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Ask Tobias: Biological Rejuvenation

Ask Tobias: Biological Rejuvenation

Healing Energies for Your Body

At the core, you are a non-physical angelic being, which means your body is a rather foreign object. And, if you’re like many, there has always been a love-hate relationship with the body; it is wonderful and frightening at the same time. Now you can begin to truly appreciate how the body works and understand the amazing abilities it carries. Not only does it allow you to experience the physical world, it also has a built-in self-correcting, self-balancing and self-healing mechanism. This inner system allows for biological rebalancing and even healing of things like cancer, which is a result of communications break-down. While many people may not be ready for self-healing due to belief systems and religious structures, this ability is finally beginning to reawaken within conscious humans around the world.

In this Ask Tobias session, moderated by Dr. Doug Davies, a Beverly Hills neurologist, and Keith Smith, a renowned herbalist and iridologist, Tobias begins by discussing the history of our biology, including the Atlantean effort to standardize our physical forms and their functions. He then answers various questions about health issues like diet, cancer and limb regrowth, and gives instructions on how to tap into the body's innate healing abilities. 

$ 20 USD


  • Learn how your body really works
  • You don't actually need to “fix” it
  • Discover why your spirit sometimes feels trapped
  • Remember where healing comes from
  • Understand the role of medications, supplements and facilitations
  • Experience Safe Space Healing


Listen to a sample:

Length: 1:23:08

Format: Downloadable audio (mp3) and text (pdf)

Cost: $20

Featuring: Tobias, Linda Hoppe, Dr. Doug Davies and Keith Smith

Recorded in San Diego, California, November 2004

Ask Tobias: On Death & Dying
Ask Tobias: On Death & Dying


  • Death is a beautiful and natural transition
  • There can be great love and honor in death
  • Imagine death being a joyful, beautiful experience for all involved
  • Energy seeks resolution, even in death
  • Death is an end, but also a new beginning
  • It is time to bring dignity back into the death experience

Standard Technology
Standard Technology


  • Learn how to be your own healer
  • Enjoy rejuvenation and a life of synchronicity
  • With implicit self-trust, energies realign
  • It’s simple and easy; no force or manipulation
  • All you need is 30 minutes a day
  • Experience it yourself and facilitate others

Wound of Isis
Wound of Isis


  • Masculine/feminine, light/dark, good/evil
  • Ancient conflicts, power games, energy stealing
  • Sexual abuse, torture, enslavement
  • The time has come to release these wounds
  • Energy always seeks resolution
  • Open to love, your divinity is waiting

Body of Consciousness
Body of Consciousness


  • Find out what’s really been going on with your body, mind and spirit
  • All your parts and pieces are melding together – it changes everything
  • Discover the true role of DNA 
  • You’re going from seven chakras to a single energy center
  • Return to the oneness of your Self
  • When fully integrated, you can bring your body with you at death

Ancestral Freedom
Ancestral Freedom


  • How did you get to be the way you are?
  • Who are your real ancestors, and why does it matter?
  • Find out why some things are so hard to change
  • Release yourself into sovereignty and freedom
  • All beings are called home in this time of convergence
  • Spiritual family is no longer needed because you are no longer lost

The Simple Master – Allowing & And
The Simple Master – Allowing & And


  • Do you really choose to stay?
  • Redefining death; merabh of “new death”
  • Consciousness, energy and the mind
  • Humans, energy and power games
  • The sense of Truth
  • What’s next? It comes to you

Sexual Energies School – Information Only
Sexual Energies School – Information Only


  • Learn about the sexual energy virus and how it affects your life
  • Create your own path to self-love, and allow the return to joy 
  • Discover the futility of power games 
  • Learn how to stop others from depleting your energy
  • Improve your relationships, health and well-being
  • Excellent for counselors and other professional facilitators