Release the Burdens, Allow the Wisdom
Are you ready to come home? The integration of aspects and past lives is the Realization, and in this beautiful merabh of transformation, you can do just that. Surrounded by all of your earthly lifetimes, you are now the single point of integration, the doorway through which they bring their gifts of wisdom and return back home. Yes, it is that simple. There is nothing to process, nothing to resolve, nothing to make amends for, not even events from this lifetime. Now is the time of integration and acceptance of all your past expressions. It is your doorway to freedom. Welcome home.
Speaking directly to our past lives, Adamus honors the many brilliant expressions, names, faces and experiences we have had over eons of time. Then he states that through this human, through this you, they can all come home, back to the soul. In this beautiful merabh, you can release any structures of former identities, wounds, traumas, and unfinished business. Then it is up to you to simply allow and integrate these gifts of wisdom from your past. Future potentials are now clear, without destiny, overlays or burdens of the past.
A poignant time of integration and reunion, this merabh is an experience of living enlightenment.
Listen to a sample:
Length: 17:02
Format: Downloadable audio (mp3) and text (pdf)
Cost: $15
Featuring: Adamus Saint-Germain and Yoham (Gerhard Fankhauser, Einat Gilboa, Amir Yakobi)
Recorded in Boulder, Colorado, July 2012