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Ask Tobias: Mental Imbalance

Ask Tobias: Mental Imbalance

Root Causes and Potential Cures

When does "stress" turn into "imbalance"? Why does the incidence of mental imbalance seem particularly high right now? What are the implications of using medical drugs to affect the mind? In this important Q&A session, Tobias talks about the reasons behind mental imbalance, mental illness, and mental retardation. He explains that the mind was not designed to handle the level of change currently taking place, and “something has to give.” He notes three primary causes of mental imbalance – karma, chosen experience, and Atlantean history – and provides important pointers for dealing with and resolving issues like depression, bipolar, dissociative, ADD/ADHD, and suicidal tendencies.

Tobias states that mental imbalance occurs when the movement of consciousness is particularly high (as it is right now), or low (as it was in the Dark Ages). The mind was designed to operate within certain parameters, and when these are exceeded – due to a high level of expansion and change or too much stasis and boredom – it starts breaking down. Mental imbalance can also be a symptom of awakening, and taking medications to ease the symptoms will only prolong one’s challenges and stifle the natural flow of energy and expansion of consciousness.

True solutions involve things like a great deal of breathing, letting go of mental controls, bringing life into life, and allowing one’s energy to move through all parts of self. Tobias also discusses hypnosis, sleep challenges, depression, ‘possession,’ suicidal thoughts, working with others, and how best to support loved ones who are dealing with mental imbalance.

$ 20 USD


  • Everyone has a degree of mental imbalance
  • It’s the mind going beyond its limitations
  • Medications are not the answer
  • Reconnect with the pre-programmed Self
  • Let go of control
  • Breathe life back into yourself!

Length: 1:26:59

Format: Downloadable audio and text

Cost: $20

Featuring: Tobias, Linda Hoppe, Barbara Clark

Recorded at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, January 2007


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Ask Tobias: Depression
Ask Tobias: Depression


  • Depression is a natural part of waking up
  • It serves a very important purpose
  • A metamorphosis that will not last forever
  • It’s the caterpillar becoming the butterfly
  • Why psychotropic medications are not advised
  • Personal repercussions of suicide

Wound of Isis
Wound of Isis


  • Masculine/feminine, light/dark, good/evil
  • Ancient conflicts, power games, energy stealing
  • Sexual abuse, torture, enslavement
  • The time has come to release these wounds
  • Energy always seeks resolution
  • Open to love, your divinity is waiting

Life Merabh
Life Merabh


  • Life is:
  • Filled with beauty and mystery
  • Sensual and outrageous
  • Rich, raw, real, deep, meaningful
  • Desired by angels
  • Dive into life like a Master, it's what you came here for!

Body of Consciousness
Body of Consciousness


  • Find out what’s really been going on with your body, mind and spirit
  • All your parts and pieces are melding together – it changes everything
  • Discover the true role of DNA 
  • You’re going from seven chakras to a single energy center
  • Return to the oneness of your Self
  • When fully integrated, you can bring your body with you at death

Ancestral Freedom
Ancestral Freedom


  • How did you get to be the way you are?
  • Who are your real ancestors, and why does it matter?
  • Find out why some things are so hard to change
  • Release yourself into sovereignty and freedom
  • All beings are called home in this time of convergence
  • Spiritual family is no longer needed because you are no longer lost

I Am Sleeping
I Am Sleeping


  • Sleep like you haven’t a very long time
  • Original purpose of sleep was a return to Self
  • A Master doesn’t need much sleep
  • The soul beckons, “Come with me…”
  • Return to the compassion of the I Am
  • The Master’s sleep… just rest…

Sexual Energies School – Information Only
Sexual Energies School – Information Only


  • Learn about the sexual energy virus and how it affects your life
  • Create your own path to self-love, and allow the return to joy 
  • Discover the futility of power games 
  • Learn how to stop others from depleting your energy
  • Improve your relationships, health and well-being
  • Excellent for counselors and other professional facilitators

Aspectology School Online - Information Only
Aspectology School Online - Information Only


  • Unintegrated aspects can cause things like:
  • Illogical fears, disruptive emotional reactions
  • Recurring patterns of self-sabotage or victimhood
  • Guilt, confusion, shame, lack of abundance
  • You don’t need these things anymore
  • It’s time to bring them home

Threshold Online:  Information Only
Threshold Online: Information Only


  • The path to Realization holds a few surprises
  • Secrets hidden deep beyond the human’s grasp
  • The dragon comes to find them
  • An unrelenting demon becomes your dearest friend
  • St. Germain himself did not escape
  • The final ruthless step before Realization

Master Code Online: Information Only
Master Code Online: Information Only


  • Everything is coded; it’s like the software of reality
  • Your reality can now be coded consciously
  • The Way – the Atlantean code that brought you here
  • You made it; your coded destiny has been fulfilled
  • The Ascension Code – your greatest gift to humanity
  • The Master Code – a profound gift to yourself