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Lords of Freedom - Egypt 2013

Lords of Freedom - Egypt 2013

Reuniting Soul and Human
A Sacred Tour in Egypt

Remembering yourself from the past can bring new awareness and freedom to your current experience. Most Shaumbra have had lifetimes in ancient Egypt, and those deep memories carry wisdom that’s now ready for harvest. In Lords of Freedom, Adamus, Kuthumi and the Ancient Ones invite you to open your consciousness, let yourself time travel, act like a Master and finally choose freedom. The Ancient Ones have been longing for freedom as well, and as you accept yours, they can depart the halls and temples where they’ve been waiting. Your lifetimes on Earth have been rough, but now it’s time to invite the soul into the human journey, allow the reunion, and finally experience true freedom.

“You’re like a magnet, attracting energies all the time to support what you’re pretending to be. If you are acting out a role of victim consciousness, you’re absolutely going to bring that in. The universe is very literal. No matter how much you may try to be getting abundance, if you’re acting and feeling that you’re not abundant, that’s exactly what you’re going to get – an abundance of non-abundance. Very simple. Very literal.” ~ Adamus

The fourth Shaumbra tour in Egypt was one of the most memorable and poignant of any sacred tour Crimson Circle has ever done. As well as witnessing impacts of the recent revolution and Egypt’s bumpy journey towards democracy, attendees also experienced the changing energies of the ancient temples and sacred sites. They could actually feel the effects of previous visits by Shaumbra and others, as so much of the old energies and beings have been released and reclaimed. As you tag along via the recordings, you’ll be able to feel these energies too.


1 – What Does It Take? – Adamus ( 1:01:47)
Adamus welcomes the attendees to Egypt, discussing the energies of the land and how it relates to Atlantis, the focus of the journey, and asking “What does it take for your freedom?” After talking about the intensity that will accompany the group, he states that, “Servants build tombs. Creators build reality.” The session ends with a merabh of freedom, accompanied by the music of Gerhard Fankhauser.

2 – The Gift of Consciousness – Beloved St. Germain (51:33)
With the greeting “Oh-Be-Ahn” St. Germain invites the audience to feel their own timeless nature as they sail along the timeless Nile. Then he speaks passionately about the greatest gift of all that was given to us by gracious Spirit – the gift of consciousness. Awareness. St. Germain then leads a beautiful experience of physically integrating the divine consciousness with the human. 

3 – Invitation – Ah-Kir-Rah (45:04)
In this stirring message, Ah-Kir-Rah, the Oversoul of Kuthumi, Thutmose, Balthazar and others, addresses the audience as Lords of their own creation. Then he speaks directly to the soul of each listener, offering a beautiful invitation to come home. This is one of the most precious messages of the entire journey. 

4 – The Starboat – Geoffrey Hoppe (11:15)
In the sacred temple at Edfu, an inner room contains a “starboat,” said to carry the soul on its journey between the realms. In this recording, Geoffrey speaks briefly of the starboat and its significance, followed by toning with the group. 

5 – Act Like a Master – Adamus (44:19)
Adamus talks about the inner voice that leads you into the next adventure, the leads a merabh of allowing, accompanied by the music of Gerhard Fankhauser. In this merabh the listener is invited to allow the divinity to join you, allow the body to rebalance, let go of the mind and allow the I Am to come in. Adamus reminds that, when all else fails, simply act like a Master, and it will be so. 

6 – Shaumbra Wisdom – Adamus (1:23:17)
Adamus speaks more about allowing, and then illustrates the relationship between the human and the soul. Then he invites the Masters who are present to share their wisdom in answer to his various questions. Topics include the temples of Egypt, the energies of Set, the Wound of the Soul, and more. 

7 – Tears of the Soul – Adamus (1:01:38)
Adamus speaks of the beautiful society of Atlantis, and how it changed because of the soul’s desire for freedom. Then, addressing the soul directly, he talks about the gifts of beauty, passion, pain, death, enlightenment and love that the human has brought to the soul. In a most beautiful and touching invitation, the soul is invited to join the human now, allowing the tears of the soul and trusting the human’s invitation. A profoundly moving and exquisite experience. 

8 – Human Needs, Soul Desires – Adamus (1:17:24)
Adamus invites audience members to address their soul and clearly state their human needs. After entertaining exchanges with several Shaumbra, Adamus then talks about the desires of the soul. Assisted by the wisdom and music of Gerhard, the audience is invited to allow their soul to sing its desires to the human. 

9 – This Great Land – Adamus Ra (29:24)
Talking about potentials for Egypt, Adamus discusses freedom, both for the country itself and how that freedom is affected by the divine humans who have connected with the land. Reminding us to simply allow, Adamus and the audience breath for “a smooth and graceful transition” into the new. 

10 – The Ancient One – The Voice of Egypt (8:57)
Shaumbra gathered in the paws of the Sphinx and listened to the passionate, heart-wrenching cry of the Voice of Egypt, calling its people to hope and freedom. 

11 – The Place of No Place – Beloved St. Germain (52:56)
After calling each one to state who is here, St. Germain speaks of the history of the King’s Chamber, the visitors who have come, and potential now to release all that is not truth. A deep and profound experience. (1st group in King’s Chamber) 

12 – The Holy of Holies – Adamus (1:22:38)
Adamus speaks of the energies of this sacred room, how it has affected others in the past, and the silence that permeates it. He speaks of the memories that arise while in the room and how the Master handles it. After all have spoken their name, he bids us Oh-Be-Ahn. (2nd group in King’s Chamber) 

13 – To the Masters – Adamus (32:45)
Adamus recounts the magic of the journey and reminds each one that the Master is already within, simply waiting to be chosen. It can be a challenge to be a Master and a human at the same time, but he reminds us that it is absolutely possible, and even magical.

$ 95 USD


  • After Atlantis, humans first emerged in Egypt
  • Your journey has included this land
  • The Ancient Ones are ready to be free
  • It's time for your freedom as well
  • Your soul is waiting
  • All it takes is an act of consciousness


Format: Downloadable audio and text

Cost: $95

Featuring: Adamus Saint-Germain, Ah-Kir-Rah, Beloved St. Germain, The Voice of Egypt, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe, Gerhard Fankhauser

Recorded in Egypt, February 2013

Wound of Isis
Wound of Isis


  • Masculine/feminine, light/dark, good/evil
  • Ancient conflicts, power games, energy stealing
  • Sexual abuse, torture, enslavement
  • The time has come to release these wounds
  • Energy always seeks resolution
  • Open to love, your divinity is waiting

Live Free
Live Free


  • You can have unlimited energy
  • You can transcend time
  • You can access the elixir of your wisdom
  • Freedom is where all this is found
  • And it’s a gift only you can give yourself
  • Are you ready?

Interdimensional Living
Interdimensional Living


  • Reawaken your angelic senses and abilities
  • Consciously experience other dimensions
  • Unlock your prison and be free
  • Travel far and wide with Kuthumi
  • Remember your Self
  • Profound experiences and practical information

Act of Consciousness - Book
Act of Consciousness - Book


  • Are you ready for your life to change?
  • In the freedom of enlightenment, nothing really matters
  • You can experience life in whatever way you choose
  • It’s ALL an act, so play a role you like!
  • Learn how your reality is created and how to change it
  • And then relax into your enlightenment

The Master's Life - Part 4: Sensuality
The Master's Life - Part 4: Sensuality


  • Understanding what a true sense really is
  • More than 9 additional human ‘senses’
  • The TRUE human sense is Focus
  • Why you’re in Focus and how to get out
  • Angelic senses of Imagination, Unity, Beauty
  • Love – the greatest sense of all

The Master’s Life – Part 11: Living Energy
The Master’s Life – Part 11: Living Energy


  • Everything you perceive is your energy
  • It’s the biggest Point of Separation in this lifetime
  • Doubt is natural and can be a beautiful tool for clarity
  • The Order of the Arc has served its purpose
  • What’s your Energy Quotient?
  • Everything is in service to you! Can you allow it?

I Am Free
I Am Free


  • The soul has always been free
  • Human has been “separate” from consciousness
  • Release the past, mass consciousness, time and the mind
  • Integrate – “into great” – consciousness and energy
  • Then you will be free in your own energy and passion
  • True freedom – it’s all natural!

Time Travels
Time Travels


  • Travel as a magi beyond time itself
  • Learn how the Star People helped create civilization
  • Reconnect with the gods, pharaohs & ancient ones
  • They have been waiting for you
  • Heal the wounds of Atlantis
  • Move beyond your destiny into a new future

Master Code Online: Information Only
Master Code Online: Information Only


  • Everything is coded; it’s like the software of reality
  • Your reality can now be coded consciously
  • The Way – the Atlantean code that brought you here
  • You made it; your coded destiny has been fulfilled
  • The Ascension Code – your greatest gift to humanity
  • The Master Code – a profound gift to yourself

Sounds of the Soul - Egypt 2010
Sounds of the Soul - Egypt 2010


  • Mastery is allowing energy to serve you
  • At first, it’s confusing and uncomfortable
  • What do you want?
  • Command the energy
  • Revitalize your body and mind
  • The Atlantean Dream is finally coming true



  • The gravity of Time keeps you in this reality
  • To understand the I Am, go beyond Time
  • Going timeless is the death of death
  • Everything is within; where’s your awareness?
  • Magic is multiple, many occurring at once
  • To be in sync, be authentic and genuine with yourself