The word “code” has many meanings in this workshop, including an ancient code for enlightenment from the Temples of Tien, a set of energy communications or symbols, as well as a set of ethics and conduct for the new embodied Masters.
from the Shaumbra Pavilion
Villa Ahmyo
Kona, HI
During this Exploring the New Light gathering, Adamus will dive deeper into the physics of the New Light, and with the group explore the implications of this New Light on individuals as well as humanity.
Are you feeling like your energy is tied in knots, stuck or bogged down? If so, this live workshop with Adamus at the beautiful Villa Ahmyo in Kona, Hawaii might be just the thing to get you back on track.
from the Shaumbra Pavilion
Villa Ahmyo
Kona, HI
More a gathering than a workshop, each Masters Circle will be tailored to the specific group of Shaumbra in attendance rather than a structured workshop format.
from the Crimson Circle Connection Center
With a live audience
- Limited Spaces -
Register soon!
from the Crimson Circle Connection Center
With a live audience
- Limited Spaces -
Register soon!
Learn about attributes of the soul & staying as a Master with energy serving you in grace. You’re naturally reuniting with your soul; it can be challenging, but all suffering is totally unnecessary.
from the Crimson Circle Connection Center
With a live audience
- Limited Spaces -
Register soon!
This important class is offered online once a year, hosted live by Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe.
• Your path to Realization holds a few surprises
• Secrets hidden deep beyond the human’s awareness
• Take a journey with your dragon
• It is unrelenting, but becomes your dearest friend
• Even St. Germain himself did not escape the dragon
• The final, ruthless, inevitable step before Realization