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Gaia's Gift – Part 1: Living Light

Gaia's Gift – Part 1: Living Light

An Enchanting Tale of Creation

Embark on an enthralling journey of creation with Adamah, also known as Gaia. This narrative details the origins of life and matter, starting from the Big Bang to the formation of Earth (Terra), the emergence of plant and animal kingdoms, and the creation of the Adam Kadmon (human) template. In this captivating story, Adamah describes answering the call of Metatron and being guided by the dreams of the angels on a journey of pure light. As the journey progresses deeper into this circle of light, the transformation into colors, rays, and eventually the elements of matter, time, space, and gravity is witnessed and explained. This process remains the essence of creation. As more people embody this living crystalline light, Earth will evolve into a true Planet of Light, home to beings of living light who are free from biological constraints.

Although Adamah transcends gender, this nurturing entity is often perceived as feminine. Now, as a transition is prepared, Adamah shares how humans can take on the vital role of caretakers of our precious planet. There is a promise to guide humanity for the next 20-30 years, eventually passing on this guardianship to those who embrace their light.

In the first of four messages to Shaumbra, Adamah joyfully announces that the dream of the Order of the Arc has been fulfilled as humans begin to take responsibility for their own light. Listeners are led on a journey to the crystalline core of the planet to hear and feel its song.

May this essence of nature, of living light always be with you.” ~ Adamah

NOTE: This message was originally presented during Light of the Merlin. Attendees of that event will automatically receive a 50% discount when purchasing this Cloud Class.

$ 0 USD


  • It’s time to take responsibility for our home
  • Adamah (Gaia) is handing over guardianship of Earth
  • The universe began with the Order of the Arc
  • 66 beings answered the call to go into the light
  • Light became matter, the dream of the angels
  • Now it’s your turn to be the living light


• Français • Español • Deutsch
• Pt brasileiro • Čeština • Polski
• Norsk • 日本語 • Italiano
• Română • Pусский • Português

Length: 1:10:52

Format: Streaming video, audio and online text e-reader

Cost: $35

Access: 90-days access to video, audio & text e-reader (120 days for CC Angels)

Translations: When text translations become available, they will be listed on this page. No refunds or extensions will be granted due to translation availability.

Featuring: Adamah (Gaia), Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe

Recorded at the Crimson Circle Connection Center, August 2023

Repeat: You may attend this Cloud Class again at half price. A 50% discount will be automatically applied during checkout. Light of the Merlin attendees will also receive a 50% discount.

Journey of the Angels - Book
Journey of the Angels - Book


  • Who are you?
  • Why are you here?
  • Where did you come from?
  • Remember your purpose on Earth
  • Awakening the true meaning of your life
  • It's time to remember who you are

Ask Tobias: The Evolution of Gaia
Ask Tobias: The Evolution of Gaia


  • Gaia helped set up the unique experiment of Earth
  • Now she’s moving on, gifting the planet to its residents
  • It’s time for humans to take responsibility for our home
  • Many new sources of energy are waiting to be discovered
  • Water is a conduit for interdimensional energies
  • Gravity itself is changing

A Time To Inspire
A Time To Inspire


  • Give up the struggle and let energy serve you
  • This lifetime is NOT a mistake
  • No need to worry about the Earth
  • Society is becoming more equitable
  • You’re providing the vision and inspiration
  • This is why you’re here!

ProGnost 2016 Update
ProGnost 2016 Update


  • Look at Earth and humanity from Angel’s Peak
  • Consciousness is changing the planet
  • Evolution is accelerating 
  • Parallel realities: consciousness vs. run-away technology
  • Everything goes new … everything
  • “When consciousness is present, it changes everything”

ProGnost 2018 Update - Goodbye Gaia
ProGnost 2018 Update - Goodbye Gaia


  • Gaia, your home for so long, is leaving
  • It’s time for humans to take responsibility for the planet
  • TechGREEN – Technology, Gaia, Realms, Earth, Energy, Nature
  • Evolution: moving toward God; Pandelution: God moving in its creation
  • Practical implications of Gaia’s departure
  • Earth needs to be more social, human sovereignty

Light of the Merlin • Online
Light of the Merlin • Online


  • Christos Physics – the true physics of creation
  • Gaia explains how this reality was created
  • Your genius is the light you’ve carried since birth
  • It’s time to release the genie within
  • Earth will be very different very soon
  • It is becoming a true planet of light!

ProGnost 2023 Update
ProGnost 2023 Update


  • Light will expand at least 7% in 3-5 years
  • The atomic structure is simply condensed light
  • Reality is an illusion that can be altered
  • The key is letting un-gravity serve you
  • Gaia’s departure makes way for your light body
  • AI is responding to your consciousness