Hosted live by
Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe
“Aspectology is natural. It is natural for any creator being to create actors of itself, to create aspects that will serve it. It is a natural thing for all of these aspects to return back home, sooner or later. Somewhere deep within, you have chosen to make this the lifetime, the Point of Presence, for welcoming all of your aspects back home.” – Tobias
Aspectology is presented live in English only.
The complete recorded channels of Tobias and Adamus are also available in e-reader format in English
and in the 17 languages listed below.
• Norsk | • 日本語 | • Pусский | • Italiano |
• Polski | • Français | • Čeština | • Español |
• Suomi | • Română | • Deutsch | • Dansk |
• ελληνικά | • 한국어 | • Magyar | • Português |
• Pt. Brasileiro |
If you’ve never taken Aspectology, now is the perfect time. We offer it online once a year only. If you’ve already taken Aspectology and want a refresher, this is a great opportunity to experience the energies again, and get an update too. Originally channeled by Tobias in April 2008, it's among the most transformational classes offered by the Crimson Circle. We updated Aspectology in August 2015. It includes additional channels from Adamus that are now an integral part of the Aspectology School, as well as comments from Geoff and Linda before each channeled session as they host the School live.
In this workshop, Tobias and Adamus speak about the Aspects we create to experience and manage our lives. An aspect represents a certain part of you, for example the parent, the musician, warrior or business person, the healer, a child, but also past life identities, certain talents and abilities and even your biology are Aspects. Each human has therefore thousands and thousands of Aspects. Aspects are in essence the rays of your divine self.
Aspects are normally fully integrated. However, Aspects can also become wounded or fragmented as a result of a traumatic experience such as physical abuse, a serious illness, divorce or an accident. Or an Aspect can be a part of you that you deny or reject. In that case an Aspect can become stuck or dissociated and influence your life in an unconscious and sometimes detrimental way. In the worst case a person can develop a Multiple Personality Disorder.
With the tools offered in this workshop you can start to recognize and reintegrate those Aspects that are not fully integrated in your life and invite them back within. This process can be very challenging and intense, but also very liberating. By reintegrating your Aspects you can release deep energetic wounds and begin enjoying life in a new way.
Who is really living your life? Who’s making the decisions, reacting to others, maybe even holding you back? Aspects are the way of the soul experiencing itself. But when they get stuck, they try to take over your life! The result is chaos, self-sabotage and never-ending frustration.
Aspectology, what we call “New Energy Psychology,” is a groundbreaking study of human nature, healing and creation. Unlike traditional psychology which assumes there is something wrong with you that must be fixed (or medicated), Aspectology assumes that you are whole and complete at your core, no matter the level of your current difficulties.
Aspects are expressions of you that were originally meant to serve you. For example, you have a driver aspect that understands how to operate a car, perhaps a parent aspect, a technology aspect, a spiritual seeker aspect, or even a “me-taking-a-shower” aspect. You have countless aspects that serve you every day; parts of self that you created and can call forth when needed.
However, when an injury or shock occurs (such as a car accident or hurtful words), the aspect can become traumatized and stuck. It no longer serves you as intended; it loses its connection with you. When one chooses conscious integration, the stuck energy starts resolving and the precious pearl of wisdom it carries can return to you.
With the many past lives we’ve had and the traumas we’ve been through, it’s no wonder we might have difficulty with things like self-trust, repetitive patterns, seeing our own truth, self-judgment or self-hatred, even apparent demonic encounters. All these things and more are the result of stuck aspects. The best news of all? You come to realize that you are indeed multiple (because singular is just so limiting), and, when you start living in the AND, freedom is actually possible!
The following terms and conditions set forth the Agreement for attending the Aspectology School online.
Registering for the Aspectology workshop described on this page signifies full agreement to these five points:
Please review the Technical Requirement FAQ's before registering.
If you have any questions, please, contact us:
Registration and general questions at [email protected]
Technical support at [email protected]
COST: $595
• Verified Aspectology graduates receive a 50% discount.
If you are an Aspectology graduate, your 50% discount will be applied automatically after you have logged into your store account. Make sure it has been applied before continuing with your payment. If you have any questions on the graduate discount or face any issues when registering please contact [email protected]
Once the transaction is complete, you will receive the receipt as well as an email with the access link to the Cloud Class.
All times are Mountain Time for Denver, Colorado.
Check your local event launch time here: Time & Date
Friday, January 24: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM (MST)
Saturday, January 25: 10:00 AM – 3:30 PM (MST)
Sunday, January 26: 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM (MST)
All end times are approximate.
Coffee breaks between sessions will be 20 minutes. The mid-day meal break will be 30 minutes.
We recommend a similar daily rhythm for you as you participate from home.
* Please read below for registration details and agreements *
AGE LIMIT – Due to the nature of the content, you must be 16 years of age or older to view this material.
TRANSFORMATIONAL – Those who are taking anti-anxiety or anti-depression medications, known as SSRIs, within the past 18 months, are not eligible to participate in the Aspectology School.
The Aspectology Class video recordings and text e-Reader will now be available online for 90 days until April 27, 2025 (Extended access for CC Angels).
Please make sure your schedule allows you to view the online videos and access the e-Reader. No exceptions will be made to the closing date.
CREDIT – Translator, webhost and Crimson Circle store credits can be used for this online event.
LANGUAGE – This class will be offered in English only. E-readers will be made available in the languages listed above.
Please be aware that the text transcripts contain the complete channels of Tobias and Adamus, but NOT the live segments with Geoff & Linda. However, you now can set up English captions for the videos, AND translated captions in other languages (Chrome ONLY). For more information on how to do this, please CLICK HERE.
You will also have a guideline to assist you throughout the class which provides information about the presentation to help you follow along in the different languages before the class starts.
ESSENTIAL – Aspectology is currently highly recommended for attendance at Live Events with Geoff and Linda.
PRIVATE – This is for your personal experience only. The materials cannot be copied or shared in any way. It is not permitted to watch the online class with others that have not registered for this class, nor is it allowed to split the cost with others and view in a group setting. 1 registration = 1 person. Your integrity is very important.
50% cancellation fee through January 1, 2025
Nonrefundable after January 1, 2025
• Experience the freedom of New Energy alchemy
• It’s an inside job, no longer fighting with self
• Heal ancient wounds inflicted by the Church
• Stop hiding; you are safe now
• How do you get to heaven? By living life!
• Look not to the past for treasures, they’re here now