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Master’s Life – Part 16: Returning to Grace

Master’s Life – Part 16: Returning to Grace

And Staying There

Grace is an angelic sense that means “to gather or bring together.” It brings ease and flow to every moment and is one of the greatest ways to experience human life. Grace is always here, but most humans do not experience it because of our inherent sense of guilt and shame, and the belief that we are fallen angels deserving of punishment and suffering. In Returning to Grace, Adamus helps us understand how to reconnect to grace, the “coming back together” of all parts of Self. When we accept that there was never a fall from grace, we’ll no longer have the pain, struggle, and suffering that stems from feeling unworthy. As you accept the joy of being human, life becomes smooth and easy. With this deep integration, everything begins to flow in its natural graceful way.

The lack of grace in our human experience comes from fear of the human condition, which in turn stems from a deep sense of separation. But according to Adamus, it is all an illusion. We never fell from grace; it was simply how we experienced the expansion of consciousness from oneness into many. Perceiving yourself as a fallen angel causes energy to serve you in that way. But accepting the truth of who you are, embracing the experiences of human life, choosing your own safe space, and letting go of compromise allows the integration of yourself in all the realms, which brings back the grace and ease into your life. Adamus notes that the guests in this event are Shaumbra who have departed. They have a very strong and clear message for the listeners, based on what they learned in their very recent time on Earth.

NOTE: Adamus recommends taking at least one day between each session to give yourself time to integrate the information and experience.


1. The Gift of Grace (49:36)
Grace, defined as a “bringing together,” is an angelic sense and the epitome of human consciousness. While humans generally believe they have somehow fallen from grace, Adamus says there was no fall. Rather, it was the movement from a consciousness of oneness into the awareness of many parts of Self. Nothing ever went wrong.

2. Oneness of the Many (1:00:10)
From singular consciousness you expanded into many, like rays of the sun. With the assistance of a beautiful merabh, you can gather the rays back together; many but still one, like a jewel with many facets. You were never a flawed or fallen angel, so allow yourself a life of lightness, ease, and grace. Being back in grace is a gift that changes everything.

3. Lessons from the Essenes (51:16)
Most Shaumbra have roots in the Essenes, a group who preserved the energy of The Way. Unfortunately, the path included a lot of suffering, for they feared the human condition. It is time to fully enjoy the human experience and live in grace and unity.

4. Barriers to Grace (1:03:52)
Even though you were never a fallen angel, there were four major times in this life when it felt true. Now you can understand what happened and let them go. There are also physical, biological, and emotional challenges to staying in grace, but when you understand these things, you can transcend them.

5. The Return of Grace (1:12:02) 
There is one single factor that keeps you from grace. Going beyond compromise into clarity and self-love will truly change how energy serves you. To go into the mystical realms while staying on Earth requires you to be absolutely true to yourself. In the closing merabh, Adamus invites you into the ultimate safe space where there are no barriers to living a life of grace and ease.

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  • Moving from oneness felt like falling from grace
  • When one is fragmented, life is bumpy
  • Feeling unworthy blocks higher potentials
  • Grace brings you back together in all realms
  • You never fell, so enjoy every moment of life
  • It is divine to enjoy the human condition


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Format: Streaming video, audio, and online text e-reader

Cost: $195 

Access: 90-days access to video, audio & text e-reader

Translations: When text translations become available, they will be listed on this page. No refunds or extensions will be granted due to translation availability.

Featuring: Adamus Saint-Germain, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe

Recorded at the Shaumbra Pavilion in Kona, Hawaii, September 2023

Repeat: You may attend this Cloud Class again at half price. A 50% discount will be automatically applied during checkout. A 50% discount will also be applied to attendees of in-person “Staying in Grace” workshops.

Journey of the Angels - Book
Journey of the Angels - Book


  • Who are you?
  • Why are you here?
  • Where did you come from?
  • Remember your purpose on Earth
  • Awakening the true meaning of your life
  • It's time to remember who you are

The Seven Seals
The Seven Seals


  • Your existence began with the Seal of Separation
  • It was followed by limitation, darkness, sin and suffering
  • These locks allowed you dive into time, matter and experience
  • Now, remember who you are and why you’re here
  • It has all been for wisdom
  • You are God also, feel your own I Am presence



 • Ahmyo is the state of divine grace
 • The simplest truth is I Exist; I Am that I Am
 • If something’s in your reality, you must like it
 • Release makyo from your life
 • Allow energy to serve you, unconditionally
 • All is well, in all of YOUR creation

Kasama - The Soul's Destiny
Kasama - The Soul's Destiny


  • Nothing happens by accident
  • Discover the guiding force in your life
  • Your soul is in constant expression and experience
  • Your destiny is unfolding and already fulfilled
  • Dear human, simply allow the experience
  • Kasama – timeless realization of your soul

The Master’s Life – Part 5: Ahmyo
The Master’s Life – Part 5: Ahmyo


  • Conscious every-day communion between human and Master
  • Allow wisdom, abundance, health, relationships, more
  • Cohabitating with the Master – is the human ready?
  • It changes the way energy serves you
  • Helping the Master understand the human
  • A deep experience of allowing Ahmyo

I Am Worthy
I Am Worthy


  • You are worthy of your energy
  • Can you let it serve you freely?
  • Worthiness is an angelic sense
  • It’s a way of perceiving yourself
  • There’s nothing you need to prove
  • “I am worthy!” – the energy lights up