Into Your Secret Garden
Featuring Kuthumi lal Singh
Health, happiness, abundance, love. While everyone wants to bring the best potentials into their lives, most people are limited to the probabilities of yesterday. But even in Realization there are new things to learn, choose, sense and experience in the unlimited energy of the soul. In this beautiful “walking story,” Kuthumi describes a Secret Garden in which every potential exists and explains the human sense that can help you find the ones you want. At this point in the journey your Secret Garden has changed. The weeds are gone and now, with the integration of past lives and the completion of the Self, anything is possible.
After staying on Earth for more than 20 years after his Realization, Kuthumi became an expert on living as an embodied Master. Now, he shares deep wisdom about the journey and accessing the potentials that are always available to you. In this humorous and delightful story he tells of the search for answers that led to his breakdown, the blissful silence of completion, the complicated relationship with his soul and the learning that still takes place after Realization.
My intent is to just you get to laugh a little bit, to relax, because when you do, the energies around you relax. Life becomes a lot easier. Life becomes actually fun. ~ Kuthumi
Length: 1:13:49
Format: Downloadable audio, video & text
Cost: $33
Featuring: Kuthumi, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe
Recorded at the Shaumbra pavilion in Kona, Hawaii, November 2022