Changing Values at the Core of Society
Family is at the core of all things human, and it has taken different forms throughout the history of Earth. In this high-level look at changing family dynamics, Adamus gives a historical overview of the family unit, beginning in Atlantis all the way to contemporary times, moving through polygamy, monogamy, and now individual sovereignty. Traditional relationship definitions are giving way to a lot of “blurred lines,” which will result in changes of everything from housing and food packaging to childrearing and the development of new LLCs or “Limited Liability Commitments.” Love as the basis for intimate relationships is a relatively recent development and will become a more dynamic factor as karma and ancestral patterns are released. Society will continue to evolve as more and more humans choose personal freedom over old family bonds.
In Atlantis, society was wholly communal with children belonging to the community rather than the biological parents. Upon emerging after the fall of Atlantis, humans living on the harsh surface of the Earth banded together for protection and survival. The resulting polygamous family unit lasted until the early Middle Ages when the Church began encouraging the monogamous father/mother/children model. As consciousness shifted after WWII, the family unit began its next evolution. No longer based on karma, patriarchy and lifelong vows, the newly emerging family unit will be based on group friendship and mutual agreement.
As humanity releases karma and ancestral bonds, it will come full circle from the communal family unit of Atlantis to the new friendship-based group family unit. While there will continue to be many who choose the more traditional family model, there will be more and more who choose to be “single and sovereign,” free to move among relationships and explore the love of Self.
Announcing our new series: Adamus on Topic
The focus of Adamus’ work with Shaumbra has been very personal, with a core of messages about staying on Earth as embodied Masters at this all-important Time of Machines. No small task, as this encompasses everything from developing a new relationship with our energy, allowing the Free Energy Body, transitioning from a mental/logic basis into Knowingness, and going from linear time to Æterna. But what about the fast-changing world around us?
In addition to understanding the inner, personal changes we’re going through, it’s also important to understand the monumental changes in our human society. The new Adamus on Topic series is designed to address the major trends and changes that are affecting the fabric of humanity now and in the future.
Length: 1:26:15
Format: Downloadable audio (mp3), video (mp4) & text (pdf)
Cost: $25
Featuring: Adamus Saint-Germain, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe
Recorded at the Shaumbra Pavilion in Kona, Hawaii, April 2021