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Love 2.0

Love 2.0

The Evolution of Love

Everybody loves love. According to Adamus, not only is love precious and sacred, but now, after Heaven’s Cross, the future and enlightenment of the planet literally depend on it! He defines love as “awareness and acceptance; the I Am incarnate.” While love has included a lot of pain due to karma, energy feeding, expectations, and other distortions, its ultimate purpose is to bring the love of Self, with or without a human partner. Adamus describes the physics of love and how it can alter the very fabric of reality by affecting gravity, time, and space. More than 2,000 years ago Yeshua (Jesus) taught self-love. It was literally the Christ seed, and now we are here to harvest its precious gifts. As Adamus declares, “In Love 2.0, everything presents itself to you as love.

After avoiding the topic of love for many years, Adamus says it’s finally time to bring it forward, because “You finally have the maturity to allow this sacred energy.” In Love 2.0 he makes the remarkable statement that love itself is the answer to our original questions of “Who am I?” and “How do consciousness and energy work together?” In fact, he says that love is what will ultimately bring consciousness and energy together. But for now, “What comes next in your life here on the planet is being in that energy, that consciousness of love at all times, letting everything reflect back to you love itself.”

This new Love 2.0 expands and updates what Adamus calls classic love, enriching and changing your current relationships, stimulating your creativity, and opening deep joy and soulfulness within you. Whether or not you experience love with another person, it is ultimately about allowing the love of Self. After all, Adamus challenges: “What have you got to lose by loving yourself? For indeed, how could the Master not love itself?

Includes 2 downloadable music tracks.



1. Love is the Key (1:05:04)
Adamus defines love as a sense of “awareness and acceptance” and a way of perceiving reality. Love 2.0 combines consciousness, energy, passion, and biology in a way that makes life truly worth living and gives you a whole new experience of love, with or without a partner. Adamus gives a brief history of ‘classic love’ and says that Love 2.0 will be what finally brings consciousness and energy together.

2. Challenges and Physics of Love (57:07)
Love is often distorted by karma, expectations, trivialization, and loss, and is frequently accompanied by pain. Yet even the difficult experiences of love ultimately guide one towards the true love of Self. The experience of love excites particles, calms the mind, changes how light reacts, and can even bend space and time. It helps you feel happier, clearer, energized, hopeful, and creative. Love is part of your very core, and should be free, unmanaged, and unguarded.

3. Loving Self (41:36)
Self-love is profoundly important as a transformational experience that literally affects energy and matter. While self-love can be challenging due to guilt, shame, doubt, and poor self-worth, it is time to move beyond those issues. In Love 2.0, Eros will help dismantle all the old distortions of love, leading to an “infinity loop of love” constantly flowing between the I Am, the soul, and the human. This is why angels come to Earth, and it is necessary for the evolution of consciousness. In the closing merabh Adamus states, “In love, all things evolve. All things rejoice.”

4. Blessings of Love 2.0 (1:09:07)
Adamus says that Love 2.0 is a profound step in personal and planetary evolution. After discussing the desires of the human and of the inner self, he emphasizes the importance of acknowledging your journey and deciding to be worthy of self-love. In Love 2.0, you see all of life from the perspective of love, rather than drama and fear. Relationships, if chosen, are based on mutual respect and freedom without karmic ties or energy feeding, allowing for sacred cosmic sexual experiences. There’s been a deep inner longing all your life; now it can finally be fulfilled.

5. Master’s Love (49:06)
In the closing Merabh of Love on Angel’s Peak, Adamus declares that Love 2.0 is the profound connection with Self that integrates human and divine. He predicts a human revolution, within your lifetime, where millions and perhaps billions will allow the love of Self. He invites you, as a Master, to perceive all things through the eyes of love. It’s been a long journey to this point, from Yeshua's teachings of self-love to the current harvest of those seeds of Christ Consciousness. You are ready; simply allow this Master’s Love to permeate your existence.

6. Questions & Answers (1:25:01)
Adamus answers 21 questions about love, whether with Self, with others, in the world, as well as the origins of love, allowing the light body, gender fluidity and evolution, health issues and more. He then guides a “Merabh of Love” to bring it all together deep within. 

$ 0 USD


  • Love is vital to the planet’s evolution
  • Love changes how light becomes reality
  • It can expand gravity and alter time & space
  • Self-love is the Christ Seed planted with Yeshua
  • Now is the time for this precious harvest
  • What is love? Awareness and acceptance


• Polski • Français • Slovenščina
• Español • Norsk • Pt brasileiro
• Čeština • Pусский • Deutsch
• Italiano • 日本語 • Română

Format: Streaming video, audio, and online text e-reader

Cost: $150 (through June 7, 2024, $195 thereafter)

Access: 90-days access to video, audio & text e-reader 

Translations: When text translations become available, they will be listed on this page. No refunds or extensions will be granted due to translation availability.

Featuring: Adamus, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe

Recorded at the Crimson Circle Connection Center, January & May 2024

Repeat: You may attend this Cloud Class again at half price. A 50% discount will be automatically applied during checkout.

Journey of the Angels - Book
Journey of the Angels - Book


  • Who are you?
  • Why are you here?
  • Where did you come from?
  • Remember your purpose on Earth
  • Awakening the true meaning of your life
  • It's time to remember who you are

Introduction to the Sexual Energies School
Introduction to the Sexual Energies School


  • The most important challenge of all – loving yourself
  • It’s the answer to everything
  • Without it, you’re already undergoing abuse
  • Self-love makes miracles possible
  • Lack of self-love brings illness and death
  • Are you manifesting your heart’s desires or just taking up space?

Mysteries of Love
Mysteries of Love


  • Discover what love is and where it came from
  • Love can be both magical and painful
  • The greatest companion and darkest monster
  • At long last, reconnect with your Lost Love
  • All has been in preparation to bring love home to Self
  • Love and enlightenment – they are the same

The Lost Children of Christ
The Lost Children of Christ


  • Did childhood trauma cause you to shut down?
  • Though difficult, it was for a reason
  • The Earth faced equal potential for life or destruction
  • You came at this critical time to bring Christ Consciousness
  • Those around you did not understand, couldn’t support you
  • The world is ready now; this is your time

Love of Self Merabh
Love of Self Merabh


  • Amazing things happen when you love yourself
  • Release guilt, shame and relationship problem
  • Love songs are everywhere, and they’re all about somebody else
  • If you wrote a love song to yourself, what would it say?
  • Self-love – it's the deepest dream, the greatest gift
  • It’s time to fall in love with you

The Master's Life - Part 4: Sensuality
The Master's Life - Part 4: Sensuality


  • Understanding what a true sense really is
  • More than 9 additional human ‘senses’
  • The TRUE human sense is Focus
  • Why you’re in Focus and how to get out
  • Angelic senses of Imagination, Unity, Beauty
  • Love – the greatest sense of all

The Love Merabh of Isis and Adam
The Love Merabh of Isis and Adam


  • The original story of love; it’s YOUR story
  • Now is the time to satisfy your deepest longing 
  • Allow fulfillment, love and completion 
  • Adam (masculine) and Isis (feminine) are ready to reunite
  • Will you allow them to come home?
  • Discover, realize and integrate the deepest love

Theos DreamWalk
Theos DreamWalk


  • Theos, a place of love, safety, beauty and full expression
  • It’s YOUR space, where your senses can open
  • You can bring nature with you
  • Breathe into the stillness as it comes to you
  • Bring it all back into your everyday life, full circle
  • “In the stillness, the mysteries are revealed”

Threshold Online:  Information Only
Threshold Online: Information Only


  • The path to Realization holds a few surprises
  • Secrets hidden deep beyond the human’s grasp
  • The dragon comes to find them
  • An unrelenting demon becomes your dearest friend
  • St. Germain himself did not escape
  • The final ruthless step before Realization

I Am Worthy
I Am Worthy


  • You are worthy of your energy
  • Can you let it serve you freely?
  • Worthiness is an angelic sense
  • It’s a way of perceiving yourself
  • There’s nothing you need to prove
  • “I am worthy!” – the energy lights up