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In the Air

In the Air

A Special Adamus Session

In this unusual news flash, Adamus Saint-Germain makes some significant announcements. The Ascended Masters Club has now reached the milestone of 10,000 members; there is a corresponding number of embodied Masters on Earth; the coronavirus, having done its job, is on the way out; and all this happening at the Grand Conjunction on the 2020 Winter Solstice. This transformational time is all about your own personal freedom and the tremendous weakening of external power. With the Order of the Arc closed – which Adamus said was the “keeper of Time” – now is the time to let energy serve you boldly and fearlessly. Embodied Masters are on the planet and magic is in the air.

The year of 2020 will remain in memory for a very long time as a year of challenge and transformation. As humanity faced isolation and loss from COVID-19, the angelic families were summoned to one last massive assembly and then disbanded. As science and medical researchers worked long hours toward solutions, more and more conscious humans around the planet allowed their Realization. As the Order of the Arc closed, most of the humans who left the planet went on to the New Earths instead of getting stuck in the Near Earth Realms. Give yourself thanks for being here right now and doing what you came to do. It’s happening now. 

Note from Geoffrey Hoppe:
Adamus woke me up at 4:30 AM, Friday, December 19. He said he had a message for Shaumbra, and it needed to get out no later than December 21. Linda and I sat down here at Villa Ahmyo in Kona and recorded it later that morning. The staff wheels turned quickly to get the message out in less than 24 hours, including reviewing and uploading the audio file to the server, transcribing the audio file to text, preparing the PDF, writing the description, sending the audio and text files to the translators around the world, creating the graphic, preparing the social media postings, etc. There’s a long list of tasks that need to get done before releasing a message, and the CC team came through once again with speed and grace. Everyone knew the message was important and did whatever it took to get it ready for Shaumbra.

So, what’s the urgent message all about? It’s about Ascended Masters, embodied Masters, COVID-19, the Grand Conjunction and Winter Solstice, and coming to the end of a challenging and transformational year. More than anything, it’s about a significant potential that’s available to you right now.

Now, tap into the energies of the December 21 Grand Conjunction and Winter Solstice as you listen to this important message from Adamus.


$ 0 USD


  • 10,000 Ascended Masters
  • A significant Grand Conjunction
  • The keepers of Time have disbanded
  • Coronavirus has done its job
  • Power is fading
  • NOW is the time to let energy serve you!

Length: 28:34

Format: Downloadable audio (mp3) and text (pdf)

Cost: $0

Featuring: Adamus Saint-Germain, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe

Recorded at Villa Ahmyo, December 2020

Battlefields of Power
Battlefields of Power


  • Learn the ancient foundations of Middle East conflict
  • It’s a family fight, with the world joining in
  • It relates directly to your own Realization
  • Letting go of one’s family identity 
  • God, religion, power games and victimhood
  • Ghosts and other non-physical influences

Consciousness Revolution
Consciousness Revolution


  • Remember the secrets of your omniverse!
  • Cosmic science beyond even quantum physics
  • Time holds everything together – and keeps you stuck
  • Most of your consciousness exists outside of time
  • Experience your true multidimensional nature
  • “You’re here. You’re there. Your there is here.”

About the Coronavirus 2020
About the Coronavirus 2020


 • Every virus is from an imbalance in human consciousness
 • The coronavirus is really about economic inequality
 • What is your relationship with abundance?
 • Technology has the capability to level the field
 • The virus is helping to bring a new balance
 • There is nothing to fear



  • A brief look at the timeline of Shaumbra
  • The dragon has arrived, the planet is awakening
  • It’s time for the Masters to step forward
  • We did it! The energy impasse has been resolved
  • Therefore, an extraordinary announcement to all beings
  • “It’s time to be free” – Adamus

Aspectology School Online - Information Only
Aspectology School Online - Information Only


  • Unintegrated aspects can cause things like:
  • Illogical fears, disruptive emotional reactions
  • Recurring patterns of self-sabotage or victimhood
  • Guilt, confusion, shame, lack of abundance
  • You don’t need these things anymore
  • It’s time to bring them home

DreamWalk of Realization
DreamWalk of Realization


  • You chose to be here right here, right now
  • Are you ready to allow your real Realization?
  • This time is special, the Zero Point
  • Everything is yours… everything
  • This is heaven, and you’re the God here
  • What you allow now can literally change history

I Am Free
I Am Free


  • The soul has always been free
  • Human has been “separate” from consciousness
  • Release the past, mass consciousness, time and the mind
  • Integrate – “into great” – consciousness and energy
  • Then you will be free in your own energy and passion
  • True freedom – it’s all natural!

Special Message from St. Germain
Special Message from St. Germain


  • You chose to be here at this time of transformation
  • It wasn’t easy, now your last issues will simply dissolve
  • Technology is changing humanity and the planet
  • Changes facilitated by coronavirus
  • All made possible by consciousness
  • It’s time for human individuality and worthiness