Here you’ll find many important items available at absolutely no charge. From interviews and teleclasses with Geoff & Linda, to special messages from Adamus & Tobias, to music, Q&A sessions and much more, there are many treasures to explore. And remember, the entire Channel Library is also free!
Heaven's Cross: Two-Year Update
- Your light is causing great change
- Disruption was needed on the planet
- The light illuminates new potentials
- Your highest service is to fully enjoy life
- Love yourself, no matter what
- Consciousness and energy, bonded by love
Born to Love - FREE
- Love now blossoms, so humanity must face their fear
- You were born to embody this sacred essence
- Everything you’ve gone through relates to love
- Self-love is the essential core of The Way
- Love now radiates throughout creation
- The essence of Realization is coming to love
Master Stories – Into the Apocalypse
- Experiencing the opening of Heaven’s Cross
- Insights and challenges of expanded awareness
- Effects of light on physical and mental state
- Dealing with changes of identity
- Exploring self-love
The Human Face of Mastery
- What or who is a Master?
- There are misconceptions & expectations
- The life of a Master is full of surprises
- Now is the time to claim your mastery
- It involves deep trust in Self
- And helpful tools along the way
Heavens Cross: One-Year Update
- With a soul’s maturity, New Light becomes available
- It serves the Master, no matter what
- The vast majority of humans are filled with goodness
- Some are trying to hold back but it won’t work
- Allow your energy to serve – no more excuses
- Now is the time to bathe in your own light
21 Shaumbra Realizations
- You are consciousness embodied
- Life is purely for experience
- Your energy is constantly serving you
- Healing and integration are inevitable
- Realization and ultimate freedom are natural
- You are already on your way Home
Heaven's Cross: The Opening
- The veil begins to lift
- Divinity is here
- Human is no longer lost
- It’s the culmination of lifetimes
- A self-chosen destiny
- It is our dream come true
Heaven’s Cross – Part 3: Questions & Answers
- Once open, Heaven’s Cross will never close
- This is what you’ve dreamed of since Atlantis
- Allow yourself now a life of joy, ease, abundance and grace
- New levels of light can bring tremendous healing
- Time, space, and gravity can serve you now
- The human’s job is simply to experience this
Sam’s “Be Well” Message
- Wisdom from a life well lived:
- “Be organic and pick off the bad apples”
- “Prune the tree and let the energies flow”
- “Use logic and commune with your soul”
- It's so important to stay grounded and balanced
- The world is changing, it’s why you’re here
The Making of Rude Awakening
- The full story of Rude Awakening, from inception to delivery
- A glimpse into the creation process of a feature length documentary
- The “cave scene” revealed, including storyboards, greenscreen, before & after shots
- Special effects, makeup artists and the real DeLorean
- Behind the scenes with interviewees
- Never before seen on-set photos and videos
The Slavic Power Vortex
- The time of empire building is over
- Humanity will no longer tolerate it
- More and more humans are ready for freedom
- Russia and Ukraine are actors on the world stage
- A huge power vortex is making its last stand
- Your light is needed, now more than ever
Rights of a Master
- “I Am Safe”
- “I Am Aware of my Soul Senses”
- “I Am Relaxed”
- “I Am in Physical Harmony”
- “I Am Beyond Death”
- And more…
Checking into Heaven
- America’s most prolific author talks about:
- Finding extraordinary wisdom in an ordinary life
- Harnessing the creative power of stories
- Discovering a surprise at the “Pearly Gates”
- A practical explanation of the soul
- And a personal request from Mr. Twain himself
Saint or Satan?
- Light doesn’t take sides
- This is not the time for duality
- Power seeks more power – don’t feed it
- Ukraine & Russia are playing roles for the world
- Shaumbra, this is why you’re here
- Take to your bench and shine
The Way of the Standard
- Being a Standard means you:
- Love and trust yourself
- Take full responsibility for your creation
- Live in freedom and compassion
- Choose life and accept its blessings
- Shine your light and listen
Two's Day for Shaumbra
- The number two signifies duality and power
- It’s a time of convergence, a power vortex
- This strong cyclone is affecting everyone
- At the core of all power is fear
- You’re here to shine, not take sides
- The fear and anxiety are not yours
Energy Vampires
- Recognize physical, psychic, and energy abuse
- Move beyond victimization
- It’s about self-love, not blame
- Everything you need is within
- Choose freedom whenever you’re ready
- Everything changes when you say, “No more!”
Connecting with Angels and Energies
- Angels are always near, you can talk to them
- Go beyond the mind into true feelings
- Reality is so much more than what you see
- Enjoy guided experiences of connection
- There are many practical applications
- It is real if you allow it to be
Message to Shaumbra
- It’s time to live the Atlantean dream
- Time to harvest the seed we planted with Yeshua
- Tired but determined, we’re finally doing it
- Enlightenment comes naturally by allowing
- This is the time of Realization
- Crimson Circle and Shaumbra, here for each other
Consciousness Reset
- Billions of individual resets add up to planetary change
- This is the time for benching embodied Masters!
- Your compassionate light is all that’s needed
- It affects the entire world
- Sense and feel, no thinking required
- Be like Belle
Tears of Humanity
- Understand the deep sadness you feel
- Man’s inhumanity to man – why?
- Greed, hunger, violence – why?
- Earth was meant for joy, discovery, experience
- We’ve lost our dignity
- Take care of yourself first, it changes everything
In the Air
- 10,000 Ascended Masters
- A significant Grand Conjunction
- The keepers of Time have disbanded
- Coronavirus has done its job
- Power is fading
- NOW is the time to let energy serve you!
Special Message from St. Germain
- You chose to be here at this time of transformation
- It wasn’t easy, now your last issues will simply dissolve
- Technology is changing humanity and the planet
- Changes facilitated by coronavirus
- All made possible by consciousness
- It’s time for human individuality and worthiness
Relax into Realization Vol II
- Free download
- Music to support your journey
- Tracks include:
- “Hope”
- “Ease and Grace”
- And more!
Sandcastles on the Edge
- Your dear human self wants to get it right
- Human stays busy with lots of projects
- The tide of consciousness washes all away
- All that remains is the I Am
- It’s time to fully own all of yourself
- You are ready
Breath of the I Am
- Come back together with your Self
- The breath of Spirit is your breath
- The gentle breath of allowing
- No more struggle, no more trying
- Now comes the breath of the I Am into your life
- You are ready
Relax into Realization
- Tracks include:
- “The Sunny Side of Life”
- “Taking It Easy”
- “Sunset Margarita”
- And more
Global Virus Prediction
- Adamus predicted an unprecedented global virus in 2014
- The unrest brings disruption on a global scale
- It’s about a drastic economic rebalancing
- The dragon has come to Earth
- Be in your consciousness, there is nothing to fear
- This is why we’re here
About the Coronavirus 2020
• Every virus is from an imbalance in human consciousness
• The coronavirus is really about economic inequality
• What is your relationship with abundance?
• Technology has the capability to level the field
• The virus is helping to bring a new balance
• There is nothing to fear
From Awakening to Realization
- What’s this all about anyway?
- A brief history of Shaumbra
- Why you’re here
- Post-awakening – going beyond spiritual
- Realization, enlightenment – it’s natural
- The light of consciousness is here
Time Out with an Ascended Master
- Why you can’t forgive yourself
- What makyo really is
- St. Germain’s encounter with the dragon
- Coming soon – love that can melt diamonds
- Religion and rules versus Allowing
- Politics – a loser’s seductive game
They Call Us Channelers
- Easy-to-understand overview of the Crimson Circle
- Challenges of coming to Realization
- Where is the passion?
- What’s this lifetime really all about?
- Human, Master and I Am = Body of Consciousness
- Allowing the Master to be part of your life
The Land of Blue
- How to get unstuck
- Seeing beyond the current reality
- You are not bound to anything or anyone
- You’re not crazy!
- Time is not your natural state of being
- Allow yourself to know…
The New Human Species
- Non-physical friends
- New species coming in right now
- Homo sapien, homo techno, robo sapien, homo christos
- Fracturing TimeSpace
- Earth changes and cycles
- Light body / bioluminescence
Fundamental Realizations of Emergence
- Now is your time of emergence
- Energy is always in service
- You are not bound to anything or anyone
- Welcome the trinity of you
- No going back and no more hiding
- Time to experience the joy of self
Your Journey
- Why you’re here right now
- Bringing in the light body
- Allowing in the Master
- Living the Ahmyo life
- Going beyond the battles and causes
- There are many challenges; take care of yourself
Three Imperatives
- Explore everything
- Get over it!
- Stop fearing yourself
The New Serenity Prayer
- Prayer to the Master within
- Serenity
- Courage
- Wisdom
Channelers of Change
- How they got into channeling
- Changes on Earth are all about freedom
- Stop asking “What’s wrong with me”
- Only keep the thoughts you want
- Allowing vs. changing the world
- Gaia leaving, body changes, co-creation, cosmic waves & more
The Creator Series e-Book
- Discover who you truly are and why you’re here
- Remember your true divine nature
- Gain practical tools to make the journey easier
- Feel the support and encouragement from Spirit
- Move beyond duality into the New Energy
- Gnost – even more intimate than spirit
Halloween DreamWalk 2016
- A beautiful experience with fairies and Ascended Masters
- Fantasy and imagination are real!
- The veil is very thin around Halloween
- Death is an illusion; you’re still you
- What happens in the other realms is up to you
- Remember and allow your own divine light
60-Second Workout
• It’s so easy and completely natural!
• Rebalance, rejuvenate and tone
• Revitalize your body
• Make friends with your body again
Beyond the Lie of Darkness
- Humans believe in evil, which then makes it real
- It is Satan’s biggest accomplishment
- Darkness, power, and sin are illusions
- You have never done anything wrong!
- This is your key to freedom
- Return to the inherent grace and beauty of your soul
Cosmic Conversations
- TimeSpace is the motion of experience through the I Am
- You don’t move; TimeSpace moves through you
- Wisdom results from this movement and experience
- Gravity is the glue that holds it all together
- Ever expanding creation is the ultimate joy of the Creator
- Power is an illusion
Adamus Saint-Germain on the Paris Attacks
• The world is changing, humanity is evolving
• Terrorist attacks are a backlash against the desire for freedom
• Turmoil will continue as power imbalances are exposed
• Look within: Are you ready for freedom?
• To help humanity, integrate your own power issues
• Illuminate consciousness by accepting full responsibility
Walk On DreamWalk
- Who are you without anyone else?
- The house of your being has many rooms
- These rooms are filled with many beings
- They have all played a part in your experience
- You even encounter God
- Far beyond it all you still exist
Do You Remember?
- Why are you here on the planet?
- Why have you lost so much?
- Why do you feel so alone?
- This is the most difficult lifetime you’ve ever had
- The biggest job you’ve ever taken on
- You’re awakening, integrating self, and changing consciousness
Merabh Introduction
- Change your life with ease and grace
- Shift your consciousness with gentle peace and acceptance
- Allow the changes you’ve already imagined into your life
- Merabhs bring understanding and new potentials
- Music is a beautiful, integral part of each merabh
- Simply allow
Death & the Astral Realms
- There are 4 important stages of death
- Understanding the process takes away the fear
- First, soul-human agreement on when to leave
- Then, tremendous release and liberation
- After the farewells come the Near Earth realms
- What happens next is up to each individual
Winds of the Anasazi
- The Awakening is on
- The Ancient Ones, the Anasazi are free to go
- We are now the Dream Makers
- The Four Corners area is unique and special
- Anasazi held the energy there for a very long time
- Dance with them now in celebration and release
Letter to Awakening Humans
- What is the meaning of life?
- Why are you here on Earth?
- The answers are there
- The call of your soul has been heard
- You are going through an awakening
- There is support, and you are never alone
The Lost Children of Christ
- Did childhood trauma cause you to shut down?
- Though difficult, it was for a reason
- The Earth faced equal potential for life or destruction
- You came at this critical time to bring Christ Consciousness
- Those around you did not understand, couldn’t support you
- The world is ready now; this is your time
Abundance Clinic
• You are naturally abundant; what form is it taking?
• Any form of lack is serving you
• Abundance isn’t just money in the bank
• The passion to live attracts energy
• Don’t get caught up in limitations
• Come back to a life of wealth and joy
It Doesn't Matter
- It’s the best of times and the worst of times
- YOU are the grand being you’ve been waiting for
- You’ve already arrived, now experience the journey
- Drop the burdens, they’re not yours
- Things aren’t falling apart, they’re coming together
- You are here for the experience, now live!
The Darkness is Your Divinity
- The answer to your tears and prayers – “Where is Spirit?”
- Light and dark are different expressions from the same source
- The Darkness took on your burdens, pain and self-loathing
- It was the greatest gift of love from Self
- The Darkness IS your divinity, seeking to reunite with you
- Light and dark – together forever in love and service
- Alchemy is the transmutation & re-manifestation of energy
- Your consciousness calls forth energy for experience
- The art of alchemy was used in Atlantis and ancient Egypt
- Alchemy happens without power or force
- Experience alchemy for yourself
- Use it in your daily life
To the Messengers
- High consciousness + deep awakening = chaos
- YOU are a messenger of change
- You’re affecting all of creation in all realms
- Absolute self-trust is required
- Physics, gravity, mathematics – everything changes
- Time to let all energies serve you
The Silent Prayer
- In love for myself:
- I accept my perfect Being
- I accept the abundance that fills my life
- I take responsibility for my creation
- I know that I Am an angel of light
- All things are as they should be
Twelve Signs of Spiritual Awakening
- First of all, you’re not going crazy!
- Awakening changes everything
- It's a full “reboot” of mental, physical, emotional & spiritual
- This too shall pass
- Your old contracts and commitments are complete
- Hang in there, the transition to embodied mastery is worth it!
Introduction to the Sexual Energies School
- The most important challenge of all – loving yourself
- It’s the answer to everything
- Without it, you’re already undergoing abuse
- Self-love makes miracles possible
- Lack of self-love brings illness and death
- Are you manifesting your heart’s desires or just taking up space?
- Do you experience a storm after every calm?
- Does trouble always follow joy?
- It’s because you’re caught in the allure of drama
- This old pattern plays out in your body and your life
- It brings a temporary hit of false energy, but it can’t sustain you
- Welcome your divinity, and open to passion, creativity, and joy
A Time To Inspire
- Give up the struggle and let energy serve you
- This lifetime is NOT a mistake
- No need to worry about the Earth
- Society is becoming more equitable
- You’re providing the vision and inspiration
- This is why you’re here!
Are You Having a Spiritual Awakening?
- Spiritual awakening means:
- - Going beyond your human identity
- - Reconnecting with your true Self
- - All while still in a physical body
- It scrambles your mind and changes your life
- And it’s a completely natural, beautiful process
"I Am a Creator" Certificate
- Acknowledge yourself as a true creator
- No more karma, blame or excuses
- It’s you, granting sovereignty to yourself
- No one can create your life but you
- No more victim or power games
- Are you ready?