Crimson Circle Store

Events – Online or In-Person with Adamus

Events are real-time gatherings on specific dates where Geoff and Linda host the channeling of new material or provide heartfelt guidance to explore pre-recorded core material. In-person events mainly occur in Hawaii in small groups, with personal interactions between Adamus and each participant. Online events bring together large groups from all over the world to share in a collective experience and consciousness.
Monthly Webcast & CC 25th Anniversary Celebration • Louisville, Colorado • August 3, 2024
Monthly Webcast & CC 25th Anniversary Celebration • Louisville, Colorado • August 3, 2024

We hope you can join us for our 25th Anniversary Celebration in beautiful Colorado immediately following the August Monthly Meeting & Webcast.


The Threshold • Online • August 9 - 11, 2024
The Threshold • Online • August 9 - 11, 2024

This important class is offered online once a year, hosted live by Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe.

• Your path to Realization holds a few surprises
• Secrets hidden deep beyond the human’s awareness
• Take a journey with your dragon 
• It is unrelenting, but becomes your dearest friend
• Even St. Germain himself did not escape the dragon
• The final, ruthless, inevitable step before Realization

Metaphysics of the Merlin • ONLINE • September 7 - 8, 2024
Metaphysics of the Merlin • ONLINE • September 7 - 8, 2024


  • At least six channeled messages
  • “State of the Circle” with Geoff & Linda
  • Live worldwide gathering
  • Two days of celebration and inspiration

Monthly Meeting & Webcast • Online Only • October 5, 2024
Monthly Meeting & Webcast • Online Only • October 5, 2024

from the Shaumbra Pavilion

Villa Ahmyo
Kona, HI


Exploring the New Light • Kona, Hawaii • October 13 - 17, 2024
Exploring the New Light • Kona, Hawaii • October 13 - 17, 2024

During this Exploring the New Light gathering, Adamus will dive deeper into the physics of the New Light, and with the group explore the implications of this New Light on individuals as well as humanity. 

Monthly Meeting & Webcast • Online • November 2, 2024
Monthly Meeting & Webcast • Online • November 2, 2024

from the Shaumbra Pavilion

Villa Ahmyo
Kona, HI


Metaphysics of The Mind • Kona, Hawaii • November 6 - 10, 2024
Metaphysics of The Mind • Kona, Hawaii • November 6 - 10, 2024

In this new and groundbreaking course from Adamus Saint-Germain, we’ll take a look at what’s happening in the mind from the metaphysical perspective rather than the traditional psychological viewpoint. 

Masters Circle • Kona, Hawaii • November 17 - 21, 2024
Masters Circle • Kona, Hawaii • November 17 - 21, 2024

More a gathering than a workshop, each Masters Circle will be tailored to the specific group of Shaumbra in attendance rather than a structured workshop format.