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Sexual Energies School – Information Only

Sexual Energies School – Information Only

Return to Love. Give yourself the gift of SES.

This online school is hosted live by Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe, who offer insights and facilitation before and after each recorded session.


Of everything offered by Crimson Circle, this class is at the very top of our list of strong recommendations! It is also a prerequisite for attendance at in-person events and workshops, so you might be thinking “It must be something really special” – and it is!

Although SES was first presented by Tobias in 2006 and then updated by Adamus in 2015, the material is more relevant and timelier than ever. With geopolitical power plays unfolding around the world and personal energy schemes at an all-time high, the need is greater than ever for radiant sovereign beings who have found everything they need within.

The premise of SES is simple: by allowing healing and reunion of the masculine & feminine energies within, you can bring an end to energy stealing, suffering, victimization, and imbalance of every kind. However, to realize and experience this inner wholeness, one must also recognize the ways in which energy games have been playing out in your own life.

When you are ready to take this deep dive into your own energy and discover the love of self, life takes on a whole new depth, meaning and flow. In fact, your perspective on nearly everything will be changed as you return to compassion for self and reclaim free access to all the energy you’ll ever need.

Why SES?
Nearly all of us have experienced childhood trauma, emotional wounding, energy feeding, power games, and even physical or sexual abuse in our lives. With these painful things in our history, it’s easy to see other people and situations as the cause of our unhappiness and limitations. However, the choice for self-love, coupled with a deeper understanding of energy dynamics, can help us see such wounds from a new perspective.

At its core, life on Earth has been based on the fundamental duality and separation of masculine & feminine energies. This core wound has manifested as an energy virus that brings distortion and imbalance to every part of life, including relationships, sexuality, physical health, abundance, self-worth and more.

While this virus is pervasive and seemingly inescapable, there is a solution that opens the way to self-love, energy sovereignty and ultimate enlightenment. It is a “prescription” that helps one to eliminate the virus within themselves, ending its destructive internal effects and no longer passing it on to others. When a human step out of power dynamics and into self-love, the virus simply loses interest.

Is SES for you?
Physical, sexual, emotional, and psychic abuse are prevalent all over the world. The results show up in every part of society and impact every single person, whether rich or poor, young or old, masculine or feminine. However, this abuse energy is often difficult to identify because it shape-shifts. As an energy virus, it can quickly mutate, changing form to remain hidden and active. It can appear sweet and vulnerable in one moment, and viciously shaming in the next; it can act out as both the abuser and the victim, feeding on the energy stirred up by these imbalances and perpetuating its existence. The virus causes physical imbalances in your body (especially in the abdominal area), imbalances in the mind that cause depression, anxiety, and fatigue, and distortions in the family, workplace, school, and other organizations. It is carried and propagated by virtually everyone on the planet.

The potential for freedom
By allowing yourself to dive deep into the transformational experiences in the Sexual Energies School, you will come to understand how this virus operates within your own body, mind and life – and how to set yourself free. You'll learn where the virus came from, how it has played out in the other realms and throughout Earth’s history, and hear a touching story of Yeshua (Jesus), Mary Magdalene and profound healing. The energies of these two Masters will also be very present with you throughout the class.

Through these deep experiences, you’ll come to realize that it’s not about placing blame on anyone or anything, not even the virus. The separation of Adam and Isis, representing the masculine and feminine energies, served a beautiful purpose, and now they are ready to reunite within each individual being.

Attending SES is an opportunity for profound transformation and healing, with effects that can include better physical health, the end of energy stealing and power games, balanced relationships, enhanced creativity, and eventually Realization (enlightenment). It is a return to the true essence of yourself.

More than 10,000 people around the world have participated in the Sexual Energies School, allowing the return of joy into their lives and changing consciousness on Earth. 

The original Sexual Energies School, so called because it deals with the ancient imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies, was channeled by Tobias in early 2006 in San Diego, California. The school was then filmed before a live audience in July 2006, updated with Adamus in 2015, and has become one of the most important and life-changing class offered by the Crimson Circle.


1. Who’s to Blame? (Adamus Saint-Germain)
There is no one to blame; not past lives, mass consciousness, God, karma, aliens, ancestors, or anyone else. The sexual energy virus affects every part of life and appeared because of the duality by which we came to understand Self. 

2. The Virus (Tobias)
Beginning with the Safe Space, Tobias talks about how the virus of abuse came into being, why it is called the “sexual energy virus,” how it affects your body and mind, and the effects it can have in your life. 

3. Victim and Abuser; Power Games (Tobias, Adamus Saint-Germain)
Tobias explains some of the manifestations and effects of abuse – it is all about energy stealing – followed by a poignant story of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, who are both part of this school. After a very deep personal dive into your own wounds, Adamus gently invites you beyond power games into freedom. 

4. The Powerless Life (Adamus Saint-Germain)
Stating that power is a predominant illusion on this planet, Adamus declares that when you step out of power dynamics, the virus loses interest in you. 

5. History, Part 1 (Tobias)
Tobias gives the ancient history of the sexual energy virus, beginning with the original duality of masculine/feminine energies, the energy-stealing and power games played out in the other realms long before Earth, and how the virus came back to life in Atlantis, leading to its downfall. 

6. History, Part 2; The Alchemy of AND” (Tobias, Adamus Saint-Germain)
Tobias continues with how the virus plays out in modern times and mentions some of the deep trauma points we all carry. Adamus then explains how the virus distorts sex – one of the greatest joys of being human – and invites you to bring trauma points into the healing alchemy of “and.” 

7. The Solution (Tobias)
Tobias speaks in depth about the virus and its troublesome effects on every aspect of your sexuality. Yet, it has also served a profound purpose, in fact you wouldn’t be here if not for the virus. But it’s service is complete, and now comes the time for transformation. 

8. Aliyah (Tobias)
According to Tobias, Aliyah is the becoming of self-love and is the only known solution for transforming self and releasing the virus. A lot of resistance will be triggered – the virus trying to prevent its demise – but with newfound health, love, sovereignty and clarity in your life, there will be no turning back. 

9. Creative Energy Aliyah (Adamus Saint-Germain)
Adamus talks about his personal time of enlightenment, which included elements of Aliyah and more. In this Age of Self, it’s about returning to one’s Self, sovereignty and love. Adamus then guides an experience of deep sensuality, new energy Aliyah. 

10. The Age of Self; Q&A (Adamus Saint-Germain)
With the transformation that is offered in SES, one at last becomes filled with self-love and self-worth, a requirement for going forward as Shaumbra. Adamus also answers audience questions about Aliyah, enlightenment, self-love, energy feeding, jealousy, feeling safe, sexuality, relationships and much more. 


$ 0 USD


  • Learn about the sexual energy virus and how it affects your life
  • Create your own path to self-love, and allow the return to joy 
  • Discover the futility of power games 
  • Learn how to stop others from depleting your energy
  • Improve your relationships, health and well-being
  • Excellent for counselors and other professional facilitators



• Français • Italiano • Português
• Español • Deutsch • Nederlands
• Čeština • ελληνικά • 한국어
• Română • Dansk • עברית
• Norsk • Pусский • Suomi
• Magyar • Polski • Svenska
• 日本語 • Pt. Brasiliero • Український
• Türkçe • اللغة العربية

Format: Streaming video and online text e-reader

Cost: $595 (50% discount for previous attendees)

Access: 90 days access to video and text e-reader & translations

Translations: The available e-reader text translations are listed here. Note that the live portions are not included in the text.

Featuring: Tobias, Adamus, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe

Recorded at Breckenridge, Colorado in 2006 and Louisville, Colorado in 2015

Repeat: You may attend this Class again at half price. A 50% discount will be automatically applied during checkout. (Discount also applies to attendees of SES in-person events.)

The original “Sexual Energies School” (SES), so called because it deals with the ancient imbalance between the masculine and feminine energies, was channeled by Tobias in early 2006 in San Diego, California. The school was then filmed before a live audience in July 2006, updated with Adamus in 2015, and has become one of the most important Crimson Circle workshops. It is now translated into 19 languages, available in e-reader format.

GEOFF & LINDA talk about SES

Introduction to the Sexual Energies School
Introduction to the Sexual Energies School


  • The most important challenge of all – loving yourself
  • It’s the answer to everything
  • Without it, you’re already undergoing abuse
  • Self-love makes miracles possible
  • Lack of self-love brings illness and death
  • Are you manifesting your heart’s desires or just taking up space?

Angels and Aliens
Angels and Aliens


  • What’s the difference between angels and aliens?
  • How the Watchers, Nephilim and others infiltrated Earth
  • Their wars affected Earth – and inspired Greek mythology
  • The aliens cannot hurt you
  • Angels, including you, are messengers; remember your message
  • It’s time to send a clear message of freedom – No more!

Wound of Isis
Wound of Isis


  • Masculine/feminine, light/dark, good/evil
  • Ancient conflicts, power games, energy stealing
  • Sexual abuse, torture, enslavement
  • The time has come to release these wounds
  • Energy always seeks resolution
  • Open to love, your divinity is waiting

The Alchemy of Light & Dark
The Alchemy of Light & Dark


 • Experience the freedom of New Energy alchemy
 • It’s an inside job, no longer fighting with self
 • Heal ancient wounds inflicted by the Church
 • Stop hiding; you are safe now
 • How do you get to heaven? By living life!
 • Look not to the past for treasures, they’re here now

Love of Self Merabh
Love of Self Merabh


  • Amazing things happen when you love yourself
  • Release guilt, shame and relationship problem
  • Love songs are everywhere, and they’re all about somebody else
  • If you wrote a love song to yourself, what would it say?
  • Self-love – it's the deepest dream, the greatest gift
  • It’s time to fall in love with you

The Wound of Adam
The Wound of Adam


  • Unique roles of masculine and feminine
  • Isis’ failure, Adam’s heartbreak
  • From the Order of the Arc to now
  • The discovery of love
  • The deepest wound (that still hurts)
  • Ultimate reunion – it changes everything

The Love Merabh of Isis and Adam
The Love Merabh of Isis and Adam


  • The original story of love; it’s YOUR story
  • Now is the time to satisfy your deepest longing 
  • Allow fulfillment, love and completion 
  • Adam (masculine) and Isis (feminine) are ready to reunite
  • Will you allow them to come home?
  • Discover, realize and integrate the deepest love

Aspectology School Online - Information Only
Aspectology School Online - Information Only


  • Unintegrated aspects can cause things like:
  • Illogical fears, disruptive emotional reactions
  • Recurring patterns of self-sabotage or victimhood
  • Guilt, confusion, shame, lack of abundance
  • You don’t need these things anymore
  • It’s time to bring them home

Energy Vampires
Energy Vampires


  • Recognize physical, psychic, and energy abuse
  • Move beyond victimization
  • It’s about self-love, not blame
  • Everything you need is within
  • Choose freedom whenever you’re ready
  • Everything changes when you say, “No more!”