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Heaven’s Cross – Part 2: The Apocalypse

Heaven’s Cross – Part 2: The Apocalypse

The Heavens Revealed

From the times of Atlantis to ancient Egypt, from Yeshua until now, humanity has dreamed of access to the divine, of seeing beyond, of mysteries revealed and a lifetime of grace. But the physics of this planet have hidden the doorways and blinded the senses to our true state of being. Now, because of humanity’s strong desire for change and your radiant light, an unprecedented level of consciousness allows the shadowing clouds to begin lifting and the veil to begin dissolving. Although the implications go far beyond this planet and physical creation, for humanity it means a quantum change that will evolve into every part of life.

The “Apocalypse,” which means “to reveal,” was foretold in the Book of Revelations as a time when all the potentials would change and divine would join with human. The seven heavens of Earth are seven states of being that are accessible to embodied humans. While very few have gone all the way, these realms now begin to open as Heaven’s Cross unfolds.

Adamus talks about the literal physics of creation, and how the very atomic structures on Earth will be affected by changes in time, space, gravity, and electromagnetics. Even science and human evolution will be altered as research and psychology are touched by what’s happening. He also gives very direct and practical advice on how to navigate these changes without pain or imbalance.

This apocalypse or opening of the realms is the core reason for why you’re here. It is the time of harvest, when the Christ seed planted so long ago finally bears fruit. This is what you came for, “the very reason you’re on the planet right now. Heaven’s Cross. The Apocalypse. The Christos consciousness finally coming to Earth. The last big hurrah for Shaumbra.”

NOTE: In this presentation, Adamus called for a special free Q&A session. This is now available as Heaven's Cross Part 3: Questions & Answers.


  1. Seven Heavens of Earth (1:10:20)

Adamus talks about the true definition of “apocalypse” and why it’s finally happening, then discusses how the realms, or heavens, interact and are ready to open, with profound implications. Referring to the Book of Revelations, he explains the seven heavens of the human experience: Body, Mind, Nature, Community, Service, the Elysian Fields, and The Apocalypse.

  1. Physics and Guidelines (1:15:39)

Giving a distilled physics lesson, Adamus takes the listener through the steps of creation: consciousness, energy, light, waveforms, electromagnetics, gravity, time-space and finally physical reality. Heaven’s Cross will affect every part of this, including science and human evolution itself. He also gives very practical advice on what you can do to stay balanced and make the most of this extraordinary time.

$ 0 USD



  • Apocalypse means to reveal, uncover, open
  • Foretold in Revelations, the time is now
  • Rewrite your Book of Life beyond the current page
  • Physics are changing, science will soon catch up
  • Everything is possible
  • Be aware, listen, observe – it’s why you’re here


• Français • Deutsch • Português
• Italiano • Čeština • Pусский
• Română • Polish • Український
• Norsk • 日本語 • Pt brasileiro
• Slovenščina • 中文  

Format: Streaming video, audio, and online text e-reader

Cost: $95

Access: 90-days access to video, audio & text e-reader

Translations: When text translations become available, they will be listed on this page. No refunds or extensions will be granted due to translation availability.

Featuring: Adamus Saint-Germain, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe

Recorded at the Crimson Circle Connection Center, January 2023

Repeat: You may attend this Cloud Class again at half price. A 50% discount will be automatically applied during checkout.

Going Beyond Merabh
Going Beyond Merabh


  • Live beyond the matrix!
  • Feel beyond the five human senses!
  • Release the mental programming that keeps you in 3D
  • Remove your Atlantean headband
  • Maybe you're crazy… maybe that’s okay
  • Expansion, openness, freedom - don't give up until you find it

Consciousness Revolution
Consciousness Revolution


  • Remember the secrets of your omniverse!
  • Cosmic science beyond even quantum physics
  • Time holds everything together – and keeps you stuck
  • Most of your consciousness exists outside of time
  • Experience your true multidimensional nature
  • “You’re here. You’re there. Your there is here.”

The Master's Life - Part 4: Sensuality
The Master's Life - Part 4: Sensuality


  • Understanding what a true sense really is
  • More than 9 additional human ‘senses’
  • The TRUE human sense is Focus
  • Why you’re in Focus and how to get out
  • Angelic senses of Imagination, Unity, Beauty
  • Love – the greatest sense of all

Journey of the Angels
Journey of the Angels


  • Understand the current dynamics on Earth
  • Remember who you are and why you’re here
  • Are you still in the Wall of Fire?
  • Did you ever really leave Home?
  • There was never any mistake… ever
  • It’s the greatest story ever told



  • The gravity of Time keeps you in this reality
  • To understand the I Am, go beyond Time
  • Going timeless is the death of death
  • Everything is within; where’s your awareness?
  • Magic is multiple, many occurring at once
  • To be in sync, be authentic and genuine with yourself

Time of the Merlin Online
Time of the Merlin Online


  • You are here to be a Merlin
  • You’re here to allow energy to serve
  • Suffering does NOT bring salvation
  • Allow your energy to flow in ease and grace
  • Become a Standard of grace for the planet
  • The time is now

The Master’s Life – Part 15: Across the River
The Master’s Life – Part 15: Across the River


  • You can cross the veil and remain on Earth
  • Go beyond the illusion of separation
  • Reunite with Self to find every answer within
  • Float in the river of your own energy
  • Maintain a constant in-the-moment balance
  • When it’s time, return to the ocean of your soul

Dream of the Merlin
Dream of the Merlin


  • The other realms are finally open
  • Access has been closed since Atlantis
  • All you wish for has already been created
  • As a Merlin, you can bring it here to Earth
  • Your soul is right here with you
  • Remember why you’re really here

Heaven’s Cross – Part 1: Preparing for the Opening
Heaven’s Cross – Part 1: Preparing for the Opening


  • Hopelessness comes when you forget your Self
  • It’s the cause of depression, addiction, illness, suicide
  • Heaven’s Cross opens the door to your divine flow
  • Rekindles the connection with your Christ Consciousness
  • And gently ends the isolation of Earth from other realms
  • This event is about physics & science, as well as metaphysics