Grant Yourself Limitless Energy & Time
Humans desire a lot of things, but ultimately what they really want is energy in the form of money, power, smarts, physical vigor and more. This plays out on the planet as energy crises and energy games. You, Shaumbra, are different, for you simply want freedom. After talking about The Red Lion and what happens when you’re not ready, Adamus states that freedom and wisdom are already within you. You are finally ready for it when you realize that “I am the only one who can grant my freedom.” Then you can experience unlimited energy and abundance, boundless awareness and remembrance, freedom from power games, and even transcend time itself, which is the “glue” holding this reality together.
Saying that he loves and respects humans very much, Adamus declares that there is no grander being in all of creation than a human being, even with all our limitations and forgetfulness. It’s easy to be an angel where you don’t feel lost or have a mind to get stuck in, but angels also do not experience the beautiful realization of Self like humans eventually do.
Talks about transcending physical time and easily journeying to other realms. Then, accompanied by the inspired music of Yoham (Gerhard Fankhauser, Einat Gilboa & Amir Yakobi), Adamus guides the listeners into the sensuality of true freedom, a gift that only you can choose to give yourself. He asks, “Are you ready?”
Listen to a sample:
Format: Downloadable audio (mp3) and text (pdf)
Length: 1:21:28
Cost: $30
Featuring: Adamus Saint-Germain and Yoham (Gerhard Fankhauser, Einat Gilboa & Amir Yakobi)
Recorded in Bled, Slovenia, May 2014