Special Valentine’s Day 2025 Gift:
FREE St. Germain message and music album!
Crimson Circle’s Meta-Tech Initiative is a huge project designed to bridge technology with consciousness and metaphysics. It’s based on Adamus’ call to advance our work to an entirely new level in the post-Heavens Cross era, combined with the rapid increase in communications (energy) due to new Artificial Intelligence breakthroughs. This “sea change” could ultimately be a key to bringing about Love 2.0 for the planet. Crimson Circle is committed to spending over $1 million this year in internal technologies to make it happen. This fund-raising campaign is needed in order to continue on the fast-track we envision to make this dream a reality. While St. Germain’s Valentine’s Day 2025 message and the Born to Love music album are free, without obligation, your support is appreciated now more than ever.
The Beloved St. Germain’s Valentine’s Day 2025 message delves into the extraordinary journey of love—an experience so profound that it becomes the essence of both human and divine. From the very first incarnations, love was your destiny, yet for eons, it remained unknown. Early human connections were built on friendship and camaraderie, but then, around 5,000 years ago, something remarkable happened – love was experienced for the first time ever, anywhere. This is one of the many reasons why Adamus says that “In all of creation, there are no greater beings than human beings.”
This was not just an emotion but a revolution, igniting lifetimes of passion, heartbreak, growth, and discovery. Love became the catalyst for evolution itself. This deep embedding of love on Earth culminated with Yeshua, the Master of Love, with whom you planted the seeds of love and divinity across the world. Those seeds, nurtured by compassion and now fueled by technology, have reached their moment of full bloom. Humanity is at a threshold where love is no longer just emerging; it is actively reshaping consciousness, bridging the gap between human and divine.
For Shaumbra, the message is clear: You were born for love. Not just to experience it but to embody it, to anchor it fully into Realization. The ultimate step of The Way is self-love – the most challenging, yet most essential realization. When you truly embrace yourself, love radiates through all of creation, ushering in a new era of consciousness.
The purpose of love is to bring you together with all of your being – with the human and the Master and the soul and the I Am. Love brings things together. – Beloved St. Germain
Enjoy the original Born to Love music album created just for Valentine’s Day 2025. The lyrics were written by Geoffrey Hoppe, the music concept was generated using Suno.com AI, and Gerhard Fankhauser produced the final human version of the album.
Track 1: Born to Live
Track 2: Born to Dream
Track 3: Born to Love
If you want to help support Crimson Circle’s huge Meta-Tech Initiative, we’ve included a way for you to make a masterly donation of $44, or whatever amount you choose. Adamus has challenged us as an organization to integrate the latest, greatest technologies for enhanced user experiences now, and in the years to come. Technology, he says, is the fuel for the consciousness leap talked about by Jami (from the future) in the recent Metaphysics of the Merlin event. We have a large team of full-time technology programmers, developers and support people working hard to bring the latest features and services that technology has to offer. With your support, we can continue to build the bridge between consciousness and technology, putting all of us at the forefront of communications and consciousness. We rarely have fund-raising drives, but with the task ahead of us your support is greatly appreciated. Thank you for lighting up!
Channel Length: 43:31
Music Tracks
Born to Live (4:45)
Born to Dream (4:14)
Born to love (4:51)
Format: Downloadable audio, text, video
Cost: $0 or Donation ❤️
Featuring: Beloved St. Germain, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe
Recorded at:
Crimson Circle Connection Center, January 2025 (channel)
Mitzlol Studio, Tel Aviv, Israel (music)