve Signs of Spiritual Awakening


  • First of all, you’re not going crazy!
  •  Awakening changes everything
  •  It's a full “reboot” of mental, physical, emotional & spiritual
  •  This too shall pass
  •  Your old contracts and commitments are complete
  •  Hang in there, the transition to embodied mastery is worth it!
Introduction to the Sexual Energies School

Introduction to the Sexual Energies School


  • The most important challenge of all – loving yourself
  • It’s the answer to everything
  • Without it, you’re already undergoing abuse
  • Self-love makes miracles possible
  • Lack of self-love brings illness and death
  • Are you manifesting your heart’s desires or just taking up space?



  • Do you experience a storm after every calm?
  • Does trouble always follow joy?
  • It’s because you’re caught in the allure of drama
  • This old pattern plays out in your body and your life
  • It brings a temporary hit of false energy, but it can’t sustain you
  • Welcome your divinity, and open to passion, creativity, and joy
The Seven Seals

The Seven Seals


  • Your existence began with the Seal of Separation
  • It was followed by limitation, darkness, sin and suffering
  • These locks allowed you dive into time, matter and experience
  • Now, remember who you are and why you’re here
  • It has all been for wisdom
  • You are God also, feel your own I Am presence
Opening into Consciousness

Opening into Consciousness


  • The conscious breath is a profound gift to Self
  • Choose to be in your body
  • Come into your sacred Point of Presence
  • Expand your energy, open into other dimensions
  • Choose life; your body will respond
  • Allow the rejuvenation
A Time To Inspire

A Time To Inspire


  • Give up the struggle and let energy serve you
  • This lifetime is NOT a mistake
  • No need to worry about the Earth
  • Society is becoming more equitable
  • You’re providing the vision and inspiration
  • This is why you’re here!
Call to Awaken

Call to Awaken


  • It is time to wake up, dear human
  • You are so much more than you know
  • Now, allow yourself to remember…
  • Remember your origins and why you’re here
  • Remember your trust and your love
  • Remember every part of your Self
New Energy Synchrotize

New Energy Synchrotize


  • Are you living the life you really want?
  • If not, do you want to understand why?
  • Adamus explains how it all works
  • Release the old hypnosis and beliefs
  • Redesign your reality landscape
  • Finally create the life you desire!
Standard Technology

Standard Technology


  • Learn how to be your own healer
  • Enjoy rejuvenation and a life of synchronicity
  • With implicit self-trust, energies realign
  • It’s simple and easy; no force or manipulation
  • All you need is 30 minutes a day
  • Experience it yourself and facilitate others
Out of the Box

Out of the Box


  • Humans live and think inside many types of boxes
  • But you can get out of the box!
  • You can experience being open, creative and free
  • Energy pathways and patterns are fluid, not rigid
  • You can live and play in the sacred geometries of energy
  • Potentials and energy are just waiting to serve you!
Ask Tobias: Depression

Ask Tobias: Depression


  • Depression is a natural part of waking up
  • It serves a very important purpose
  • A metamorphosis that will not last forever
  • It’s the caterpillar becoming the butterfly
  • Why psychotropic medications are not advised
  • Personal repercussions of suicide
Ask Tobias: Dreams

Ask Tobias: Dreams


  • Dreaming is a brilliant invention that keeps us connected to Self
  • Death and the dream state are very similar
  • Bring back dream wisdom by expanding your Silver Cord
  • Dreams serve you in many, many ways
  • You can be a conscious dreamer
  • It is ALL a dream!
Ask Tobias: Biological Rejuvenation

Ask Tobias: Biological Rejuvenation


  • Learn how your body really works
  • You don't actually need to “fix” it
  • Discover why your spirit sometimes feels trapped
  • Remember where healing comes from
  • Understand the role of medications, supplements and facilitations
  • Experience Safe Space Healing
Ask Tobias: On Death & Dying

Ask Tobias: On Death & Dying


  • Death is a beautiful and natural transition
  • There can be great love and honor in death
  • Imagine death being a joyful, beautiful experience for all involved
  • Energy seeks resolution, even in death
  • Death is an end, but also a new beginning
  • It is time to bring dignity back into the death experience
Ask Tobias: Mormons and Other Spiritual Families

Ask Tobias: Mormons and Other Spiritual Families


  • What’s a spiritual family, and do you have one?
  • Tobias talks about 144,000 angelic families and their unique energies
  • They are reuniting on Earth, often through religion
  • Mormons are a very strong angelic family
  • Hear details about Joseph Smith as told by Tobias
  • Now is the time to release your angelic family and be sovereign 
Journey of the Angels - Book

Journey of the Angels - Book


  • Who are you?
  • Why are you here?
  • Where did you come from?
  • Remember your purpose on Earth
  • Awakening the true meaning of your life
  • It's time to remember who you are
Live Your Divinity - Book

Live Your Divinity - Book


  • “Gabriel Syndrome” – once you wake up, you can’t go back
  • Now it’s time to trust your own voice
  • The light will never win, and neither will the dark
  • Now it’s time to integrate duality
  • Manifest your highest potentials
  • Your ascension is natural and inevitable
Ahmyo-Makyo by Yoham

Ahmyo-Makyo by Yoham


  • There’s no need for worry or anxiety
  • It’s time for absolute, unconditional trust in Self
  • You are the creator of your life
  • Everything is for your highest good
  • Accept this, trust this
  • Let go of all the spiritual bullshit!
Are You Having a Spiritual Awakening?

Are You Having a Spiritual Awakening?


  • Spiritual awakening means:
  •  - Going beyond your human identity
  •  - Reconnecting with your true Self
  •  - All while still in a physical body
  • It scrambles your mind and changes your life
  • And it’s a completely natural, beautiful process

Essential Basics – If You're New Start Here

Checking into Heaven

Checking into Heaven


  • America’s most prolific author talks about:
  • Finding extraordinary wisdom in an ordinary life
  • Harnessing the creative power of stories
  • Discovering a surprise at the “Pearly Gates”
  • A practical explanation of the soul
  • And a personal request from Mr. Twain himself


Energy Vampires

Energy Vampires


  • Recognize physical, psychic, and energy abuse
  • Move beyond victimization
  • It’s about self-love, not blame
  • Everything you need is within
  • Choose freedom whenever you’re ready
  • Everything changes when you say, “No more!”
Connecting with Angels and Energies

Connecting with Angels and Energies


  • Angels are always near, you can talk to them
  • Go beyond the mind into true feelings
  • Reality is so much more than what you see
  • Enjoy guided experiences of connection
  • There are many practical applications
  • It is real if you allow it to be
Message to Shaumbra

Message to Shaumbra


  • It’s time to live the Atlantean dream
  • Time to harvest the seed we planted with Yeshua
  • Tired but determined, we’re finally doing it
  • Enlightenment comes naturally by allowing 
  • This is the time of Realization
  • Crimson Circle and Shaumbra, here for each other
Consciousness Reset

Consciousness Reset


  • Billions of individual resets add up to planetary change
  • This is the time for benching embodied Masters!
  • Your compassionate light is all that’s needed
  • It affects the entire world
  • Sense and feel, no thinking required
  • Be like Belle
I Am Comfort

I Am Comfort


  • There is value in discomfort, but you can transcend it
  • Discomfort comes from resisting chaos
  • Magic happens in unpredictability
  • Chaos just means you don’t understand it yet
  • Wisdom is the knowingness of the future
  • It’s your energy – how could it not work out?
Tears of Humanity

Tears of Humanity


  • Understand the deep sadness you feel
  • Man’s inhumanity to man – why?
  • Greed, hunger, violence – why?
  • Earth was meant for joy, discovery, experience
  • We’ve lost our dignity
  • Take care of yourself first, it changes everything
The Master’s Life – Part 12: Pathways to Realization

The Master’s Life – Part 12: Pathways to Realization


  • Clear explanations of awakening and Realization
  • Ascended Master anecdotes and statistics
  • Pathways they tried but do not recommend
  • Common experiences on the way to Realization
  • Dead ends, steppingstones and easier pathways
  • What’s your pathway?
From Awakening to Realization

From Awakening to Realization


  • What’s this all about anyway?
  • A brief history of Shaumbra
  • Why you’re here
  • Post-awakening – going beyond spiritual
  • Realization, enlightenment – it’s natural
  • The light of consciousness is here
I Am Sleeping

I Am Sleeping


  • Sleep like you haven’t a very long time
  • Original purpose of sleep was a return to Self
  • A Master doesn’t need much sleep
  • The soul beckons, “Come with me…”
  • Return to the compassion of the I Am
  • The Master’s sleep… just rest…
The Wound of Adam

The Wound of Adam


  • Unique roles of masculine and feminine
  • Isis’ failure, Adam’s heartbreak
  • From the Order of the Arc to now
  • The discovery of love
  • The deepest wound (that still hurts)
  • Ultimate reunion – it changes everything
End of the New Age

End of the New Age


  • The New Age began with Yeshua (Jesus)
  • It had a good run, now it’s time to evolve
  • Enlightenment isn’t what you think – it’s more
  • Allow and relax into it
  • We’re now in The Age of Consciousness
  • And there’s a big purple elephant in the room
Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?


  • Why are you here on the planet?
  • Why have you lost so much?
  • Why do you feel so alone?
  • This is the most difficult lifetime you’ve ever had
  • The biggest job you’ve ever taken on
  • You’re awakening, integrating self, and changing consciousness
Beyond Duality

Beyond Duality


  • Light and dark have melded together 
  • It happened because of love here on Earth
  • The implications are profound
  • This integration changes everything
  • Humans are tirelessly supported by many angels
  • Allow yourself to experience life beyond duality
Merabh Introduction

Merabh Introduction


  • Change your life with ease and grace
  • Shift your consciousness with gentle peace and acceptance
  • Allow the changes you’ve already imagined into your life
  • Merabhs bring understanding and new potentials
  • Music is a beautiful, integral part of each merabh
  • Simply allow
Death & the Astral Realms

Death & the Astral Realms


  • There are 4 important stages of death
  • Understanding the process takes away the fear
  • First, soul-human agreement on when to leave
  • Then, tremendous release and liberation
  • After the farewells come the Near Earth realms
  • What happens next is up to each individual
Re-Order Your Reality

Re-Order Your Reality


  • Everything is connected
  • And all the connections are changing
  • This affects gravity, duality, magnetics and more
  • All systems are re-ordering; it’s chaotically wonderful
  • The world is not falling apart, it’s reorienting
  • You’re here to be part of it
Letter to Awakening Humans

Letter to Awakening Humans


  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Why are you here on Earth?
  • The answers are there
  • The call of your soul has been heard
  • You are going through an awakening
  • There is support, and you are never alone
The Lost Children of Christ

The Lost Children of Christ


  • Did childhood trauma cause you to shut down?
  • Though difficult, it was for a reason
  • The Earth faced equal potential for life or destruction
  • You came at this critical time to bring Christ Consciousness
  • Those around you did not understand, couldn’t support you
  • The world is ready now; this is your time
Expanding Your Intuition

Expanding Your Intuition


  • Intuition is natural and makes life easier
  • It works closely with your body
  • Learn to trust yourself implicitly
  • The results are very tangible
  • Give yourself permission
  • Everything you need comes to you
Tobias Returns to Israel

Tobias Returns to Israel


  • It’s time for a new consciousness of God
  • A brief history of creation, Earth, and the Jews
  • Change is coming to the Middle East
  • Six very special angelic guests
  • Fulfilling a promise made 2,600 years ago
  • Now is the time of salvation
Live Free

Live Free


  • You can have unlimited energy
  • You can transcend time
  • You can access the elixir of your wisdom
  • Freedom is where all this is found
  • And it’s a gift only you can give yourself
  • Are you ready?
Crystal Consciousness

Crystal Consciousness


  • The I Am is awakening, the human needs only to allow
  • Your physical body is a product of the ancestors
  • The light body is ready to come in 
  • It’s easy – and it changes everything
  • Relax into your enlightenment
  • Walk & talk like a Master; it changes how energy comes in
It Doesn't Matter

It Doesn't Matter


  • It’s the best of times and the worst of times
  • YOU are the grand being you’ve been waiting for
  • You’ve already arrived, now experience the journey
  • Drop the burdens, they’re not yours
  • Things aren’t falling apart, they’re coming together
  • You are here for the experience, now live!
To the Messengers

To the Messengers


  • High consciousness + deep awakening = chaos
  • YOU are a messenger of change
  • You’re affecting all of creation in all realms
  • Absolute self-trust is required
  • Physics, gravity, mathematics – everything changes
  • Time to let all energies serve you
The Silent Prayer

The Silent Prayer


  • In love for myself:
  • I accept my perfect Being
  • I accept the abundance that fills my life
  • I take responsibility for my creation
  • I know that I Am an angel of light
  • All things are as they should be
Twelve Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Twelve Signs of Spiritual Awakening


  • First of all, you’re not going crazy!
  •  Awakening changes everything
  •  It's a full “reboot” of mental, physical, emotional & spiritual
  •  This too shall pass
  •  Your old contracts and commitments are complete
  •  Hang in there, the transition to embodied mastery is worth it!
Sovereign One

Sovereign One


  • Let go of the world’s problems
  • You are here to be an example of wisdom 
  • Whatever you get into, you can always get out of
  • As the ancient ones pass the torch, history can be healed
  • Become your own One, a sovereign being
  • Now, welcome magic into your life
Call to Awaken

Call to Awaken


  • It is time to wake up, dear human
  • You are so much more than you know
  • Now, allow yourself to remember…
  • Remember your origins and why you’re here
  • Remember your trust and your love
  • Remember every part of your Self
Live Your Divinity - Book

Live Your Divinity - Book


  • “Gabriel Syndrome” – once you wake up, you can’t go back
  • Now it’s time to trust your own voice
  • The light will never win, and neither will the dark
  • Now it’s time to integrate duality
  • Manifest your highest potentials
  • Your ascension is natural and inevitable
Ahmyo-Makyo by Yoham

Ahmyo-Makyo by Yoham


  • There’s no need for worry or anxiety
  • It’s time for absolute, unconditional trust in Self
  • You are the creator of your life
  • Everything is for your highest good
  • Accept this, trust this
  • Let go of all the spiritual bullshit!
I Am Abundance

I Am Abundance


  • Abundance is a state of being
  • Now is the time to get over your hang-ups about it
  • Abundance is the ability to receive from your I Am
  • Suffering has been a huge block; are you done yet?
  • It’s all your energy, serving you in the Now
  • “Abundance is a natural state, let’s get on with it”
I Am True

I Am True


  • Doubt is a distraction AND it’s a gift
  • It’s an irritant to keep you moving
  • Helps you not stay stuck in an unnatural state
  • But it doesn’t need so much attention
  • There is actually nothing false within you
  • Come back to “I am real”
Aspectology School Online - Information Only

Aspectology School Online - Information Only


  • Unintegrated aspects can cause things like:
  • Illogical fears, disruptive emotional reactions
  • Recurring patterns of self-sabotage or victimhood
  • Guilt, confusion, shame, lack of abundance
  • You don’t need these things anymore
  • It’s time to bring them home
Sexual Energies School – Information Only

Sexual Energies School – Information Only


  • Learn about the sexual energy virus and how it affects your life
  • Create your own path to self-love, and allow the return to joy 
  • Discover the futility of power games 
  • Learn how to stop others from depleting your energy
  • Improve your relationships, health and well-being
  • Excellent for counselors and other professional facilitators



  • A brief look at the timeline of Shaumbra
  • The dragon has arrived, the planet is awakening
  • It’s time for the Masters to step forward
  • We did it! The energy impasse has been resolved
  • Therefore, an extraordinary announcement to all beings
  • “It’s time to be free” – Adamus
Journey of the Angels

Journey of the Angels


  • Understand the current dynamics on Earth
  • Remember who you are and why you’re here
  • Are you still in the Wall of Fire?
  • Did you ever really leave Home?
  • There was never any mistake… ever
  • It’s the greatest story ever told
Time Out with an Ascended Master

Time Out with an Ascended Master


  • Why you can’t forgive yourself
  • What makyo really is
  • St. Germain’s encounter with the dragon
  • Coming soon – love that can melt diamonds
  • Religion and rules versus Allowing
  • Politics – a loser’s seductive game
They Call Us Channelers

They Call Us Channelers


  • Easy-to-understand overview of the Crimson Circle 
  • Challenges of coming to Realization
  • Where is the passion?
  • What’s this lifetime really all about?
  • Human, Master and I Am = Body of Consciousness
  • Allowing the Master to be part of your life
Fundamental Realizations of Emergence

Fundamental Realizations of Emergence


  • Now is your time of emergence
  • Energy is always in service
  • You are not bound to anything or anyone
  • Welcome the trinity of you
  • No going back and no more hiding
  • Time to experience the joy of self
Three Imperatives

Three Imperatives


  • Explore everything
  • Get over it!
  • Stop fearing yourself
The New Serenity Prayer

The New Serenity Prayer


  • Prayer to the Master within
  • Serenity
  • Courage
  • Wisdom
The Simple Master – Allowing & And

The Simple Master – Allowing & And


  • Do you really choose to stay?
  • Redefining death; merabh of “new death”
  • Consciousness, energy and the mind
  • Humans, energy and power games
  • The sense of Truth
  • What’s next? It comes to you
The Creator Series e-Book

The Creator Series e-Book


  • Discover who you truly are and why you’re here
  • Remember your true divine nature 
  • Gain practical tools to make the journey easier 
  • Feel the support and encouragement from Spirit
  • Move beyond duality into the New Energy
  • Gnost – even more intimate than spirit
Memoirs of a Master - Book

Memoirs of a Master - Book


  • The origins of benching
  • Consciousness changes the very nature of reality
  • You’re no longer trapped in time
  • The darkness is your divinity
  • Captain of the Mothership or passenger in the pod?
  • Simply allow the Master within
Beyond the Lie of Darkness

Beyond the Lie of Darkness


  • Humans believe in evil, which then makes it real
  • It is Satan’s biggest accomplishment
  • Darkness, power, and sin are illusions
  • You have never done anything wrong!
  • This is your key to freedom
  • Return to the inherent grace and beauty of your soul
Journey of The Angels: The Musical Experience by Amir

Journey of The Angels: The Musical Experience by Amir


  • Remember who you are and why you’re here
  • Journey back through time
  • Did you ever really leave Home?
  • There was never any mistake… ever
  • It’s the greatest story ever told
  • Return to the joy of life and the love of self


The Master's Life - Part 1: Transfiguration

The Master's Life - Part 1: Transfiguration


  • Body aches and pains, physical issues
  • Light body – physics, how to bring it in
  • Biological intelligence
  • Dynamics of birthing into physical reality
  • Going beyond ancestors and mass consciousness
  • Jesus/Yeshua’s transfiguration – and yours
Cosmic Conversations

Cosmic Conversations


  • TimeSpace is the motion of experience through the I Am
  • You don’t move; TimeSpace moves through you
  • Wisdom results from this movement and experience
  • Gravity is the glue that holds it all together
  • Ever expanding creation is the ultimate joy of the Creator
  • Power is an illusion
DreamWalk for Releasing Emotional Wounds

DreamWalk for Releasing Emotional Wounds


  • Have you ever been angry, ridiculed, abused, betrayed, abandoned?
  • These deep wounds can last a very long time
  • Don’t judge yourself; it was never about lessons or karma
  • Now is the time for true healing
  • Come on a journey to free these trapped part of self
  • At last, you can bring the element of love
This is Yours – DreamWalk Beyond the Noise

This is Yours – DreamWalk Beyond the Noise


  • Noise – it comes from EVERYWHERE!
  • In all the chaos, how do you know what’s really yours?
  • Go beyond time, let it flow by you like a river
  • Watch the noise drift away
  • Come back to what is yours
  • This wisdom will always be with you
Ancestral Freedom

Ancestral Freedom


  • How did you get to be the way you are?
  • Who are your real ancestors, and why does it matter?
  • Find out why some things are so hard to change
  • Release yourself into sovereignty and freedom
  • All beings are called home in this time of convergence
  • Spiritual family is no longer needed because you are no longer lost
Act of Consciousness - Book

Act of Consciousness - Book


  • Are you ready for your life to change?
  • In the freedom of enlightenment, nothing really matters
  • You can experience life in whatever way you choose
  • It’s ALL an act, so play a role you like!
  • Learn how your reality is created and how to change it
  • And then relax into your enlightenment
Body of Consciousness

Body of Consciousness


  • Find out what’s really been going on with your body, mind and spirit
  • All your parts and pieces are melding together – it changes everything
  • Discover the true role of DNA 
  • You’re going from seven chakras to a single energy center
  • Return to the oneness of your Self
  • When fully integrated, you can bring your body with you at death
Yes, I Am Enlightened

Yes, I Am Enlightened


  • What life is like after enlightenment
  • It’s about living in joy and wonder!
  • Embrace the human experience
  • Drink the good wine
  • Share your own stories 
  • All it takes is “YES!”
Soul Encounter

Soul Encounter


  • The greatest gifts often appear at the darkest times
  • Discover why your soul might feel so far away
  • The reunion can happen at any time
  • It doesn’t matter if you’re smart or not
  • A complete breakdown can be a precious gift
  • Being conscious means being fully aware of every moment
Discovering Your Passion

Discovering Your Passion


  • Passion – the burning joy of life
  • Remember: You are the I Am Presence on Earth
  • Karma is man-made – let it go!
  • Questions create reality – ask the good ones!
  • Feel the flame of passion, the joyful dance of life
  • Are you ready to allow passion into your life?
Ask Tobias: Addictions

Ask Tobias: Addictions


 • Addiction is NOT a sign of weakness
 • It has to do with the pleasure center that keeps you embodied
 • There are many beliefs and overlays with addictions
 • The problem with 12-Step recovery programs 
 • What’s the difference between pleasure and joy?
 • The future is the past healed

Ask Tobias: Relationships

Ask Tobias: Relationships


  • Discover why a lot of spiritual people are alone
  • Where, when and how did relationships begin?
  • The reason yours might have ended
  • You’re alone… now what?
  • How to develop a relationship with yourself
  • Sex in the New Energy
Ask Tobias: Conspiracies

Ask Tobias: Conspiracies


  • Many conspiracy theories are true!
  • What happens when you go down the rabbit hole?
  • Fear + drama = energy stealing
  • Kuthumi discusses UFOs, 9/11, aliens and more
  • Drama is juicy, seductive and addictive
  • Learn how to escape the confusion
Masters in the New Energy - Book

Masters in the New Energy - Book


  • The Master trusts themselves implicitly
  • The Master makes choices 
  • The Master is a self-contained being
  • The Master understands that life is an illusion
  • The Master accepts all things as they are
  • The Master understands they are a creator
Abundance Clinic

Abundance Clinic


 • You are naturally abundant; what form is it taking?
 • Any form of lack is serving you
 • Abundance isn’t just money in the bank
 • The passion to live attracts energy
 • Don’t get caught up in limitations
 • Come back to a life of wealth and joy

Battlefields of Power

Battlefields of Power


  • Learn the ancient foundations of Middle East conflict
  • It’s a family fight, with the world joining in
  • It relates directly to your own Realization
  • Letting go of one’s family identity 
  • God, religion, power games and victimhood
  • Ghosts and other non-physical influences
Wound of Isis

Wound of Isis


  • Masculine/feminine, light/dark, good/evil
  • Ancient conflicts, power games, energy stealing
  • Sexual abuse, torture, enslavement
  • The time has come to release these wounds
  • Energy always seeks resolution
  • Open to love, your divinity is waiting



 • Ahmyo is the state of divine grace
 • The simplest truth is I Exist; I Am that I Am
 • If something’s in your reality, you must like it
 • Release makyo from your life
 • Allow energy to serve you, unconditionally
 • All is well, in all of YOUR creation

Enlightenment Merabh

Enlightenment Merabh


  • Enlightenment is within you now, in each heartbeat
  • Are you ready to realize it?
  • You can’t think your way into Realization
  • It is neither a goal nor a destination
  • It is your Spirit-given right
  • The Master walks in awareness of their enlightenment
Mysteries of Love

Mysteries of Love


  • Discover what love is and where it came from
  • Love can be both magical and painful
  • The greatest companion and darkest monster
  • At long last, reconnect with your Lost Love
  • All has been in preparation to bring love home to Self
  • Love and enlightenment – they are the same
The Darkness is Your Divinity

The Darkness is Your Divinity


  • The answer to your tears and prayers – “Where is Spirit?”
  • Light and dark are different expressions from the same source
  • The Darkness took on your burdens, pain and self-loathing
  • It was the greatest gift of love from Self
  • The Darkness IS your divinity, seeking to reunite with you
  • Light and dark – together forever in love and service
Introduction to the Sexual Energies School

Introduction to the Sexual Energies School


  • The most important challenge of all – loving yourself
  • It’s the answer to everything
  • Without it, you’re already undergoing abuse
  • Self-love makes miracles possible
  • Lack of self-love brings illness and death
  • Are you manifesting your heart’s desires or just taking up space?



  • Do you experience a storm after every calm?
  • Does trouble always follow joy?
  • It’s because you’re caught in the allure of drama
  • This old pattern plays out in your body and your life
  • It brings a temporary hit of false energy, but it can’t sustain you
  • Welcome your divinity, and open to passion, creativity, and joy
The Seven Seals

The Seven Seals


  • Your existence began with the Seal of Separation
  • It was followed by limitation, darkness, sin and suffering
  • These locks allowed you dive into time, matter and experience
  • Now, remember who you are and why you’re here
  • It has all been for wisdom
  • You are God also, feel your own I Am presence
Opening into Consciousness

Opening into Consciousness


  • The conscious breath is a profound gift to Self
  • Choose to be in your body
  • Come into your sacred Point of Presence
  • Expand your energy, open into other dimensions
  • Choose life; your body will respond
  • Allow the rejuvenation
Ask Tobias: Dei Un Gnost

Ask Tobias: Dei Un Gnost


  • Discover solutions your mind can never find!
  • We are body, mind, spirit and gnost
  • Go beyond Atlantean programming
  • Remember your true divine creativity
  • Learn how to experience gnost in everyday life
  • Gnost – even more intimate than spirit
The Beauty of Life

The Beauty of Life


  • “Bump and fill” is often how your divinity comes in
  • Tobias/Sam is a teacher of self-love and Aspectology
  • In his last lifetime, he finally learned to allow
  • Angels line up to experience the beauty and sensuality of life
  • Feel what you’re really doing as a consciousness pioneer
  • Life is beautiful and precious; dive deep into the experience!
New Energy Synchrotize

New Energy Synchrotize


  • Are you living the life you really want?
  • If not, do you want to understand why?
  • Adamus explains how it all works
  • Release the old hypnosis and beliefs
  • Redesign your reality landscape
  • Finally create the life you desire!
Out of the Box

Out of the Box


  • Humans live and think inside many types of boxes
  • But you can get out of the box!
  • You can experience being open, creative and free
  • Energy pathways and patterns are fluid, not rigid
  • You can live and play in the sacred geometries of energy
  • Potentials and energy are just waiting to serve you!
Ask Tobias: Depression

Ask Tobias: Depression


  • Depression is a natural part of waking up
  • It serves a very important purpose
  • A metamorphosis that will not last forever
  • It’s the caterpillar becoming the butterfly
  • Why psychotropic medications are not advised
  • Personal repercussions of suicide
The Oslo Sessions: From Control to Freedom

The Oslo Sessions: From Control to Freedom


  • Humans control themselves in countless ways
  • Trying to manage body, mind, and spirit
  • Controls kept you intact as a human
  • Now they are unnecessary limitations
  • Release control, grant yourself freedom
  • You are safe because it’s all yours
Ask Tobias: Biological Rejuvenation

Ask Tobias: Biological Rejuvenation


  • Learn how your body really works
  • You don't actually need to “fix” it
  • Discover why your spirit sometimes feels trapped
  • Remember where healing comes from
  • Understand the role of medications, supplements and facilitations
  • Experience Safe Space Healing
Ask Tobias: On Death & Dying

Ask Tobias: On Death & Dying


  • Death is a beautiful and natural transition
  • There can be great love and honor in death
  • Imagine death being a joyful, beautiful experience for all involved
  • Energy seeks resolution, even in death
  • Death is an end, but also a new beginning
  • It is time to bring dignity back into the death experience
Ask Tobias: Mormons and Other Spiritual Families

Ask Tobias: Mormons and Other Spiritual Families


  • What’s a spiritual family, and do you have one?
  • Tobias talks about 144,000 angelic families and their unique energies
  • They are reuniting on Earth, often through religion
  • Mormons are a very strong angelic family
  • Hear details about Joseph Smith as told by Tobias
  • Now is the time to release your angelic family and be sovereign 
Journey of the Angels - Book

Journey of the Angels - Book


  • Who are you?
  • Why are you here?
  • Where did you come from?
  • Remember your purpose on Earth
  • Awakening the true meaning of your life
  • It's time to remember who you are
Are You Having a Spiritual Awakening?

Are You Having a Spiritual Awakening?


  • Spiritual awakening means:
  •  - Going beyond your human identity
  •  - Reconnecting with your true Self
  •  - All while still in a physical body
  • It scrambles your mind and changes your life
  • And it’s a completely natural, beautiful process

Free! – Download & Enjoy

The Human Face of Mastery

The Human Face of Mastery


  • What or who is a Master?
  • There are misconceptions & expectations
  • The life of a Master is full of surprises
  • Now is the time to claim your mastery
  • It involves deep trust in Self
  • And helpful tools along the way
Heavens Cross: One-Year Update

Heavens Cross: One-Year Update


  • With a soul’s maturity, New Light becomes available
  • It serves the Master, no matter what
  • The vast majority of humans are filled with goodness
  • Some are trying to hold back but it won’t work
  • Allow your energy to serve – no more excuses
  • Now is the time to bathe in your own light
21 Shaumbra Realizations

21 Shaumbra Realizations


  • You are consciousness embodied
  • Life is purely for experience
  • Your energy is constantly serving you
  • Healing and integration are inevitable
  • Realization and ultimate freedom are natural
  • You are already on your way Home
 Heaven's Cross: The Opening

Heaven's Cross: The Opening


  • The veil begins to lift
  • Divinity is here
  • Human is no longer lost
  • It’s the culmination of lifetimes
  • A self-chosen destiny
  • It is our dream come true
Heaven’s Cross – Part 3: Questions & Answers

Heaven’s Cross – Part 3: Questions & Answers


  • Once open, Heaven’s Cross will never close
  • This is what you’ve dreamed of since Atlantis
  • Allow yourself now a life of joy, ease, abundance and grace
  • New levels of light can bring tremendous healing
  • Time, space, and gravity can serve you now
  • The human’s job is simply to experience this
Sam’s “Be Well” Message

Sam’s “Be Well” Message


  • Wisdom from a life well lived:
  • “Be organic and pick off the bad apples”
  • “Prune the tree and let the energies flow”
  • “Use logic and commune with your soul”
  • It's so important to stay grounded and balanced
  • The world is changing, it’s why you’re here
The Making of Rude Awakening

The Making of Rude Awakening


  • The full story of Rude Awakening, from inception to delivery
  • A glimpse into the creation process of a feature length documentary
  • The “cave scene” revealed, including storyboards, greenscreen, before & after shots
  • Special effects, makeup artists and the real DeLorean
  • Behind the scenes with interviewees
  • Never before seen on-set photos and videos
The Slavic Power Vortex

The Slavic Power Vortex


  • The time of empire building is over
  • Humanity will no longer tolerate it
  • More and more humans are ready for freedom
  • Russia and Ukraine are actors on the world stage
  • A huge power vortex is making its last stand
  • Your light is needed, now more than ever
Rights of a Master

Rights of a Master


  • “I Am Safe”
  • “I Am Aware of my Soul Senses”
  • “I Am Relaxed”
  • “I Am in Physical Harmony”
  • “I Am Beyond Death”
  • And more…
Checking into Heaven

Checking into Heaven


  • America’s most prolific author talks about:
  • Finding extraordinary wisdom in an ordinary life
  • Harnessing the creative power of stories
  • Discovering a surprise at the “Pearly Gates”
  • A practical explanation of the soul
  • And a personal request from Mr. Twain himself


Saint or Satan?

Saint or Satan?


  • Light doesn’t take sides
  • This is not the time for duality
  • Power seeks more power – don’t feed it
  • Ukraine & Russia are playing roles for the world
  • Shaumbra, this is why you’re here
  • Take to your bench and shine
The Way of the Standard

The Way of the Standard


  • Being a Standard means you:
  • Love and trust yourself
  • Take full responsibility for your creation
  • Live in freedom and compassion
  • Choose life and accept its blessings
  • Shine your light and listen
Two's Day for Shaumbra

Two's Day for Shaumbra


  • The number two signifies duality and power
  • It’s a time of convergence, a power vortex
  • This strong cyclone is affecting everyone
  • At the core of all power is fear
  • You’re here to shine, not take sides
  • The fear and anxiety are not yours
Energy Vampires

Energy Vampires


  • Recognize physical, psychic, and energy abuse
  • Move beyond victimization
  • It’s about self-love, not blame
  • Everything you need is within
  • Choose freedom whenever you’re ready
  • Everything changes when you say, “No more!”
Connecting with Angels and Energies

Connecting with Angels and Energies


  • Angels are always near, you can talk to them
  • Go beyond the mind into true feelings
  • Reality is so much more than what you see
  • Enjoy guided experiences of connection
  • There are many practical applications
  • It is real if you allow it to be
Message to Shaumbra

Message to Shaumbra


  • It’s time to live the Atlantean dream
  • Time to harvest the seed we planted with Yeshua
  • Tired but determined, we’re finally doing it
  • Enlightenment comes naturally by allowing 
  • This is the time of Realization
  • Crimson Circle and Shaumbra, here for each other
Consciousness Reset

Consciousness Reset


  • Billions of individual resets add up to planetary change
  • This is the time for benching embodied Masters!
  • Your compassionate light is all that’s needed
  • It affects the entire world
  • Sense and feel, no thinking required
  • Be like Belle
Tears of Humanity

Tears of Humanity


  • Understand the deep sadness you feel
  • Man’s inhumanity to man – why?
  • Greed, hunger, violence – why?
  • Earth was meant for joy, discovery, experience
  • We’ve lost our dignity
  • Take care of yourself first, it changes everything
In the Air

In the Air


  • 10,000 Ascended Masters
  • A significant Grand Conjunction
  • The keepers of Time have disbanded
  • Coronavirus has done its job
  • Power is fading
  • NOW is the time to let energy serve you!
Special Message from St. Germain

Special Message from St. Germain


  • You chose to be here at this time of transformation
  • It wasn’t easy, now your last issues will simply dissolve
  • Technology is changing humanity and the planet
  • Changes facilitated by coronavirus
  • All made possible by consciousness
  • It’s time for human individuality and worthiness
Relax into Realization Vol II

Relax into Realization Vol II


  • Free download
  • Music to support your journey
  • Tracks include:
  • “Hope”
  • “Ease and Grace”
  • And more!
Sandcastles on the Edge

Sandcastles on the Edge


  • Your dear human self wants to get it right
  • Human stays busy with lots of projects
  • The tide of consciousness washes all away
  • All that remains is the I Am
  • It’s time to fully own all of yourself
  • You are ready
Breath of the I Am

Breath of the I Am


  • Come back together with your Self
  • The breath of Spirit is your breath
  • The gentle breath of allowing
  • No more struggle, no more trying
  • Now comes the breath of the I Am into your life
  • You are ready
Relax into Realization

Relax into Realization


  • Tracks include:
  • “The Sunny Side of Life”
  • “Taking It Easy”
  • “Sunset Margarita”
  • And more
Global Virus Prediction

Global Virus Prediction


  • Adamus predicted an unprecedented global virus in 2014
  • The unrest brings disruption on a global scale
  • It’s about a drastic economic rebalancing
  • The dragon has come to Earth
  • Be in your consciousness, there is nothing to fear
  • This is why we’re here
About the Coronavirus 2020

About the Coronavirus 2020


 • Every virus is from an imbalance in human consciousness
 • The coronavirus is really about economic inequality
 • What is your relationship with abundance?
 • Technology has the capability to level the field
 • The virus is helping to bring a new balance
 • There is nothing to fear

From Awakening to Realization

From Awakening to Realization


  • What’s this all about anyway?
  • A brief history of Shaumbra
  • Why you’re here
  • Post-awakening – going beyond spiritual
  • Realization, enlightenment – it’s natural
  • The light of consciousness is here
Time Out with an Ascended Master

Time Out with an Ascended Master


  • Why you can’t forgive yourself
  • What makyo really is
  • St. Germain’s encounter with the dragon
  • Coming soon – love that can melt diamonds
  • Religion and rules versus Allowing
  • Politics – a loser’s seductive game
They Call Us Channelers

They Call Us Channelers


  • Easy-to-understand overview of the Crimson Circle 
  • Challenges of coming to Realization
  • Where is the passion?
  • What’s this lifetime really all about?
  • Human, Master and I Am = Body of Consciousness
  • Allowing the Master to be part of your life
The Land of Blue

The Land of Blue


  • How to get unstuck
  • Seeing beyond the current reality
  • You are not bound to anything or anyone
  • You’re not crazy!
  • Time is not your natural state of being
  • Allow yourself to know…
The New Human Species

The New Human Species


  • Non-physical friends
  • New species coming in right now
  • Homo sapien, homo techno, robo sapien, homo christos
  • Fracturing TimeSpace
  • Earth changes and cycles
  • Light body / bioluminescence 
Fundamental Realizations of Emergence

Fundamental Realizations of Emergence


  • Now is your time of emergence
  • Energy is always in service
  • You are not bound to anything or anyone
  • Welcome the trinity of you
  • No going back and no more hiding
  • Time to experience the joy of self
Your Journey

Your Journey


  • Why you’re here right now
  • Bringing in the light body
  • Allowing in the Master
  • Living the Ahmyo life
  • Going beyond the battles and causes
  • There are many challenges; take care of yourself
Three Imperatives

Three Imperatives


  • Explore everything
  • Get over it!
  • Stop fearing yourself
The New Serenity Prayer

The New Serenity Prayer


  • Prayer to the Master within
  • Serenity
  • Courage
  • Wisdom
Channelers of Change

Channelers of Change


  • How they got into channeling
  • Changes on Earth are all about freedom
  • Stop asking “What’s wrong with me”
  • Only keep the thoughts you want
  • Allowing vs. changing the world
  • Gaia leaving, body changes, co-creation, cosmic waves & more
The Creator Series e-Book

The Creator Series e-Book


  • Discover who you truly are and why you’re here
  • Remember your true divine nature 
  • Gain practical tools to make the journey easier 
  • Feel the support and encouragement from Spirit
  • Move beyond duality into the New Energy
  • Gnost – even more intimate than spirit
Halloween DreamWalk 2016

Halloween DreamWalk 2016


  • A beautiful experience with fairies and Ascended Masters 
  • Fantasy and imagination are real!
  • The veil is very thin around Halloween
  • Death is an illusion; you’re still you 
  • What happens in the other realms is up to you
  • Remember and allow your own divine light
60-Second Workout

60-Second Workout


• It’s so easy and completely natural!
• Rebalance, rejuvenate and tone
• Revitalize your body
• Make friends with your body again

Beyond the Lie of Darkness

Beyond the Lie of Darkness


  • Humans believe in evil, which then makes it real
  • It is Satan’s biggest accomplishment
  • Darkness, power, and sin are illusions
  • You have never done anything wrong!
  • This is your key to freedom
  • Return to the inherent grace and beauty of your soul
Cosmic Conversations

Cosmic Conversations


  • TimeSpace is the motion of experience through the I Am
  • You don’t move; TimeSpace moves through you
  • Wisdom results from this movement and experience
  • Gravity is the glue that holds it all together
  • Ever expanding creation is the ultimate joy of the Creator
  • Power is an illusion
Adamus Saint-Germain on the Paris Attacks

Adamus Saint-Germain on the Paris Attacks


 • The world is changing, humanity is evolving 
 • Terrorist attacks are a backlash against the desire for freedom
 • Turmoil will continue as power imbalances are exposed
 • Look within: Are you ready for freedom?
 • To help humanity, integrate your own power issues
 • Illuminate consciousness by accepting full responsibility

Walk On DreamWalk

Walk On DreamWalk


  • Who are you without anyone else?
  • The house of your being has many rooms
  • These rooms are filled with many beings
  • They have all played a part in your experience
  • You even encounter God
  • Far beyond it all you still exist


Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?


  • Why are you here on the planet?
  • Why have you lost so much?
  • Why do you feel so alone?
  • This is the most difficult lifetime you’ve ever had
  • The biggest job you’ve ever taken on
  • You’re awakening, integrating self, and changing consciousness
Merabh Introduction

Merabh Introduction


  • Change your life with ease and grace
  • Shift your consciousness with gentle peace and acceptance
  • Allow the changes you’ve already imagined into your life
  • Merabhs bring understanding and new potentials
  • Music is a beautiful, integral part of each merabh
  • Simply allow
Death & the Astral Realms

Death & the Astral Realms


  • There are 4 important stages of death
  • Understanding the process takes away the fear
  • First, soul-human agreement on when to leave
  • Then, tremendous release and liberation
  • After the farewells come the Near Earth realms
  • What happens next is up to each individual
Winds of the Anasazi

Winds of the Anasazi


  • The Awakening is on
  • The Ancient Ones, the Anasazi are free to go
  • We are now the Dream Makers
  • The Four Corners area is unique and special
  • Anasazi held the energy there for a very long time
  • Dance with them now in celebration and release
Letter to Awakening Humans

Letter to Awakening Humans


  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Why are you here on Earth?
  • The answers are there
  • The call of your soul has been heard
  • You are going through an awakening
  • There is support, and you are never alone
The Lost Children of Christ

The Lost Children of Christ


  • Did childhood trauma cause you to shut down?
  • Though difficult, it was for a reason
  • The Earth faced equal potential for life or destruction
  • You came at this critical time to bring Christ Consciousness
  • Those around you did not understand, couldn’t support you
  • The world is ready now; this is your time
Abundance Clinic

Abundance Clinic


 • You are naturally abundant; what form is it taking?
 • Any form of lack is serving you
 • Abundance isn’t just money in the bank
 • The passion to live attracts energy
 • Don’t get caught up in limitations
 • Come back to a life of wealth and joy

It Doesn't Matter

It Doesn't Matter


  • It’s the best of times and the worst of times
  • YOU are the grand being you’ve been waiting for
  • You’ve already arrived, now experience the journey
  • Drop the burdens, they’re not yours
  • Things aren’t falling apart, they’re coming together
  • You are here for the experience, now live!
The Darkness is Your Divinity

The Darkness is Your Divinity


  • The answer to your tears and prayers – “Where is Spirit?”
  • Light and dark are different expressions from the same source
  • The Darkness took on your burdens, pain and self-loathing
  • It was the greatest gift of love from Self
  • The Darkness IS your divinity, seeking to reunite with you
  • Light and dark – together forever in love and service



  • Alchemy is the transmutation & re-manifestation of energy
  • Your consciousness calls forth energy for experience
  • The art of alchemy was used in Atlantis and ancient Egypt
  • Alchemy happens without power or force
  • Experience alchemy for yourself
  • Use it in your daily life
To the Messengers

To the Messengers


  • High consciousness + deep awakening = chaos
  • YOU are a messenger of change
  • You’re affecting all of creation in all realms
  • Absolute self-trust is required
  • Physics, gravity, mathematics – everything changes
  • Time to let all energies serve you
The Silent Prayer

The Silent Prayer


  • In love for myself:
  • I accept my perfect Being
  • I accept the abundance that fills my life
  • I take responsibility for my creation
  • I know that I Am an angel of light
  • All things are as they should be
Twelve Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Twelve Signs of Spiritual Awakening


  • First of all, you’re not going crazy!
  •  Awakening changes everything
  •  It's a full “reboot” of mental, physical, emotional & spiritual
  •  This too shall pass
  •  Your old contracts and commitments are complete
  •  Hang in there, the transition to embodied mastery is worth it!
Introduction to the Sexual Energies School

Introduction to the Sexual Energies School


  • The most important challenge of all – loving yourself
  • It’s the answer to everything
  • Without it, you’re already undergoing abuse
  • Self-love makes miracles possible
  • Lack of self-love brings illness and death
  • Are you manifesting your heart’s desires or just taking up space?



  • Do you experience a storm after every calm?
  • Does trouble always follow joy?
  • It’s because you’re caught in the allure of drama
  • This old pattern plays out in your body and your life
  • It brings a temporary hit of false energy, but it can’t sustain you
  • Welcome your divinity, and open to passion, creativity, and joy
A Time To Inspire

A Time To Inspire


  • Give up the struggle and let energy serve you
  • This lifetime is NOT a mistake
  • No need to worry about the Earth
  • Society is becoming more equitable
  • You’re providing the vision and inspiration
  • This is why you’re here!
Are You Having a Spiritual Awakening?

Are You Having a Spiritual Awakening?


  • Spiritual awakening means:
  •  - Going beyond your human identity
  •  - Reconnecting with your true Self
  •  - All while still in a physical body
  • It scrambles your mind and changes your life
  • And it’s a completely natural, beautiful process
"I Am a Creator" Certificate

"I Am a Creator" Certificate


  • Acknowledge yourself as a true creator
  • No more karma, blame or excuses 
  • It’s you, granting sovereignty to yourself
  • No one can create your life but you
  • No more victim or power games
  • Are you ready?

Guided Experiences – Merabhs & DreamWalks

DreamWalk into Aerotheon

DreamWalk into Aerotheon


  • Gravity is a tool of creation
  • It holds particles and waves together as reality
  • It holds thoughts and emotions in patterns
  • Gravity can also help you release and expand
  • Experience your true inner freedom
  • Return to your natural state
The Realm Workers: Call to Return

The Realm Workers: Call to Return


Many Realm Workers have felt:
       - Tired all the time
       - Unsuccessful at life
       - Like they got something wrong
You were doing important work in the other realms
Now you can finally enjoy life!

Heaven’s Cross Merabh

Heaven’s Cross Merabh


  • A deep and personal guided journey
  • An experience of your own Apocalypse
  • It is the unveiling of All That You Are
  • Discover and explore the heavens of you Self
  • No healing, no effort, no struggle
  • It’s You, flowing through the realms
 Heaven's Cross: The Opening

Heaven's Cross: The Opening


  • The veil begins to lift
  • Divinity is here
  • Human is no longer lost
  • It’s the culmination of lifetimes
  • A self-chosen destiny
  • It is our dream come true
I Am Safe

I Am Safe


  • To a sensitive being, feeling safe is a huge challenge
  • There’s a place you go…
  • Remember the safe space of compassion
  • Safety issues with the outer, inner and unseen worlds
  • Imagine always feeling safe…
  • Watch the profound difference in your life
I Am Beauty

I Am Beauty


  • Beauty is its own wisdom
  • It changes how energy comes to you
  • Beauty is an experience, not a value judgment
  • Gift yourself with the sense of Beauty
  • Beauty is in everything
  • It’s your energy, how could it be anything but beautiful?
I Am Comfort

I Am Comfort


  • There is value in discomfort, but you can transcend it
  • Discomfort comes from resisting chaos
  • Magic happens in unpredictability
  • Chaos just means you don’t understand it yet
  • Wisdom is the knowingness of the future
  • It’s your energy – how could it not work out?
I Am Free

I Am Free


  • The soul has always been free
  • Human has been “separate” from consciousness
  • Release the past, mass consciousness, time and the mind
  • Integrate – “into great” – consciousness and energy
  • Then you will be free in your own energy and passion
  • True freedom – it’s all natural!
DreamWalk of Realization

DreamWalk of Realization


  • You chose to be here right here, right now
  • Are you ready to allow your real Realization?
  • This time is special, the Zero Point
  • Everything is yours… everything
  • This is heaven, and you’re the God here
  • What you allow now can literally change history
I Am Abundance

I Am Abundance


  • Abundance is a state of being
  • Now is the time to get over your hang-ups about it
  • Abundance is the ability to receive from your I Am
  • Suffering has been a huge block; are you done yet?
  • It’s all your energy, serving you in the Now
  • “Abundance is a natural state, let’s get on with it”
Breath of the I Am

Breath of the I Am


  • Come back together with your Self
  • The breath of Spirit is your breath
  • The gentle breath of allowing
  • No more struggle, no more trying
  • Now comes the breath of the I Am into your life
  • You are ready
I Am True

I Am True


  • Doubt is a distraction AND it’s a gift
  • It’s an irritant to keep you moving
  • Helps you not stay stuck in an unnatural state
  • But it doesn’t need so much attention
  • There is actually nothing false within you
  • Come back to “I am real”
I Am Calm

I Am Calm


  • The dragon is here, the planet is awakening
  • You have all the tools for your own stability
  • You have heart – compassion, passion, love
  • You have wisdom and knowingness
  • You are safe; it’s okay to be calm
  • Relax deeply into “I Am Calm”
I Am Merlin

I Am Merlin


  • Merlin is returning
  • It’s the integration of the human’s experience and the Master’s wisdom
  • “I Am Merlin” – this starts the energy moving
  • Magic is real, but it’s only for YOU
  • Open to your own energy, truth, passion and magic
  • Are you ready to be Merlin?
I Am Remembering

I Am Remembering


  • Remember why you’re here, your passion, your own precious name
  • Remember your potentials and the beauty of life
  • An experience to share with the Master
  • Allowing this wisdom changes everything
  • Focus, TimeSpace, gravity, experience – so many reasons to forget
  • It hurts to remember too soon, but now you’re ready
I Am Joy

I Am Joy


  • Allow the awareness of joy
  • It changes everything
  • Joy is a sense, a way to perceive reality
  • Imagine being open, vulnerable and safe
  • Feel the joy inherent in every living thing, in all of life
  • To be alive is to be in joy!
I Am Sleeping

I Am Sleeping


  • Sleep like you haven’t a very long time
  • Original purpose of sleep was a return to Self
  • A Master doesn’t need much sleep
  • The soul beckons, “Come with me…”
  • Return to the compassion of the I Am
  • The Master’s sleep… just rest…
I Am Cleansing

I Am Cleansing


  • A time to stop, integrate and rebalance
  • Everything is toxic!
  • Free energy body can handle it 
  • This detox actually works (unlike most others)
  • No need for diets and potions
  • It’s so easy…
Theos DreamWalk

Theos DreamWalk


  • Theos, a place of love, safety, beauty and full expression
  • It’s YOUR space, where your senses can open
  • You can bring nature with you
  • Breathe into the stillness as it comes to you
  • Bring it all back into your everyday life, full circle
  • “In the stillness, the mysteries are revealed”
The Love Merabh of Isis and Adam

The Love Merabh of Isis and Adam


  • The original story of love; it’s YOUR story
  • Now is the time to satisfy your deepest longing 
  • Allow fulfillment, love and completion 
  • Adam (masculine) and Isis (feminine) are ready to reunite
  • Will you allow them to come home?
  • Discover, realize and integrate the deepest love
Halloween DreamWalk 2016

Halloween DreamWalk 2016


  • A beautiful experience with fairies and Ascended Masters 
  • Fantasy and imagination are real!
  • The veil is very thin around Halloween
  • Death is an illusion; you’re still you 
  • What happens in the other realms is up to you
  • Remember and allow your own divine light
Beyond the Lie of Darkness

Beyond the Lie of Darkness


  • Humans believe in evil, which then makes it real
  • It is Satan’s biggest accomplishment
  • Darkness, power, and sin are illusions
  • You have never done anything wrong!
  • This is your key to freedom
  • Return to the inherent grace and beauty of your soul
DreamWalk for Releasing Emotional Wounds

DreamWalk for Releasing Emotional Wounds


  • Have you ever been angry, ridiculed, abused, betrayed, abandoned?
  • These deep wounds can last a very long time
  • Don’t judge yourself; it was never about lessons or karma
  • Now is the time for true healing
  • Come on a journey to free these trapped part of self
  • At last, you can bring the element of love
DreamWalk to the Crystal Caves

DreamWalk to the Crystal Caves


  • This energy is from your desire to go to the next level
  • But be careful – it amplifies what you’re already choosing!
  • A reminder of the cosmic & crystalline energies already within you
  • They are your energies, waiting to serve you
  • Are you REALLY ready?
  • Only you can know for sure...
This is Yours – DreamWalk Beyond the Noise

This is Yours – DreamWalk Beyond the Noise


  • Noise – it comes from EVERYWHERE!
  • In all the chaos, how do you know what’s really yours?
  • Go beyond time, let it flow by you like a river
  • Watch the noise drift away
  • Come back to what is yours
  • This wisdom will always be with you
DreamWalk for Childhood Magic

DreamWalk for Childhood Magic


  • Were you ever told as a child, “You’re just making it up?”
  • Learn how to unlock and open to the magic of your childhood
  • There is so much more to life than this reality
  • Remembering your childhood takes trust in yourself
  • The land of Fae: a realm of magic, faeries and elves
  • The magic comes from allowing your knowingness



• All aboard the Ahmyo Express!
• Live in grace without doubt or limitation
• To know thy soul is to know thyself
• Discover the rhythm of your soul
• Live like you’ve never lived before
• The ahhhh of creation

Walk On DreamWalk

Walk On DreamWalk


  • Who are you without anyone else?
  • The house of your being has many rooms
  • These rooms are filled with many beings
  • They have all played a part in your experience
  • You even encounter God
  • Far beyond it all you still exist


Into Knowingness

Into Knowingness


  • Go beyond the commotion and anxiety of thoughts
  • Be where everything comes to you in the perfect moment
  • Experience the freedom of simplicity and clarity
  • The sparkles of knowingness are always within you
  • Beyond mental control and judgment freedom awaits
  • All is well in all of creation
Kasama - The Soul's Destiny

Kasama - The Soul's Destiny


  • Nothing happens by accident
  • Discover the guiding force in your life
  • Your soul is in constant expression and experience
  • Your destiny is unfolding and already fulfilled
  • Dear human, simply allow the experience
  • Kasama – timeless realization of your soul
DreamFlight Merabh

DreamFlight Merabh


  • Refresh and rejuvenate!
  • Reconnect with yourself!
  • Naturally soar and fly all night long 
  • Leave your issues and challenges behind
  • Dance in the air with the wings of an angel
  • Experience the deepest, freest form of sleep
Distillation Merabh

Distillation Merabh


  • “Ease and grace through distilling” 
  • The mind thinks; the spirit distills
  • Distilling brings in the wisdom
  • The details, facts and figures don't matter
  • Go from chaos and confusion to pure wisdom
  • Spirit brings everything to its pure essence
Love of Self Merabh

Love of Self Merabh


  • Amazing things happen when you love yourself
  • Release guilt, shame and relationship problem
  • Love songs are everywhere, and they’re all about somebody else
  • If you wrote a love song to yourself, what would it say?
  • Self-love – it's the deepest dream, the greatest gift
  • It’s time to fall in love with you
Sensual Well-Being Merabh

Sensual Well-Being Merabh


  • Are your five senses fading?
  • Cleanse and clear for a more vivid human experience
  • Get to know your sensual center
  • Stop filtering through the mind
  • Perceive into the other dimensions
  • Be in your Body of Consciousness
DreamWalk Journey on Metatron's Starboat

DreamWalk Journey on Metatron's Starboat


  • Journey on a magical starboat into the multidimensional realms
  • Stop believing in your limitations, and fly!
  • Warm yourself at the crystal fire of your passion, joy and desire
  • Understand death as a smooth and graceful process, like dreaming
  • Shine your light of joy, passion and compassion for disincarnate beings
  • Understand “What Dreams May Come”
Grand Canyon Journey

Grand Canyon Journey


  • The Now moment is awareness without past or future
  • The Grand Canyon is an interdimensional crossroads
  • Chaos = movements, shifts, changes and clearing
  • Energy came from the passion of consciousness
  • There is a direct link between Egypt and the Grand Canyon
  • An experience of energy, space and interdimensional travel
Crystal Energies Merabh

Crystal Energies Merabh


  • Earth energy is familiar, it comes in all forms and flavors
  • Crystal energy is pure, life-giving, high frequency
  • Crystalline energy seeded life on this planet 
  • It’s now available to bring your creations to life
  • Crystalline energy is stored in 21 crystal caves around the world
  • How will you allow it to serve you?
Clarity Merabh

Clarity Merabh


  • If you could have anything, what would you choose?
  • No really, what choice would you actually make?
  • People have too many options, so they don’t make choices
  • Clarity can help with everything
  • A Master can choose, realize and materialize anything – if they’re clear
  • Where are you placing your energy and resources?
Life Merabh

Life Merabh


  • Life is:
  • Filled with beauty and mystery
  • Sensual and outrageous
  • Rich, raw, real, deep, meaningful
  • Desired by angels
  • Dive into life like a Master, it's what you came here for!
Going Beyond Merabh

Going Beyond Merabh


  • Live beyond the matrix!
  • Feel beyond the five human senses!
  • Release the mental programming that keeps you in 3D
  • Remove your Atlantean headband
  • Maybe you're crazy… maybe that’s okay
  • Expansion, openness, freedom - don't give up until you find it
Merabh Introduction

Merabh Introduction


  • Change your life with ease and grace
  • Shift your consciousness with gentle peace and acceptance
  • Allow the changes you’ve already imagined into your life
  • Merabhs bring understanding and new potentials
  • Music is a beautiful, integral part of each merabh
  • Simply allow
Past Lives Merabh

Past Lives Merabh


  • Who are you?
  • You have had many lives, names and experiences
  • It’s time to move on from the cycle of lifetimes
  • This is the lifetime of integration
  • Free yourself from destiny
  • The future is the past, integrated and healed
What is Love? - Merabh

What is Love? - Merabh


  • Everlasting love – what is it?
  • Where did it come from?
  • Why does it get weighed down?
  • Fall in love with yourself
  • Be free to love without restrictions
  • Experience the profound effects of true love 
Just Passing Through (Time) Merabh

Just Passing Through (Time) Merabh


  • Time lets you be in this very sensual experience
  • Stop fighting time; let it work for you
  • Time isn’t linear, it swirls and bends
  • And you are just passing through 
  • No need to struggle, it comes to you
  • You’re not stuck anymore
Abundance Merabh

Abundance Merabh


 • Discover the secret to true abundance 
 • Hint: Are you choosing life?
 • Your family, education and job don’t matter
 • Your past doesn’t matter
 • Abundance and beauty or mediocrity and lack
 • It’s totally up to you

I-Nergize (Energize) Merabh

I-Nergize (Energize) Merabh


  • Tired, sluggish, sad?
  • Lift your spirits, invigorate your body, relieve your mind
  • Live with vitality!
  • I-Nergize yourself!
  • A prescription from Dr. Kuthumi 
  • Spice Tea for the Soul
Light Body Merabh

Light Body Merabh


  • Your body is a miracle!
  • But it’s not yours, it’s a rental from the ancestors
  • No wonder it often feels foreign
  • Now is the time to allow in your light body 
  • It is wholly yours and can transform the physical
  • By invitation only
Grace Merabh

Grace Merabh


  • Open to a life of ease and grace
  • It is the life of a Master
  • Enter into the holy of holies, the Sanctum of Grace
  • Grace becomes apparent when you recognize yourself as the Master
  • Energy, your own crystallized consciousness, is here to serve you
  • Grace can be a way of life
DreamWalk Journey to Your Secret Garden

DreamWalk Journey to Your Secret Garden


  • There is a beautiful place of creation that’s only yours
  • Visit any time to bring new potentials into your life
  • You have already created unlimited potentials for yourself
  • Potentials can be anything
  • Important differences between potentials and probabilities
  • Are you ready to receive all you desire?
DreamWalk Journey to the Earthbound Realms

DreamWalk Journey to the Earthbound Realms


  • Experience a DreamWalk of service, radiance and compassion
  • Death is the doorway to a new life
  • Ghosts are beings unable to go through the doorway
  • This DreamWalk is a tremendous service to them
  • “In silence we shine our light”
  • What you feel out here is not your own; be in total acceptance
Beyond Ancestral Biology Merabh

Beyond Ancestral Biology Merabh


  • Transform the body by making it your OWN!
  • Stop renting it from your ancestors 
  • Breathe in your light body
  • Release hereditary illnesses and traits
  • Renew your biology
  • Become the Body of Consciousness
Enlightenment Merabh

Enlightenment Merabh


  • Enlightenment is within you now, in each heartbeat
  • Are you ready to realize it?
  • You can’t think your way into Realization
  • It is neither a goal nor a destination
  • It is your Spirit-given right
  • The Master walks in awareness of their enlightenment
Death Merabh

Death Merabh


  • Death is nothing to fear!
  • It’s a natural state of release and rejuvenation
  • Humans use fear of death to avoid fully living
  • You have died many times
  • Now, return to your Self
  • Allow the surrender while remaining in your body
The Seven Seals

The Seven Seals


  • Your existence began with the Seal of Separation
  • It was followed by limitation, darkness, sin and suffering
  • These locks allowed you dive into time, matter and experience
  • Now, remember who you are and why you’re here
  • It has all been for wisdom
  • You are God also, feel your own I Am presence
Opening into Consciousness

Opening into Consciousness


  • The conscious breath is a profound gift to Self
  • Choose to be in your body
  • Come into your sacred Point of Presence
  • Expand your energy, open into other dimensions
  • Choose life; your body will respond
  • Allow the rejuvenation
Call to Awaken

Call to Awaken


  • It is time to wake up, dear human
  • You are so much more than you know
  • Now, allow yourself to remember…
  • Remember your origins and why you’re here
  • Remember your trust and your love
  • Remember every part of your Self

Tobias Materials – Invaluable Legacy

Sam’s “Be Well” Message

Sam’s “Be Well” Message


  • Wisdom from a life well lived:
  • “Be organic and pick off the bad apples”
  • “Prune the tree and let the energies flow”
  • “Use logic and commune with your soul”
  • It's so important to stay grounded and balanced
  • The world is changing, it’s why you’re here
Ask Tobias: Mental Imbalance

Ask Tobias: Mental Imbalance


  • Everyone has a degree of mental imbalance
  • It’s the mind going beyond its limitations
  • Medications are not the answer
  • Reconnect with the pre-programmed Self
  • Let go of control
  • Breathe life back into yourself!
Rising to Freedom

Rising to Freedom


  • Give yourself freedom
  • It’s the best gift you can give yourself
  • Let go of stories and obligations of the past
  • New Energy feels like chaos and confusion
  • Breathe it in, your divinity will guide you
  • Your steady light affects the land
Ask Tobias: The Evolution of Gaia

Ask Tobias: The Evolution of Gaia


  • Gaia helped set up the unique experiment of Earth
  • Now she’s moving on, gifting the planet to its residents
  • It’s time for humans to take responsibility for our home
  • Many new sources of energy are waiting to be discovered
  • Water is a conduit for interdimensional energies
  • Gravity itself is changing
Ask Tobias: Mormons and Other Spiritual Families

Ask Tobias: Mormons and Other Spiritual Families


  • What’s a spiritual family, and do you have one?
  • Tobias talks about 144,000 angelic families and their unique energies
  • They are reuniting on Earth, often through religion
  • Mormons are a very strong angelic family
  • Hear details about Joseph Smith as told by Tobias
  • Now is the time to release your angelic family and be sovereign 
Aspectology School Online - Information Only

Aspectology School Online - Information Only


  • Unintegrated aspects can cause things like:
  • Illogical fears, disruptive emotional reactions
  • Recurring patterns of self-sabotage or victimhood
  • Guilt, confusion, shame, lack of abundance
  • You don’t need these things anymore
  • It’s time to bring them home
Sexual Energies School – Information Only

Sexual Energies School – Information Only


  • Learn about the sexual energy virus and how it affects your life
  • Create your own path to self-love, and allow the return to joy 
  • Discover the futility of power games 
  • Learn how to stop others from depleting your energy
  • Improve your relationships, health and well-being
  • Excellent for counselors and other professional facilitators
Journey of the Angels

Journey of the Angels


  • Understand the current dynamics on Earth
  • Remember who you are and why you’re here
  • Are you still in the Wall of Fire?
  • Did you ever really leave Home?
  • There was never any mistake… ever
  • It’s the greatest story ever told
The Creator Series e-Book

The Creator Series e-Book


  • Discover who you truly are and why you’re here
  • Remember your true divine nature 
  • Gain practical tools to make the journey easier 
  • Feel the support and encouragement from Spirit
  • Move beyond duality into the New Energy
  • Gnost – even more intimate than spirit
4 Masters in Munich

4 Masters in Munich


  • How to go beyond the mind
  • Become power-less and energy-rich
  • Live your dreams and let them come true
  • Walk on – into life, across the Earth, through the realms
  • Celestial graduation and tears of remembrance
  • It’s ALL just an act of consciousness!
Journey of The Angels: The Musical Experience by Amir

Journey of The Angels: The Musical Experience by Amir


  • Remember who you are and why you’re here
  • Journey back through time
  • Did you ever really leave Home?
  • There was never any mistake… ever
  • It’s the greatest story ever told
  • Return to the joy of life and the love of self


Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?


  • Why are you here on the planet?
  • Why have you lost so much?
  • Why do you feel so alone?
  • This is the most difficult lifetime you’ve ever had
  • The biggest job you’ve ever taken on
  • You’re awakening, integrating self, and changing consciousness
Ask Tobias: The 13th Strand

Ask Tobias: The 13th Strand


  • There is no sin or error in being gay or lesbian
  • These “blended ones” carry a 13th strand in their DNA
  • They are pioneers, change-makers and unifiers
  • They are helping humanity integrate duality
  • It’s time to stop carrying society’s guilt and karma, including AIDS
  • And bring in a new understanding of sexuality
Winds of the Anasazi

Winds of the Anasazi


  • The Awakening is on
  • The Ancient Ones, the Anasazi are free to go
  • We are now the Dream Makers
  • The Four Corners area is unique and special
  • Anasazi held the energy there for a very long time
  • Dance with them now in celebration and release
Letter to Awakening Humans

Letter to Awakening Humans


  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Why are you here on Earth?
  • The answers are there
  • The call of your soul has been heard
  • You are going through an awakening
  • There is support, and you are never alone
The Lost Children of Christ

The Lost Children of Christ


  • Did childhood trauma cause you to shut down?
  • Though difficult, it was for a reason
  • The Earth faced equal potential for life or destruction
  • You came at this critical time to bring Christ Consciousness
  • Those around you did not understand, couldn’t support you
  • The world is ready now; this is your time
Expanding Your Intuition

Expanding Your Intuition


  • Intuition is natural and makes life easier
  • It works closely with your body
  • Learn to trust yourself implicitly
  • The results are very tangible
  • Give yourself permission
  • Everything you need comes to you
Discovering Your Passion

Discovering Your Passion


  • Passion – the burning joy of life
  • Remember: You are the I Am Presence on Earth
  • Karma is man-made – let it go!
  • Questions create reality – ask the good ones!
  • Feel the flame of passion, the joyful dance of life
  • Are you ready to allow passion into your life?
Time Travels

Time Travels


  • Travel as a magi beyond time itself
  • Learn how the Star People helped create civilization
  • Reconnect with the gods, pharaohs & ancient ones
  • They have been waiting for you
  • Heal the wounds of Atlantis
  • Move beyond your destiny into a new future
Ask Tobias: New Energy Education

Ask Tobias: New Energy Education


  • It is time for New Energy Schools 
  • Focus on turning out creators rather than academics
  • School's true purpose: Communicate, interrelate, calculate and create
  • Traditional education needs drastic reform
  • Tobias’ vision: Creative, holistic, small groups, internet discussions
  • New Energy education = profound effect on mass consciousness
Ask Tobias: Addictions

Ask Tobias: Addictions


 • Addiction is NOT a sign of weakness
 • It has to do with the pleasure center that keeps you embodied
 • There are many beliefs and overlays with addictions
 • The problem with 12-Step recovery programs 
 • What’s the difference between pleasure and joy?
 • The future is the past healed

Ask Tobias: Relationships

Ask Tobias: Relationships


  • Discover why a lot of spiritual people are alone
  • Where, when and how did relationships begin?
  • The reason yours might have ended
  • You’re alone… now what?
  • How to develop a relationship with yourself
  • Sex in the New Energy
Tobias Returns to Israel

Tobias Returns to Israel


  • It’s time for a new consciousness of God
  • A brief history of creation, Earth, and the Jews
  • Change is coming to the Middle East
  • Six very special angelic guests
  • Fulfilling a promise made 2,600 years ago
  • Now is the time of salvation
Ask Tobias: Conspiracies

Ask Tobias: Conspiracies


  • Many conspiracy theories are true!
  • What happens when you go down the rabbit hole?
  • Fear + drama = energy stealing
  • Kuthumi discusses UFOs, 9/11, aliens and more
  • Drama is juicy, seductive and addictive
  • Learn how to escape the confusion
Wound of Isis

Wound of Isis


  • Masculine/feminine, light/dark, good/evil
  • Ancient conflicts, power games, energy stealing
  • Sexual abuse, torture, enslavement
  • The time has come to release these wounds
  • Energy always seeks resolution
  • Open to love, your divinity is waiting
It Doesn't Matter

It Doesn't Matter


  • It’s the best of times and the worst of times
  • YOU are the grand being you’ve been waiting for
  • You’ve already arrived, now experience the journey
  • Drop the burdens, they’re not yours
  • Things aren’t falling apart, they’re coming together
  • You are here for the experience, now live!
The Darkness is Your Divinity

The Darkness is Your Divinity


  • The answer to your tears and prayers – “Where is Spirit?”
  • Light and dark are different expressions from the same source
  • The Darkness took on your burdens, pain and self-loathing
  • It was the greatest gift of love from Self
  • The Darkness IS your divinity, seeking to reunite with you
  • Light and dark – together forever in love and service
The Silent Prayer

The Silent Prayer


  • In love for myself:
  • I accept my perfect Being
  • I accept the abundance that fills my life
  • I take responsibility for my creation
  • I know that I Am an angel of light
  • All things are as they should be
Twelve Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Twelve Signs of Spiritual Awakening


  • First of all, you’re not going crazy!
  •  Awakening changes everything
  •  It's a full “reboot” of mental, physical, emotional & spiritual
  •  This too shall pass
  •  Your old contracts and commitments are complete
  •  Hang in there, the transition to embodied mastery is worth it!
Introduction to the Sexual Energies School

Introduction to the Sexual Energies School


  • The most important challenge of all – loving yourself
  • It’s the answer to everything
  • Without it, you’re already undergoing abuse
  • Self-love makes miracles possible
  • Lack of self-love brings illness and death
  • Are you manifesting your heart’s desires or just taking up space?
The Seven Seals

The Seven Seals


  • Your existence began with the Seal of Separation
  • It was followed by limitation, darkness, sin and suffering
  • These locks allowed you dive into time, matter and experience
  • Now, remember who you are and why you’re here
  • It has all been for wisdom
  • You are God also, feel your own I Am presence
Sovereign One

Sovereign One


  • Let go of the world’s problems
  • You are here to be an example of wisdom 
  • Whatever you get into, you can always get out of
  • As the ancient ones pass the torch, history can be healed
  • Become your own One, a sovereign being
  • Now, welcome magic into your life
A Time To Inspire

A Time To Inspire


  • Give up the struggle and let energy serve you
  • This lifetime is NOT a mistake
  • No need to worry about the Earth
  • Society is becoming more equitable
  • You’re providing the vision and inspiration
  • This is why you’re here!
Ask Tobias: Dei Un Gnost

Ask Tobias: Dei Un Gnost


  • Discover solutions your mind can never find!
  • We are body, mind, spirit and gnost
  • Go beyond Atlantean programming
  • Remember your true divine creativity
  • Learn how to experience gnost in everyday life
  • Gnost – even more intimate than spirit
The Beauty of Life

The Beauty of Life


  • “Bump and fill” is often how your divinity comes in
  • Tobias/Sam is a teacher of self-love and Aspectology
  • In his last lifetime, he finally learned to allow
  • Angels line up to experience the beauty and sensuality of life
  • Feel what you’re really doing as a consciousness pioneer
  • Life is beautiful and precious; dive deep into the experience!
Call to Awaken

Call to Awaken


  • It is time to wake up, dear human
  • You are so much more than you know
  • Now, allow yourself to remember…
  • Remember your origins and why you’re here
  • Remember your trust and your love
  • Remember every part of your Self
Standard Technology

Standard Technology


  • Learn how to be your own healer
  • Enjoy rejuvenation and a life of synchronicity
  • With implicit self-trust, energies realign
  • It’s simple and easy; no force or manipulation
  • All you need is 30 minutes a day
  • Experience it yourself and facilitate others
Out of the Box

Out of the Box


  • Humans live and think inside many types of boxes
  • But you can get out of the box!
  • You can experience being open, creative and free
  • Energy pathways and patterns are fluid, not rigid
  • You can live and play in the sacred geometries of energy
  • Potentials and energy are just waiting to serve you!
Ask Tobias: Time, Space & Measurement Systems

Ask Tobias: Time, Space & Measurement Systems


  • Time doesn’t exist, it’s only a belief system
  • Space is an illusion, you can change it
  • Open your beliefs, use new measurement tools
  • Release time and space to end the old patterns
  • The future is the past healed
  • Bless every experience, set yourself free
Ask Tobias: Depression

Ask Tobias: Depression


  • Depression is a natural part of waking up
  • It serves a very important purpose
  • A metamorphosis that will not last forever
  • It’s the caterpillar becoming the butterfly
  • Why psychotropic medications are not advised
  • Personal repercussions of suicide
The Oslo Sessions: From Control to Freedom

The Oslo Sessions: From Control to Freedom


  • Humans control themselves in countless ways
  • Trying to manage body, mind, and spirit
  • Controls kept you intact as a human
  • Now they are unnecessary limitations
  • Release control, grant yourself freedom
  • You are safe because it’s all yours
Ask Tobias: Dreams

Ask Tobias: Dreams


  • Dreaming is a brilliant invention that keeps us connected to Self
  • Death and the dream state are very similar
  • Bring back dream wisdom by expanding your Silver Cord
  • Dreams serve you in many, many ways
  • You can be a conscious dreamer
  • It is ALL a dream!
Ask Tobias: Biological Rejuvenation

Ask Tobias: Biological Rejuvenation


  • Learn how your body really works
  • You don't actually need to “fix” it
  • Discover why your spirit sometimes feels trapped
  • Remember where healing comes from
  • Understand the role of medications, supplements and facilitations
  • Experience Safe Space Healing
Ask Tobias: Pets

Ask Tobias: Pets


  • What makes our pets so special?
  • Learn the origin and history of our animal companions
  • The important differences between ordinary animals and pets
  • Our pets are here in compassion, service and unconditional love 
  • What happens when our pets die?
  • The bond is never broken
Ask Tobias: On Death & Dying

Ask Tobias: On Death & Dying


  • Death is a beautiful and natural transition
  • There can be great love and honor in death
  • Imagine death being a joyful, beautiful experience for all involved
  • Energy seeks resolution, even in death
  • Death is an end, but also a new beginning
  • It is time to bring dignity back into the death experience
Journey of the Angels - Book

Journey of the Angels - Book


  • Who are you?
  • Why are you here?
  • Where did you come from?
  • Remember your purpose on Earth
  • Awakening the true meaning of your life
  • It's time to remember who you are

Miscellaneous - Hidden Treasures

 Heaven's Cross: The Opening

Heaven's Cross: The Opening


  • The veil begins to lift
  • Divinity is here
  • Human is no longer lost
  • It’s the culmination of lifetimes
  • A self-chosen destiny
  • It is our dream come true
Checking into Heaven

Checking into Heaven


  • America’s most prolific author talks about:
  • Finding extraordinary wisdom in an ordinary life
  • Harnessing the creative power of stories
  • Discovering a surprise at the “Pearly Gates”
  • A practical explanation of the soul
  • And a personal request from Mr. Twain himself


Adamus on Topic: DreamWorlds

Adamus on Topic: DreamWorlds


  • This is just a dream, but it’s not the only one
  • You are dreaming all the time
  • You can bring back the best dream potentials
  • Are you worthy of them?
  • Become dream-aware and literally change your reality
  • Dreams: the next quantum thing for Shaumbra
Adamus on Topic: The Big Work Walkout

Adamus on Topic: The Big Work Walkout


  • A brief history of jobs
  • Evolving from slavery to freedom
  • Humanity: “Take this job and shove it!”
  • It’s time for a new kind of productivity
  • Release old concepts, beliefs, and suffering
  • Be a Standard for doing what brings joy
Metaphysics of Pain

Metaphysics of Pain


  • Nearly all chronic pain is “emotionally sourced”
  • It is often based in stuck energies seeking release
  • Communicate with your body and your Self
  • Ask what the pain is about, then tell it goodbye
  • Learn practical & effective ways to release pain
  • Let go… let go… let go…
Cosmic Conversations

Cosmic Conversations


  • TimeSpace is the motion of experience through the I Am
  • You don’t move; TimeSpace moves through you
  • Wisdom results from this movement and experience
  • Gravity is the glue that holds it all together
  • Ever expanding creation is the ultimate joy of the Creator
  • Power is an illusion
ProGnost 2016

ProGnost 2016


  • Consciousness and physical reality are converging
  • Will Old Earth and New Earth come together?
  • Virtual reality and other changes – not science fiction!
  • It’s time to awaken your ‘Master Sense’
  • Prepare for disruption
  • And remember that All is Well
New Earth Update 2014

New Earth Update 2014

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  • A place of hope and freedom
  • It’s where you often go in dreams
  • But it’s non-mental, so the mind forgets
  • Many more are under construction
  • New Earth is a beautiful act of creation
  • Now, tell your stories
Walk On DreamWalk

Walk On DreamWalk


  • Who are you without anyone else?
  • The house of your being has many rooms
  • These rooms are filled with many beings
  • They have all played a part in your experience
  • You even encounter God
  • Far beyond it all you still exist


Facets of Wisdom

Facets of Wisdom


  • There are no failures in your creations
  • Everything will serve you
  • Don’t call “pre-creations” failures
  • Whatever you get into, you can get out of
  • Acknowledgement can shift everything
  • “I see you”
Consciousness Revolution

Consciousness Revolution


  • Remember the secrets of your omniverse!
  • Cosmic science beyond even quantum physics
  • Time holds everything together – and keeps you stuck
  • Most of your consciousness exists outside of time
  • Experience your true multidimensional nature
  • “You’re here. You’re there. Your there is here.”
Kasama - The Soul's Destiny

Kasama - The Soul's Destiny


  • Nothing happens by accident
  • Discover the guiding force in your life
  • Your soul is in constant expression and experience
  • Your destiny is unfolding and already fulfilled
  • Dear human, simply allow the experience
  • Kasama – timeless realization of your soul
Act of Consciousness - Book

Act of Consciousness - Book


  • Are you ready for your life to change?
  • In the freedom of enlightenment, nothing really matters
  • You can experience life in whatever way you choose
  • It’s ALL an act, so play a role you like!
  • Learn how your reality is created and how to change it
  • And then relax into your enlightenment
Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?


  • Why are you here on the planet?
  • Why have you lost so much?
  • Why do you feel so alone?
  • This is the most difficult lifetime you’ve ever had
  • The biggest job you’ve ever taken on
  • You’re awakening, integrating self, and changing consciousness
Distillation Merabh

Distillation Merabh


  • “Ease and grace through distilling” 
  • The mind thinks; the spirit distills
  • Distilling brings in the wisdom
  • The details, facts and figures don't matter
  • Go from chaos and confusion to pure wisdom
  • Spirit brings everything to its pure essence
Beyond Duality

Beyond Duality


  • Light and dark have melded together 
  • It happened because of love here on Earth
  • The implications are profound
  • This integration changes everything
  • Humans are tirelessly supported by many angels
  • Allow yourself to experience life beyond duality
Sounds of the Soul - Egypt 2010

Sounds of the Soul - Egypt 2010


  • Mastery is allowing energy to serve you
  • At first, it’s confusing and uncomfortable
  • What do you want?
  • Command the energy
  • Revitalize your body and mind
  • The Atlantean Dream is finally coming true
Grand Canyon Journey

Grand Canyon Journey


  • The Now moment is awareness without past or future
  • The Grand Canyon is an interdimensional crossroads
  • Chaos = movements, shifts, changes and clearing
  • Energy came from the passion of consciousness
  • There is a direct link between Egypt and the Grand Canyon
  • An experience of energy, space and interdimensional travel
Clarity Merabh

Clarity Merabh


  • If you could have anything, what would you choose?
  • No really, what choice would you actually make?
  • People have too many options, so they don’t make choices
  • Clarity can help with everything
  • A Master can choose, realize and materialize anything – if they’re clear
  • Where are you placing your energy and resources?
Call of the Soul

Call of the Soul


  • You and your soul long to be together
  • Are you ready to feel totally at ease with yourself?
  • Learn what it’s like to live as an Ascended Master 
  • Abundance and health are your natural state
  • Others will notice your radiance 
  • This is the most precious time of all
STUDIO K - Tales from a Master

STUDIO K - Tales from a Master


  • Stories of ambition, adventure, heartbreak, redemption
  • It’s hard to let go of the search, just ask Kuthumi
  • He wanted to be the grandest of all 
  • Learn why his friends call him “Big Pants, Little Heart”
  • He finally learned to let go of the stories and come home
  • Soul honors your choice, always, because it’s really you
DreamWalker For Pets

DreamWalker For Pets


  • Learn the difference between animals and pets
  • Our dear pets are here in pure service and love
  • This unconditional love transcends time, space and lifetimes
  • DreamWalking your pet is both a connection and an invitation
  • You will know when your pet begins the transition process
  • Even from the other realms, they are still with you
Yes, I Am Enlightened

Yes, I Am Enlightened


  • What life is like after enlightenment
  • It’s about living in joy and wonder!
  • Embrace the human experience
  • Drink the good wine
  • Share your own stories 
  • All it takes is “YES!”
Probabilities and Potentials

Probabilities and Potentials


  • What will create your life tomorrow? 
  • Will it be the same old probabilities or new potentials?
  • Go beyond “the tube” of what has always been
  • Change your destiny
  • Your potentials are unlimited and always available 
  • DreamWalk into the vast field of your potentials
Re-Order Your Reality

Re-Order Your Reality


  • Everything is connected
  • And all the connections are changing
  • This affects gravity, duality, magnetics and more
  • All systems are re-ordering; it’s chaotically wonderful
  • The world is not falling apart, it’s reorienting
  • You’re here to be part of it
Winds of the Anasazi

Winds of the Anasazi


  • The Awakening is on
  • The Ancient Ones, the Anasazi are free to go
  • We are now the Dream Makers
  • The Four Corners area is unique and special
  • Anasazi held the energy there for a very long time
  • Dance with them now in celebration and release
The Gift of Chaos

The Gift of Chaos


  • Humans and angels love to put things in order
  • Order is limitation, and it’s always temporary
  • Chaos comes when consciousness wants freedom
  • Chaos is beautiful, free-flowing energy
  • Breathe chaos in, it doesn't need to be frightening
  • Your Body of Consciousness knows exactly what to do
Interdimensional Living

Interdimensional Living


  • Reawaken your angelic senses and abilities
  • Consciously experience other dimensions
  • Unlock your prison and be free
  • Travel far and wide with Kuthumi
  • Remember your Self
  • Profound experiences and practical information
The Alchemy of Light & Dark

The Alchemy of Light & Dark


 • Experience the freedom of New Energy alchemy
 • It’s an inside job, no longer fighting with self
 • Heal ancient wounds inflicted by the Church
 • Stop hiding; you are safe now
 • How do you get to heaven? By living life!
 • Look not to the past for treasures, they’re here now

Ask Tobias: New Energy Education

Ask Tobias: New Energy Education


  • It is time for New Energy Schools 
  • Focus on turning out creators rather than academics
  • School's true purpose: Communicate, interrelate, calculate and create
  • Traditional education needs drastic reform
  • Tobias’ vision: Creative, holistic, small groups, internet discussions
  • New Energy education = profound effect on mass consciousness
Tobias Returns to Israel

Tobias Returns to Israel


  • It’s time for a new consciousness of God
  • A brief history of creation, Earth, and the Jews
  • Change is coming to the Middle East
  • Six very special angelic guests
  • Fulfilling a promise made 2,600 years ago
  • Now is the time of salvation
Ask Tobias: Conspiracies

Ask Tobias: Conspiracies


  • Many conspiracy theories are true!
  • What happens when you go down the rabbit hole?
  • Fear + drama = energy stealing
  • Kuthumi discusses UFOs, 9/11, aliens and more
  • Drama is juicy, seductive and addictive
  • Learn how to escape the confusion
Masters in the New Energy - Book

Masters in the New Energy - Book


  • The Master trusts themselves implicitly
  • The Master makes choices 
  • The Master is a self-contained being
  • The Master understands that life is an illusion
  • The Master accepts all things as they are
  • The Master understands they are a creator
Lords of Freedom - Egypt 2013

Lords of Freedom - Egypt 2013


  • After Atlantis, humans first emerged in Egypt
  • Your journey has included this land
  • The Ancient Ones are ready to be free
  • It's time for your freedom as well
  • Your soul is waiting
  • All it takes is an act of consciousness
Live Free

Live Free


  • You can have unlimited energy
  • You can transcend time
  • You can access the elixir of your wisdom
  • Freedom is where all this is found
  • And it’s a gift only you can give yourself
  • Are you ready?
Crystal Consciousness

Crystal Consciousness


  • The I Am is awakening, the human needs only to allow
  • Your physical body is a product of the ancestors
  • The light body is ready to come in 
  • It’s easy – and it changes everything
  • Relax into your enlightenment
  • Walk & talk like a Master; it changes how energy comes in
DreamWalk Journey to Your Secret Garden

DreamWalk Journey to Your Secret Garden


  • There is a beautiful place of creation that’s only yours
  • Visit any time to bring new potentials into your life
  • You have already created unlimited potentials for yourself
  • Potentials can be anything
  • Important differences between potentials and probabilities
  • Are you ready to receive all you desire?
Beyond Ancestral Biology Merabh

Beyond Ancestral Biology Merabh


  • Transform the body by making it your OWN!
  • Stop renting it from your ancestors 
  • Breathe in your light body
  • Release hereditary illnesses and traits
  • Renew your biology
  • Become the Body of Consciousness
It Doesn't Matter

It Doesn't Matter


  • It’s the best of times and the worst of times
  • YOU are the grand being you’ve been waiting for
  • You’ve already arrived, now experience the journey
  • Drop the burdens, they’re not yours
  • Things aren’t falling apart, they’re coming together
  • You are here for the experience, now live!



  • Alchemy is the transmutation & re-manifestation of energy
  • Your consciousness calls forth energy for experience
  • The art of alchemy was used in Atlantis and ancient Egypt
  • Alchemy happens without power or force
  • Experience alchemy for yourself
  • Use it in your daily life
Introduction to the Sexual Energies School

Introduction to the Sexual Energies School


  • The most important challenge of all – loving yourself
  • It’s the answer to everything
  • Without it, you’re already undergoing abuse
  • Self-love makes miracles possible
  • Lack of self-love brings illness and death
  • Are you manifesting your heart’s desires or just taking up space?



  • Do you experience a storm after every calm?
  • Does trouble always follow joy?
  • It’s because you’re caught in the allure of drama
  • This old pattern plays out in your body and your life
  • It brings a temporary hit of false energy, but it can’t sustain you
  • Welcome your divinity, and open to passion, creativity, and joy
The Seven Seals

The Seven Seals


  • Your existence began with the Seal of Separation
  • It was followed by limitation, darkness, sin and suffering
  • These locks allowed you dive into time, matter and experience
  • Now, remember who you are and why you’re here
  • It has all been for wisdom
  • You are God also, feel your own I Am presence
Sovereign One

Sovereign One


  • Let go of the world’s problems
  • You are here to be an example of wisdom 
  • Whatever you get into, you can always get out of
  • As the ancient ones pass the torch, history can be healed
  • Become your own One, a sovereign being
  • Now, welcome magic into your life
Ask Tobias: Pets

Ask Tobias: Pets


  • What makes our pets so special?
  • Learn the origin and history of our animal companions
  • The important differences between ordinary animals and pets
  • Our pets are here in compassion, service and unconditional love 
  • What happens when our pets die?
  • The bond is never broken
Live Your Divinity - Book

Live Your Divinity - Book


  • “Gabriel Syndrome” – once you wake up, you can’t go back
  • Now it’s time to trust your own voice
  • The light will never win, and neither will the dark
  • Now it’s time to integrate duality
  • Manifest your highest potentials
  • Your ascension is natural and inevitable
Ahmyo-Makyo by Yoham

Ahmyo-Makyo by Yoham


  • There’s no need for worry or anxiety
  • It’s time for absolute, unconditional trust in Self
  • You are the creator of your life
  • Everything is for your highest good
  • Accept this, trust this
  • Let go of all the spiritual bullshit!
"I Am a Creator" Certificate

"I Am a Creator" Certificate


  • Acknowledge yourself as a true creator
  • No more karma, blame or excuses 
  • It’s you, granting sovereignty to yourself
  • No one can create your life but you
  • No more victim or power games
  • Are you ready?
Message to Shaumbra

Message to Shaumbra


  • It’s time to live the Atlantean dream
  • Time to harvest the seed we planted with Yeshua
  • Tired but determined, we’re finally doing it
  • Enlightenment comes naturally by allowing 
  • This is the time of Realization
  • Crimson Circle and Shaumbra, here for each other
Time of the Merlin Online

Time of the Merlin Online


  • You are here to be a Merlin
  • You’re here to allow energy to serve
  • Suffering does NOT bring salvation
  • Allow your energy to flow in ease and grace
  • Become a Standard of grace for the planet
  • The time is now



  • The gravity of Time keeps you in this reality
  • To understand the I Am, go beyond Time
  • Going timeless is the death of death
  • Everything is within; where’s your awareness?
  • Magic is multiple, many occurring at once
  • To be in sync, be authentic and genuine with yourself



  • A brief look at the timeline of Shaumbra
  • The dragon has arrived, the planet is awakening
  • It’s time for the Masters to step forward
  • We did it! The energy impasse has been resolved
  • Therefore, an extraordinary announcement to all beings
  • “It’s time to be free” – Adamus
Global Virus Prediction

Global Virus Prediction


  • Adamus predicted an unprecedented global virus in 2014
  • The unrest brings disruption on a global scale
  • It’s about a drastic economic rebalancing
  • The dragon has come to Earth
  • Be in your consciousness, there is nothing to fear
  • This is why we’re here
About the Coronavirus 2020

About the Coronavirus 2020


 • Every virus is from an imbalance in human consciousness
 • The coronavirus is really about economic inequality
 • What is your relationship with abundance?
 • Technology has the capability to level the field
 • The virus is helping to bring a new balance
 • There is nothing to fear

Stories of the Masters - Book

Stories of the Masters - Book


  • Getting over “doing the right thing”
  • Life is like a game of snakes and ladders
  • Reassembling your parts and pieces
  • A cup of hot chocolate with the Master
  • Painting a masterpiece with ease, joy and grace
  • Composing and performing the song of your life
  • And so much more…
Magic of the Masters

Magic of the Masters


  • DreamWalk to Atlantis and the Temples of Tien
  • The love of Tobias and adventures of Sam
  • Communing – the energies sing!
  • Kuthumi hiding from his soul
  • It’s not what you believe, it’s what you allow!
  • Time to go beyond mass consciousness
The New Human Species

The New Human Species


  • Non-physical friends
  • New species coming in right now
  • Homo sapien, homo techno, robo sapien, homo christos
  • Fracturing TimeSpace
  • Earth changes and cycles
  • Light body / bioluminescence 
Three Imperatives

Three Imperatives


  • Explore everything
  • Get over it!
  • Stop fearing yourself
The Simple Master – Allowing & And

The Simple Master – Allowing & And


  • Do you really choose to stay?
  • Redefining death; merabh of “new death”
  • Consciousness, energy and the mind
  • Humans, energy and power games
  • The sense of Truth
  • What’s next? It comes to you
Channelers of Change

Channelers of Change


  • How they got into channeling
  • Changes on Earth are all about freedom
  • Stop asking “What’s wrong with me”
  • Only keep the thoughts you want
  • Allowing vs. changing the world
  • Gaia leaving, body changes, co-creation, cosmic waves & more
Quantum Allowing

Quantum Allowing


  • Quantum Allowing means totally opening up to yourself
  • Fear shows up to make sure you’re ready 
  • Place your consciousness wherever you want to be
  • The soul’s passion is pure existence
  • “I Exist” – that is the enlightenment
  • Your entire journey all comes down to this: Allowing
Memoirs of a Master - Book

Memoirs of a Master - Book


  • The origins of benching
  • Consciousness changes the very nature of reality
  • You’re no longer trapped in time
  • The darkness is your divinity
  • Captain of the Mothership or passenger in the pod?
  • Simply allow the Master within
Halloween DreamWalk 2016

Halloween DreamWalk 2016


  • A beautiful experience with fairies and Ascended Masters 
  • Fantasy and imagination are real!
  • The veil is very thin around Halloween
  • Death is an illusion; you’re still you 
  • What happens in the other realms is up to you
  • Remember and allow your own divine light
ProGnost 2016 Update

ProGnost 2016 Update


  • Look at Earth and humanity from Angel’s Peak
  • Consciousness is changing the planet
  • Evolution is accelerating 
  • Parallel realities: consciousness vs. run-away technology
  • Everything goes new … everything
  • “When consciousness is present, it changes everything”
DreamWalker Birth Transitions

DreamWalker Birth Transitions


  • Incarnation is a complex process
  • Understanding it can ease your Realization
  • Beautiful parallels between birth & enlightenment
  • Remember the magic of your first incarnation
  • Assist parents and incoming children to connect
  • Discover the secret to come and go at will
60-Second Workout

60-Second Workout


• It’s so easy and completely natural!
• Rebalance, rejuvenate and tone
• Revitalize your body
• Make friends with your body again

Journey of The Angels: The Musical Experience by Amir

Journey of The Angels: The Musical Experience by Amir


  • Remember who you are and why you’re here
  • Journey back through time
  • Did you ever really leave Home?
  • There was never any mistake… ever
  • It’s the greatest story ever told
  • Return to the joy of life and the love of self


Clases en línea en español

ProGnost 2024: la velocidad del cambio

ProGnost 2024: la velocidad del cambio


  • Estás aquí en un tiempo acelerado y enloquecido
  • Todo se aceleró tras el Salto Cuántico
  • La Tierra se está convirtiendo en el planeta del amor y la iluminación
  • Ahora todo gira en torno a tu Realización
  • Sufrir no ayuda en nada; es hora de decir: "¡Basta!".
  • Estás dando el ejemplo de cómo llegar a la iluminación
El arte de la luz - Parte 1: Imaginación

El arte de la luz - Parte 1: Imaginación


  • Aprende cómo la imaginación crea tu vida
  • Imagina abundancia, salud, alegría: ¿eres digno?
  • La luz es imaginación; a partir de ahí, sucede toda la creación
  • La verdadera imaginación no es falsa ni ilusoria
  • Tú eres la luz del mundo
  • No estás luchando contra la oscuridad sino llenando un vacío con vida
Amor 2.0

Amor 2.0


  • El amor es vital para la evolución del planeta
  • El amor cambia la forma en que la luz se convierte en realidad
  • Puede expandir la gravedad y alterar el tiempo y el espacio
  • El amor al Ser es la semilla crística que se sembró con Yeshua
  • Ahora es el momento de esta preciosa cosecha
  • ¿Qué es el amor? Consciencia y aceptación
La vida del Maestro - Parte 16: Retorno a la gracia

La vida del Maestro - Parte 16: Retorno a la gracia


  • Salir de la unidad fue como caer de la gracia
  • Cuando uno está fragmentado, la vida es accidentada
  • Sentirse indigno bloquea los potenciales más elevados
  • La gracia te vuelve a unir en todos los ámbitos
  • Nunca caíste, así que disfruta cada momento de la vida
  • Es divino disfrutar de la condición humana
ProGnost 2024 • Las leyes no son tuyas

ProGnost 2024 • Las leyes no son tuyas


  • Las leyes y reglas atraen la gravedad
  • Las leyes de la naturaleza son correctas pero incompletas
  • Las leyes de la religión son las más oscuras de todas
  • Las leyes sociales están pensadas para la cooperación, no para el control
  • Tus leyes propias son las más complejas y contradictorias
  • Liberar las leyes para ir más allá de la densidad y la gravedad
Actualización de ProGnost 2023

Actualización de ProGnost 2023


  • La luz se expandirá al menos 7% en 3-5 años
  • La estructura atómica es simplemente luz condensada
  • La realidad es una ilusión que puede alterarse
  • La clave es dejar que la no-gravedad te sirva
  • La partida de Gaia abre paso a tu cuerpo de luz
  • La IA responde a tu consciencia
Viajes en el tiempo: la metafísica del alma

Viajes en el tiempo: la metafísica del alma


  • Viajar en el tiempo ¡es natural!
  • Aprende cómo visitar– y cambiar – tu pasado
  • Reconoce que el futuro también depende de ti
  • Encuéntrate contigo en otras vidas
  • Con el acceso a la sabiduría, todo cambia
  • Todo es cuestión de iluminación
La Cruz del Cielo Parte 2: El Apocalipsis

La Cruz del Cielo Parte 2: El Apocalipsis


  • Apocalipsis significa revelar, descubrir, abrir
  • Predicho en el Apocalipsis, ese momento es ahora
  • Reescribe tu Libro de la Vida más allá de la página actual
  • La física está cambiando, la ciencia pronto se pondrá al día
  • Todo es posible
  • Sé consciente, escucha, observa: para eso estás aquí.
La Cruz del Cielo - Parte 1: Preparándonos para la apertura

La Cruz del Cielo - Parte 1: Preparándonos para la apertura


  • La desesperanza llega cuando te olvidas de tu Ser
  • Es la causa de la depresión, la adicción, la enfermedad, el suicidio
  • La Cruz del Cielo abre la puerta a tu flujo divino
  • Reaviva la conexión con tu Consciencia Crística
  • Y termina suavemente el aislamiento de la Tierra de otros reinos
  • Este evento es tanto físico y científico como metafísico
ProGnost 2023 - Rareza cuántica

ProGnost 2023 - Rareza cuántica


  • La gravedad mantiene la realidad en su sitio
  • Más consciencia significa menos gravedad
  • Menos gravedad significa más libertad
  • Las cosas se ponen muy raras en la "zona de locura"
  • Todo se abre, los reinos comienzan a fusionarse
  • Tu divinidad, la totalidad de ti ahora está disponible
Actualización de ProGnost 2022 - Metarrealidades

Actualización de ProGnost 2022 - Metarrealidades


  • La consciencia es la base de cualquier realidad
  • Todo ahora se trata del salto cuántico de la consciencia
  • Los humanos se están moviendo hacia las realidades digitales
  • La percepción viene del interior y el observador cambia la realidad
  • Es el momento de ser hiperconsciente de tu consciencia
  • ¿Digitalizar o energizar?
La vida del Maestro - Parte 15: Al otro lado del río

La vida del Maestro - Parte 15: Al otro lado del río


  • Puedes cruzar el velo y permanecer en la Tierra
  • Vé más allá de la ilusión de la separación
  • Reúnete con tu Ser para encontrar todas las respuestas en tu interior
  • Flota en el río de tu propia energía
  • Mantén un equilibrio constante en el ahora
  • Cuando sea el momento, regresa al océano de tu alma
Haciendo el cuerpo de luz con Kuthumi

Haciendo el cuerpo de luz con Kuthumi


  • Tu cuerpo físico no es más que un disfraz
  • El cuerpo de luz es el verdadero Tú
  • Es tu Cuerpo de Consciencia singular
  • Hace que todo sea más fácil
  • Te lo has ganado, es el momento
  • Nota: sólo para Maestros
ProGnost 2022 - Metafísica para Maestros

ProGnost 2022 - Metafísica para Maestros


  • Llevar la metafísica al nivel práctico
  • Si deseas cambiar algo en tu vida, está más presente
  • Las partículas se mueven entre dimensiones; tú también puedes hacerlo
  • Todas las percepciones tienen lugar en la mente
  • No te limites con ninguna creencia
  • Puedes cambiar lo que quieras, solo para ti
La herida de Adam

La herida de Adam


  • Entender los roles únicos de lo masculino y lo femenino
  • El fracaso de Isis, el corazón roto de Adam
  • Desde la Orden de los Arcángeles hasta ahora
  • El descubrimiento del amor
  • La herida más profunda (que aún duele)
  • El reencuentro definitivo: lo cambia todo
Actualización de ProGnost 2021 - Cuestión de tiempo

Actualización de ProGnost 2021 - Cuestión de tiempo


  • ¿Estás "perdiendo" el tiempo y te sientes desorientado?
  • ¿Estás frenéticamente ocupado o duermes mucho?
  • Es porque el tiempo en sí se está fracturando
  • La energía está fluyendo como nunca antes
  • Todo se vuelve nuevo
  • I¡Y está ocurriendo ahora!
La vida del Maestro, Parte 14: Encuentros del alma

La vida del Maestro, Parte 14: Encuentros del alma


  • El alma es tu energía, tus potenciales, tu sabiduría y tu soberanía
  • Tú, el humano, eres el canto de la energía de tu propia alma
  • Las otras persona son tú disfrazado como ellos
  • Se acabó el tiempo de este grandioso "Juego de Ángeles"
  • Tú eres el alma soñándose a sí misma como el humano
  • Es hora de despertar, ponerte las alas de la sabiduría y volar
La vida del Maestro, Parte 13: Enteligencia

La vida del Maestro, Parte 13: Enteligencia


  • La inteligencia humana está basada en la dualidad y la emoción
  • La inteligencia de la energía es neutral e ilimitada
  • Es totalmente tuya
  • Toma tu lugar en el reino del Ser
  • Y finalmente deja que tu energía te sirva plenamente
  • “¡Detente, mira y escucha antes de empezar a desesperarte!”
ProGnost 2021 - Los tiempos ÆND

ProGnost 2021 - Los tiempos ÆND


  • Tu energía te precede
  • Vamos lineal y local y mucho más allá
  • La tecnología está impulsando cambios enormes
  • La sociedad se está transformando de incontables maneras
  • Hay un motivo por el cual has sentido una profunda tristeza
  • Cuídate primero a ti mismo; esto lo cambia todo
Actualización de ProGnost 2020 - Adamonomía 101

Actualización de ProGnost 2020 - Adamonomía 101


  • ¿Cómo está tu economía?
  • La realización es permitir que la energía te sirva abundantemente
  • Deja que tu brillo sea visto, incluso por el “Gran Hermano”
  • La deuda es el diablo, déjala ir
  • Invierte en ti mismo, haz un préstamo al Banco del Yo Soy
  • Aprende, involúcrate, invierte – ¡y observa qué sucede!
La vida del Maestro, Parte 12: Sendas de Realización

La vida del Maestro, Parte 12: Sendas de Realización


  • Explicaciones claras del despertar y la realización
  • Anécdotas y estadísticas de los Maestros Ascendidos
  • Rutas que se han usado pero que no son recomendables
  • Experiencias comunes en el camino hacia la realización
  • Callejones sin salida, peldaños y caminos más fáciles
  • ¿Cuál es tu senda?
La vida del Maestro, Parte 11: Energía viviente

La vida del Maestro, Parte 11: Energía viviente


  • Todo lo que percibes es tu energía
  • Este es el más grande Punto de Separación en esta vida
  • La duda es natural y puede ser una hermosa herramienta de claridad
  • La Orden de los Arcángeles ha servido su propósito
  • ¿Cuál es tu Cociente Energético?
  • ¡Todo está a tu servicio! ¿Puedes permitirlo?
La vida del Maestro, Parte 10: Hacia fuera

La vida del Maestro, Parte 10: Hacia fuera


  • La pasión regresa ... ¡por fin!
  • Puedes entrar y salir en cualquier momento
  • Un vistazo a un futuro diferente
  • Nunca más olvides quién eres realmente
  • La Gravedad, el Enfoque y la Dualidad están aquí para servirte.
  • Bienvenido a casa
Actualización de ProGnost 2019 - Para los soñadores

Actualización de ProGnost 2019 - Para los soñadores


  • La tecnología es hoy la cuestión más importante en el planeta
  • Estás aquí para traer consciencia a este cambio histórico
  • Puedes llegar a la Nueva Tierra por medio de la muerte o del dragón
  • ¡La magia es real!
  • Es hora de dejar de jugar el juego del “camino espiritual”
  • Tú eres el soñador de una era totalmente nueva
ProGnost 2020 - Despertar Planetario

ProGnost 2020 - Despertar Planetario


  • El despertar planetario está sucediendo, ¡gran noticia!
  • Muchos llegarán a su Realización a través de la tecnología en lugar de por medio de la espiritualidad
  • Ya encontramos lo que estábamos buscando, así que la Orden de los Arcángeles se está cerrando
  • Lo que viene de la Tierra se esparcirá por todo el universo
  • Hay un gran número de seres que están encarnando por primera vez en el planeta
  • Los seres humanos están enfrentando la pérdida de identidad, la hipnosis digital, la indefinición de género y más
La vida del Maestro, Parte 9: Realusión

La vida del Maestro, Parte 9: Realusión


  • Descubre cómo se crea la realidad – y cómo modificarla
  • Conoce los que la gravedad, el tiempo y el espacio realmente son
  • Libera la “mem-brana” que ha estado limitando tu consciencia
  • Convierte a la energía en tu amiga
  • Todo está en tu interior, solo TÚ puedes cambiarlo
  • Cambia tu perspectiva– ¡es el efecto del mago!
La magia de los Maestros

La magia de los Maestros


  • Caminata de los sueños a la Atlántida y a los Templos de Tien
  • El amor de Tobías y las aventuras de Sam
  • Al comulgar... ¡las energías cantan!
  • Kuthumi se esconde de su alma
  • No es lo que crees, sino lo que permites
  • Hora de trascender la consciencia colectiva
ProGnost 2019 - El Dragón Entra

ProGnost 2019 - El Dragón Entra


  • Las antiguas historias de dragones se originaron en la Atlántida.
  • Se trata de haber olvidado nuestros orígenes y perdido nuestro nombre.
  • El dragón vuelve ahora, ¿invitas al tuyo?
  • Trae la disrupción y la claridad.
  • Te exige que liberes la culpa y la vergüenza.
  • Es hora de vivir en la magia y la gracia.
La vida del Maestro, Parte 8: Nova Vita - Tu vida nueva

La vida del Maestro, Parte 8: Nova Vita - Tu vida nueva


  • Tu disco cristalino (como el disco imaginal de una mariposa)
  • “Estilizando” tu nuevo ser
  • Una gran reunión con vidas pasadas
  • Encuentro contigo dentro de tu creación
  • Profunda compasión y gratitud por tu humano
  • Se acaba la "ansiedad por el mañana"
Actualización de ProGnost 2018 - Adiós Gaia

Actualización de ProGnost 2018 - Adiós Gaia


  • Gaia, tu hogar durante tanto tiempo, se va.
  • Es hora de que los humanos se responsabilicen del planeta.
  • TechGREEN - Tecnología, Gaia, Reinos, Tierra, Energía, Naturaleza.
  • Evolución: moverse hacia Dios; Pandelución: Dios se mueve dentro de su creación.
  • Implicaciones prácticas de la partida de Gaia.
  • La Tierra necesita ser más social, la soberanía humana.
La vida del Maestro, Parte 7: Yo Soy Creación

La vida del Maestro, Parte 7: Yo Soy Creación


  • La verdadera naturaleza de la creación revelada al fin
  • Sabiduría – una preciosa realización
  • Madurez espiritual y el Ahora Futuro
  • Comprender la energía y dejarla trabajar para ti
  • El absoluto asombro por la creación…
  • Encuentra al creador dentro de su creación
La vida del Maestro, Parte 6: ¡Ya no más!

La vida del Maestro, Parte 6: ¡Ya no más!


  • Reprimido por las causas que sostienes
  • La dulce claridad de “¡Ya no más!”
  • Qué hacer con respecto a tu enojo
  • Libertad: ¿realmente deseas el cambio que trae consigo?
  • Hacia las mágicas Cavernas Cristalinas
  • ¿Qué ves en el espejo?
El Maestro Simple –  Permitir & Y

El Maestro Simple – Permitir & Y


  • ¿Realmente eliges quedarte?
  • Redefinir la muerte; merabh de la "nueva muerte"
  • La consciencia, la energía y la mente
  • Los humanos, la energía y los juegos de poder
  • El sentido de la Verdad
  • ¿Qué es lo siguiente? Viene a ti
ProGnost 2018 - La última era de la mente

ProGnost 2018 - La última era de la mente


  • La creación empieza por el final... ¡de verdad!
  • Próximamente: la fragmentación del tiempo-espacio
  • Los humanos están creando una especie completamente nueva
  • La consciencia lo cambia todo - por eso estás aquí
  • Evolución vs. pandelución
  • TechGRIN - Tecnología, Genología, Inteligencia (IA), Robótica, Nanotecnología
La vida del Maestro, Parte 5: Ahmyo

La vida del Maestro, Parte 5: Ahmyo


  • Comunión cotidiana y consciente entre el humano y el Maestro
  • Permitir la sabiduría, abundancia, salud, relaciones y más
  • Convivencia con el Maestro – ¿está listo el humano?
  • Cambiar la manera en que la energía te sirve
  • Ayudar al Maestro a comprender al humano
  • Una experiencia profunda para permitir Ahmyo
Actualización de ProGnost 2017

Actualización de ProGnost 2017


  • Cuando no estás en el drama, todo está bien
  • Los cambios tecnológicos son el resultado de la consciencia
  • El karma es creado por el hombre y 6.000 millones de personas trabajan en él
  • La tecnología está afectando a lo masculino y a lo femenino, a la mente y al cuerpo
  • La alteración de la consciencia de Dios genera caos
  • Repercusiones de la IA y la RV en este Tiempo de las Máquinas
Clínica de la sensualidad

Clínica de la sensualidad


  • Cómo asegurar que se establezca la fecha de tu Realización
  • Lo que sucede cuando abres tus sentidos
  • Deja que las alas de tu sueño te lleven a la iluminación
  • Los sentidos angélicos de la Verdad, el Gozo, la Unidad y el Ser
  • Comunión con la música y la pasión
  • Un canto de amor de ti para ti
La vida del Maestro, Parte 4: Sensualidad

La vida del Maestro, Parte 4: Sensualidad


  • Comprender lo que verdaderamente es un sentido
  • Más de 9 'sentidos' humanos adicionales
  • El VERDADERO sentido humano es el Enfoque
  • Por qué estás en el Enfoque y cómo salir de ahí
  • Los sentidos angélicos de Imaginación, Unidad, Belleza
  • El Amor – el mayor sentido de todos
ProGnost 2017 - Puente a Theos

ProGnost 2017 - Puente a Theos


  • Tecnología, política e inteligencia artificial
  • La Tierra, nuestro querido -y hambriento- planeta del Amor
  • La vieja Tierra, la nueva Tierra y por qué no se unen
  • ¿Dónde está el amor?
  • La belleza y sensualidad de Theos es sólo para ti
  • Un puente de sueños hacia el lugar del amor más profundo
La vida del Maestro, Parte 3: Encarnación

La vida del Maestro, Parte 3: Encarnación


  • Tres fundamentos de la iluminación
  • El Maestro entra al Templo
  • Cuerpo de tecnología vs. cuerpo de luz
  • Liberación de la naturaleza y de cuestiones ancestrales
  • Cómo reequilibrar el cuerpo y abrir los sentidos
  • Bienvenida al cuerpo de luz
  • El propósito y la ilusión de la muerte
Actualización de ProGnost 2016

Actualización de ProGnost 2016


  • Contempla la Tierra y a la humanidad desde el Pico del Ángel
  • La consciencia está cambiando el planeta
  • La evolución se está acelerando
  • Realidades paralelas: la consciencia frente a la tecnología desbocada
  • Todo se vuelve nuevo... todo
  • "Cuando la consciencia está presente, lo cambia todo"
4 Maestros en Múnich

4 Maestros en Múnich


  • Cómo ir más allá de la mente
  • Cómo tener una vida sin poder y rica en energía
  • Vive tus sueños y deja que se vuelvan realidad
  • Sigue caminando - hacia la vida, a través de la Tierra, por los reinos
  • Graduación celestial y lágrimas de recuerdo
  • ¡TODO es solamente un acto de consciencia!
La vida del Maestro, Parte 2: Yo Estoy Aquí

La vida del Maestro, Parte 2: Yo Estoy Aquí


  • Las distracciones en el camino de la Realización
  • ¿En dónde estás tú?
  • Cómo expandir de la flama de tu consciencia
  • Cómo percibir las múltiples realidades
  • Cómo aplicar la consciencia a cuestiones de abundancia y salud
  • Aplicaciones prácticas de estar "aquí"
  • Cómo elegir tu experiencia de vida
ProGnost 2016: Un año de disrupción

ProGnost 2016: Un año de disrupción


  • La consciencia y la realidad física están convergiendo
  • ¿Se reunirán la Vieja Tierra y la Nueva Tierra?
  • Realidad virtual y otros cambios: ¡no es ciencia ficción!
  • Es hora de despertar tu "Sentido Maestro"
  • Prepárate para la disrupción
  • Y recuerda que Todo está bien
La vida del Maestro, Parte 1: Transfiguración

La vida del Maestro, Parte 1: Transfiguración


  • Molestias y dolores corporales, problemas físicos
  • Cuerpo de luz - la física y como introducirlo
  • Inteligencia biológica
  • La dinámica del nacimiento en la realidad física
  • Cómo trascender a los ancestros y la consciencia colectiva
  • La transfiguración de Yeshua/Jesús - y la tuya
Libertad Ancestral

Libertad Ancestral


  • ¿Cómo has llegado a ser de la manera que eres?
  • ¿Quiénes son tus ancestros reales y por qué esto importa?
  • Descubre por qué hay algunas cosas que son difíciles de cambiar
  • Libérate hacia tu soberanía y tu libertad
  • Todos los seres están siendo llamados a casa en este tiempo de convergencia
  • La familia espiritual ya no es necesaria porque ya no estás perdido
Actualización sobre la Nueva Tierra

Actualización sobre la Nueva Tierra


  • Un lugar de esperanza y libertad
  • Es el lugar al que se suele ir en sueños
  • Pero no es mental, así que la mente se olvida
  • Muchos más están en construcción
  • La nueva Tierra es un hermoso acto de creación
  • Ahora, cuenten sus historias