From Control to Freedom
Our lives are filled with external controls, but the truly limiting controls come from within. We control our body by telling it what we think is best, even though it already knows how to rejuvenate. We control our mind by trying to block out things we don't like. And we control our spirit and soul through a matrix of outdated belief systems, including religion and even New Age. These controls have helped maintain our human identity, but also bring great limitation. Now that we’re disconnecting from the Field, mass consciousness, and ancestral patterns, it is also time to disconnect from our limited identities. Aches and pains, mental imbalances and even religions are all symptoms of trying to control the Self. Healing and sovereignty happen in the safe space when we choose to breathe, let go of a control, and then listen.
In The Oslo Sessions, Tobias reviews the internal control systems, and explains how we can release them to allow for new physical, mental and spiritual freedom. He takes the listeners through the experience of choosing to let go of specific controls and then truly listening to what happens with the energies. There are many types of controls, but they are no longer needed for the sovereign being.
“Your body is an incredible center of energy and rejuvenation. It is a living, walking, breathing, and talking example of how energies can come in and rejuvenate in ways that science can’t even imagine or analyze right now. Your body is going to be one of the very best examples that you’re going to have to show other people how letting go of their controls, how returning to an intuitive, natural state of being, is part of this whole New Energy. ~ Tobias
1 – Physical Controls (59:26)
Over many lifetimes, humans have taken on many layers of internal controls. There was a reason for this, but it’s time to let them go. Body controls include food, clothing, medications, supplements, energy work, environment, and more. Just let go, the body knows what to do.
2 – Mental & Spiritual Controls (59:10)
Controls maintain your identity; it’s time to disconnect, then listen. You, the creator, have the authority to release every control that the human has imposed on the mind imposed. Religion stems from tremendous attempts to control Spirit. It will never work, let go.
3 – Freedom (43:55)
After reviewing controls placed on the body, mind and spirit, Tobias talks about the safe space and being in your own dimension. This is true sovereignty, where everything is yours and you can soar in freedom.
4 – Questions & Answers (1:13:23)
Tobias answers questions about family relationships, sexual abuse, working with clients, food and diets, dreams, health challenges, depression, and much more.
Format: Downloadable audio & text
Cost: $40
Featuring: Tobias
Recorded in Oslo, Norway, June 2006