A Mystical Journey
God. Karma. Hard work. Other people. Mass consciousness. Family. Astrology. Luck. Fate. Humans believe many things guide or even predetermine their life. In Arabic, the word for this is ‘kismet,’ your lot in life. Adamus Saint-Germain has a different take on this, saying that the actual guiding force of your life is Kasama – the destiny of the soul, which is timeless realization. All that’s needed for you to do is allow the unfolding and the experience. In timelessness, all is already realized. You are a timeless sovereign being, deep into the experience and knowingness of yourself. Kasama is the destiny and fulfillment of the soul, already realized and yet unfolding.
With the gentle tones of Yoham in the background, Adamus guides the listener into a profound experience of Kasama, the soul’s timeless realization. Like a majestic tree that reaches toward the sky and welcomes the changes of the season, so too is your life full of evolving sensual expressions. Kasama is also much like the roots of the tree; the deep, unseen parts of your soul; the past, present and future that is already realized, the soul’s destiny that is already here.
To experience Kasama is to allow for a deep and personal awareness that you are, indeed, whole and sovereign. That no matter how things appear around you, your soul is constantly and eternally fulfilled.
“Relax into Kasama – a past that is still unfolding, a future that’s already realized. Relax into Kasama, the full experience of life.” ~ Adamus
Listen to a sample:
Length: 34:46
Format: Downloadable audio (mp3) and text (pdf)
Cost: $20
Featuring: Adamus Saint-Germain and Yoham (Gerhard Fankhauser & Einat Gilboa)
Recorded in Louisville, Colorado, January 2015
• Ahmyo is the state of divine grace
• The simplest truth is I Exist; I Am that I Am
• If something’s in your reality, you must like it
• Release makyo from your life
• Allow energy to serve you, unconditionally
• All is well, in all of YOUR creation