Remembering Who You Really Are
Although many people are stuck in drama, lack and energy feeding, there are also humans around the world for whom it is a time of a deeply personal spiritual awakening process. They are awakening to their true self, a process that every human will eventually experience. Awakening is a time to say goodbye to the old human self instead of trying to repair and improve it. It is a time to release the old human identity, limited beliefs, old paths of karma and the progression of lifetimes that has kept you on the merry-go-round. It is a time of releasing stuck and wounded energies; patterns that don’t serve you anymore and haven’t for a very, very long time. This is your time to discover a new freedom.
This special message from Tobias is for humans around the world who are beginning to awaken. He talks about the awakening process and the changes, challenges, doubts and fears that it brings into your life. He explains what is really going on and that there are thousands of human angels that have already made this leap in consciousness for themselves and who are now here in loving support. More than anything, Tobias reassures you that you are not alone, that the world is not falling apart, and that you are going through a beautiful and very natural process.
Please share this beautiful message with anyone you like.
Length: 27:53
Format: Downloadable audio, video and text
Cost: $0
Featuring: Tobias
Recorded: in Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado, June 2008