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Magic & Physics – Experience Beyond 3D

The Master becomes an established part of everyday reality, and you begin to enjoy the multidimensional flow of life. Synchronistic, magical events become commonplace, creation comes easy, and life is a radiant act of consciousness. This is why you’re here!
Gaia's Gift – Part 1: Living Light
Gaia's Gift – Part 1: Living Light


  • It’s time to take responsibility for our home
  • Adamah (Gaia) is handing over guardianship of Earth
  • The universe began with the Order of the Arc
  • 66 beings answered the call to go into the light
  • Light became matter, the dream of the angels
  • Now it’s your turn to be the living light

Metaphysics of the Merlin
Metaphysics of the Merlin


  • Yeshua comes full circle
  • There are no forces working against you
  • Love and consciousness are changing everything
  • Human goodness is growing
  • Love prevails in only 20 years
  • Receive the love and light of your Self now

The Art of Light – Part 1: Imagination
The Art of Light – Part 1: Imagination


  • Learn how imagination creates your life
  • Imagine abundance, health, joy – are you worthy?
  • Light is imagination; from there, all creation happens
  • True imagination is not false or make-believe
  • You are the light of the world
  • You’re not battling darkness but filling a void with life

DreamWalk into Aerotheon
DreamWalk into Aerotheon


  • Gravity is a tool of creation
  • It holds particles and waves together as reality
  • It holds thoughts and emotions in patterns
  • Gravity can also help you release and expand
  • Experience your true inner freedom
  • Return to your natural state

Love 2.0
Love 2.0


  • Love is vital to the planet’s evolution
  • Love changes how light becomes reality
  • It can expand gravity and alter time & space
  • Self-love is the Christ Seed planted with Yeshua
  • Now is the time for this precious harvest
  • What is love? Awareness and acceptance

ProGnost 2023 Update
ProGnost 2023 Update


  • Light will expand at least 7% in 3-5 years
  • The atomic structure is simply condensed light
  • Reality is an illusion that can be altered
  • The key is letting un-gravity serve you
  • Gaia’s departure makes way for your light body
  • AI is responding to your consciousness

Light of the Merlin • Online
Light of the Merlin • Online


  • Christos Physics – the true physics of creation
  • Gaia explains how this reality was created
  • Your genius is the light you’ve carried since birth
  • It’s time to release the genie within
  • Earth will be very different very soon
  • It is becoming a true planet of light!

Meta Changes: Heaven’s Cross Follow-up
Meta Changes: Heaven’s Cross Follow-up


  • Heaven’s Cross, the Apocalypse, brought in light
  • Now physics are literally changing
  • Extraordinary things begin to happen
  • In unity with soul, the path clears in front of you
  • Life flows in grace, ease, and understanding
  • In this ocean of divinity, all things are possible

I Am Receiving
I Am Receiving


  • Can you fully receive the bounty of your energy?
  • It’s a huge, unfamiliar, and radical shift
  • It upends and disrupts the ancient paradigm of toil
  • These new metaphysics can change your life
  • Relax and enjoy the fruits of your labors
  • You’ve earned this!

Time Traveling: Metaphysics of the Soul
Time Traveling: Metaphysics of the Soul


  • Time traveling is natural!
  • Learn how to visit – and change – your past
  • Realize that the future is also up to you
  • Meet yourself in other lifetimes
  • Everything changes with access to wisdom
  • It’s all about illumination

Heaven’s Cross Merabh
Heaven’s Cross Merabh


  • A deep and personal guided journey
  • An experience of your own Apocalypse
  • It is the unveiling of All That You Are
  • Discover and explore the heavens of you Self
  • No healing, no effort, no struggle
  • It’s You, flowing through the realms

 Heaven's Cross: The Opening
Heaven's Cross: The Opening


  • The veil begins to lift
  • Divinity is here
  • Human is no longer lost
  • It’s the culmination of lifetimes
  • A self-chosen destiny
  • It is our dream come true

DreamWalk of Realization
DreamWalk of Realization


  • You chose to be here right here, right now
  • Are you ready to allow your real Realization?
  • This time is special, the Zero Point
  • Everything is yours… everything
  • This is heaven, and you’re the God here
  • What you allow now can literally change history

Heaven’s Cross – Part 3: Questions & Answers
Heaven’s Cross – Part 3: Questions & Answers


  • Once open, Heaven’s Cross will never close
  • This is what you’ve dreamed of since Atlantis
  • Allow yourself now a life of joy, ease, abundance and grace
  • New levels of light can bring tremendous healing
  • Time, space, and gravity can serve you now
  • The human’s job is simply to experience this

Heaven’s Cross – Part 2: The Apocalypse
Heaven’s Cross – Part 2: The Apocalypse


  • Apocalypse means to reveal, uncover, open
  • Foretold in Revelations, the time is now
  • Rewrite your Book of Life beyond the current page
  • Physics are changing, science will soon catch up
  • Everything is possible
  • Be aware, listen, observe – it’s why you’re here

I Am Merlin
I Am Merlin


  • Merlin is returning
  • It’s the integration of the human’s experience and the Master’s wisdom
  • “I Am Merlin” – this starts the energy moving
  • Magic is real, but it’s only for YOU
  • Open to your own energy, truth, passion and magic
  • Are you ready to be Merlin?

Heaven’s Cross – Part 1: Preparing for the Opening
Heaven’s Cross – Part 1: Preparing for the Opening


  • Hopelessness comes when you forget your Self
  • It’s the cause of depression, addiction, illness, suicide
  • Heaven’s Cross opens the door to your divine flow
  • Rekindles the connection with your Christ Consciousness
  • And gently ends the isolation of Earth from other realms
  • This event is about physics & science, as well as metaphysics

Passion of the Merlin
Passion of the Merlin


  • The historic culmination of ages and lifetimes
  • Your old human template is dissolving
  • Merlin is timeless, immortal, wisdomized
  • “To live or die?” – that is the question
  • The Merlin is you, no longer bound by time
  • Human, soul, turn and face yourself

Dream of the Merlin
Dream of the Merlin


  • The other realms are finally open
  • Access has been closed since Atlantis
  • All you wish for has already been created
  • As a Merlin, you can bring it here to Earth
  • Your soul is right here with you
  • Remember why you’re really here

Time of the Merlin Online
Time of the Merlin Online


  • You are here to be a Merlin
  • You’re here to allow energy to serve
  • Suffering does NOT bring salvation
  • Allow your energy to flow in ease and grace
  • Become a Standard of grace for the planet
  • The time is now

ProGnost 2023 - Quantum Weirdness
ProGnost 2023 - Quantum Weirdness


  • Gravity holds reality in place
  • More consciousness means less gravity
  • Less gravity means more freedom
  • Things get very weird in the “crazy zone”
  • Everything opens, realms begin to merge
  • Your divinity, your YOU-ness is now available

Threshold Online:  Information Only
Threshold Online: Information Only


  • The path to Realization holds a few surprises
  • Secrets hidden deep beyond the human’s grasp
  • The dragon comes to find them
  • An unrelenting demon becomes your dearest friend
  • St. Germain himself did not escape
  • The final ruthless step before Realization

The Master’s Life – Part 15: Across the River
The Master’s Life – Part 15: Across the River


  • You can cross the veil and remain on Earth
  • Go beyond the illusion of separation
  • Reunite with Self to find every answer within
  • Float in the river of your own energy
  • Maintain a constant in-the-moment balance
  • When it’s time, return to the ocean of your soul

Checking into Heaven
Checking into Heaven


  • America’s most prolific author talks about:
  • Finding extraordinary wisdom in an ordinary life
  • Harnessing the creative power of stories
  • Discovering a surprise at the “Pearly Gates”
  • A practical explanation of the soul
  • And a personal request from Mr. Twain himself


Making Light Body
Making Light Body


  • Your physical body is just a costume
  • The light body is the real You
  • It’s your singular Body of Consciousness
  • It makes everything easier
  • You’ve earned this, it’s time
  • Note: For Masters only



  • The gravity of Time keeps you in this reality
  • To understand the I Am, go beyond Time
  • Going timeless is the death of death
  • Everything is within; where’s your awareness?
  • Magic is multiple, many occurring at once
  • To be in sync, be authentic and genuine with yourself

ProGnost 2022 Update - Meta Realities
ProGnost 2022 Update - Meta Realities


  • Consciousness is the basis of every reality
  • Everything now is about the quantum leap of consciousness
  • Humans are moving into digital realities
  • Perception comes from within and the observer changes reality
  • It’s time to be hyper aware of your consciousness
  • Digitize or energize?

ProGnost 2022 - Metaphysics for Masters
ProGnost 2022 - Metaphysics for Masters


  • Bring metaphysics to the practical level
  • To change something in your life, be more present
  • Particles move between dimensions; you can too
  • All perceptions take place in the mind
  • Limit not yourself with any belief
  • You can change whatever you want – for yourself

Master Code Online: Information Only
Master Code Online: Information Only


  • Everything is coded; it’s like the software of reality
  • Your reality can now be coded consciously
  • The Way – the Atlantean code that brought you here
  • You made it; your coded destiny has been fulfilled
  • The Ascension Code – your greatest gift to humanity
  • The Master Code – a profound gift to yourself

Adamus on Topic: DreamWorlds
Adamus on Topic: DreamWorlds


  • This is just a dream, but it’s not the only one
  • You are dreaming all the time
  • You can bring back the best dream potentials
  • Are you worthy of them?
  • Become dream-aware and literally change your reality
  • Dreams: the next quantum thing for Shaumbra

ProGnost 2021 Update - It's About Time
ProGnost 2021 Update - It's About Time


  • Are you ‘losing’ time, feeling disoriented?
  • Are you frantically busy or sleeping a lot?
  • It’s because time itself is fracturing
  • Energy is flowing like never before
  • Everything is going new
  • It’s all happening now!

Time Travels
Time Travels


  • Travel as a magi beyond time itself
  • Learn how the Star People helped create civilization
  • Reconnect with the gods, pharaohs & ancient ones
  • They have been waiting for you
  • Heal the wounds of Atlantis
  • Move beyond your destiny into a new future

Magic of the Masters
Magic of the Masters


  • DreamWalk to Atlantis and the Temples of Tien
  • The love of Tobias and adventures of Sam
  • Communing – the energies sing!
  • Kuthumi hiding from his soul
  • It’s not what you believe, it’s what you allow!
  • Time to go beyond mass consciousness

10 Years with Adamus
10 Years with Adamus


  • YOU are the new Merlin
  • Integrate your aspects and tell your stories
  • Merlin is the wisdom, dragon is the clarity
  • Kuthumi’s story of how Adamus got his name
  • The human now becomes pure energy
  • It is the end of suffering

The Master’s Life – Part 10: Way Out
The Master’s Life – Part 10: Way Out


  • The passion returns… finally!
  • Go out and come back at any time
  • A glimpse into a different future
  • Never again forget who you really are
  • Gravity, Focus and duality are here to serve you
  • Welcome Home

The Master’s Life – Part 11: Living Energy
The Master’s Life – Part 11: Living Energy


  • Everything you perceive is your energy
  • It’s the biggest Point of Separation in this lifetime
  • Doubt is natural and can be a beautiful tool for clarity
  • The Order of the Arc has served its purpose
  • What’s your Energy Quotient?
  • Everything is in service to you! Can you allow it?

ProGnost 2020 - Planetary Awakening
ProGnost 2020 - Planetary Awakening


  • The planetary awakening is happening – huge news!
  • Many will come to Realization through technology rather than spirituality
  • We found what we were looking for, so Order of the Arc is closing down
  • What comes from Earth will go throughout the universe
  • There’s a large number of first-timers on the planet
  • Humans are facing identity loss, digital hypnosis, gender blur and more

The Master’s Life – Part 7: I Am Creation
The Master’s Life – Part 7: I Am Creation


  • The true nature of creation finally revealed
  • Wisdom – a most beautiful realization
  • Spiritual maturity and the Now Future
  • Understanding energy and letting it work for you
  • The absolute awe of creation…
  • Meeting the creator within its creation

Expanding Your Intuition
Expanding Your Intuition


  • Intuition is natural and makes life easier
  • It works closely with your body
  • Learn to trust yourself implicitly
  • The results are very tangible
  • Give yourself permission
  • Everything you need comes to you

ProGnost 2019  - The Dragon Enters
ProGnost 2019 - The Dragon Enters


  • Ancient dragon stories were based on Atlantis
  • It’s about forgetting our origins and losing our name
  • The dragon returns now, will you invite yours?
  • It brings disruption and clarity
  • It demands that you release guilt and shame
  • It is time to live in magic and grace 

The Simple Master – Allowing & And
The Simple Master – Allowing & And


  • Do you really choose to stay?
  • Redefining death; merabh of “new death”
  • Consciousness, energy and the mind
  • Humans, energy and power games
  • The sense of Truth
  • What’s next? It comes to you

The Master's Life – Part 3: Embodiment
The Master's Life – Part 3: Embodiment


  • Three foundations of enlightenment
  • Technology body vs. light body
  • Releasing ancestral issues & nature
  • Rebalancing the body, opening the senses
  • Welcoming the light body
  • The purpose and illusion of death

DreamWalk to the Crystal Caves
DreamWalk to the Crystal Caves


  • This energy is from your desire to go to the next level
  • But be careful – it amplifies what you’re already choosing!
  • A reminder of the cosmic & crystalline energies already within you
  • They are your energies, waiting to serve you
  • Are you REALLY ready?
  • Only you can know for sure...



• All aboard the Ahmyo Express!
• Live in grace without doubt or limitation
• To know thy soul is to know thyself
• Discover the rhythm of your soul
• Live like you’ve never lived before
• The ahhhh of creation

Interdimensional Living
Interdimensional Living


  • Reawaken your angelic senses and abilities
  • Consciously experience other dimensions
  • Unlock your prison and be free
  • Travel far and wide with Kuthumi
  • Remember your Self
  • Profound experiences and practical information

The Master’s Life – Part 13: Entelligence
The Master’s Life – Part 13: Entelligence


  • Human intelligence is based in duality and emotion
  • Energy intelligence is neutral and unlimited
  • It’s all yours
  • Take your place in the kingdom of Self
  • And finally let energy serve you fully
  • “Stop, look and listen before you start to freak!”

Breath of the I Am
Breath of the I Am


  • Come back together with your Self
  • The breath of Spirit is your breath
  • The gentle breath of allowing
  • No more struggle, no more trying
  • Now comes the breath of the I Am into your life
  • You are ready

ProGnost 2019 Update - For the Dreamers
ProGnost 2019 Update - For the Dreamers


  • Technology is the most important issue on the planet today
  • You are here to bring consciousness to this historic change
  • You can get to the New Earth by death or by dragon
  • Magic is real!
  • Time to stop playing the “spiritual journey” game
  • You are the dreamer of a whole new era

The Master's Life – Part 9: Realusion
The Master's Life – Part 9: Realusion


  • Discover how reality comes into being – and how to change it
  • Learn what gravity, time and space really are
  • Release the “mem-brain” that’s been limiting your consciousness
  • Making friends with energy
  • Everything is within, only YOU can change it
  • Shift your perspective – it’s the wizard effect!

Halloween DreamWalk 2016
Halloween DreamWalk 2016


  • A beautiful experience with fairies and Ascended Masters 
  • Fantasy and imagination are real!
  • The veil is very thin around Halloween
  • Death is an illusion; you’re still you 
  • What happens in the other realms is up to you
  • Remember and allow your own divine light

The Master's Life - Part 2: I Am Here
The Master's Life - Part 2: I Am Here


  • Distractions on the way to Realization
  • Where are you?
  • Expanding the flame of your consciousness
  • Being aware of multiple realities
  • Applying consciousness to abundance and health issues
  • Practical applications of being “here”

Cosmic Conversations
Cosmic Conversations


  • TimeSpace is the motion of experience through the I Am
  • You don’t move; TimeSpace moves through you
  • Wisdom results from this movement and experience
  • Gravity is the glue that holds it all together
  • Ever expanding creation is the ultimate joy of the Creator
  • Power is an illusion

DreamWalk for Childhood Magic
DreamWalk for Childhood Magic


  • Were you ever told as a child, “You’re just making it up?”
  • Learn how to unlock and open to the magic of your childhood
  • There is so much more to life than this reality
  • Remembering your childhood takes trust in yourself
  • The land of Fae: a realm of magic, faeries and elves
  • The magic comes from allowing your knowingness

New Earth Update 2014
New Earth Update 2014

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  • A place of hope and freedom
  • It’s where you often go in dreams
  • But it’s non-mental, so the mind forgets
  • Many more are under construction
  • New Earth is a beautiful act of creation
  • Now, tell your stories

Walk On DreamWalk
Walk On DreamWalk


  • Who are you without anyone else?
  • The house of your being has many rooms
  • These rooms are filled with many beings
  • They have all played a part in your experience
  • You even encounter God
  • Far beyond it all you still exist


Consciousness Revolution
Consciousness Revolution


  • Remember the secrets of your omniverse!
  • Cosmic science beyond even quantum physics
  • Time holds everything together – and keeps you stuck
  • Most of your consciousness exists outside of time
  • Experience your true multidimensional nature
  • “You’re here. You’re there. Your there is here.”

Grand Canyon Journey
Grand Canyon Journey


  • The Now moment is awareness without past or future
  • The Grand Canyon is an interdimensional crossroads
  • Chaos = movements, shifts, changes and clearing
  • Energy came from the passion of consciousness
  • There is a direct link between Egypt and the Grand Canyon
  • An experience of energy, space and interdimensional travel

Crystal Energies Merabh
Crystal Energies Merabh


  • Earth energy is familiar, it comes in all forms and flavors
  • Crystal energy is pure, life-giving, high frequency
  • Crystalline energy seeded life on this planet 
  • It’s now available to bring your creations to life
  • Crystalline energy is stored in 21 crystal caves around the world
  • How will you allow it to serve you?

Just Passing Through (Time) Merabh
Just Passing Through (Time) Merabh


  • Time lets you be in this very sensual experience
  • Stop fighting time; let it work for you
  • Time isn’t linear, it swirls and bends
  • And you are just passing through 
  • No need to struggle, it comes to you
  • You’re not stuck anymore

Grace Merabh
Grace Merabh


  • Open to a life of ease and grace
  • It is the life of a Master
  • Enter into the holy of holies, the Sanctum of Grace
  • Grace becomes apparent when you recognize yourself as the Master
  • Energy, your own crystallized consciousness, is here to serve you
  • Grace can be a way of life



  • Alchemy is the transmutation & re-manifestation of energy
  • Your consciousness calls forth energy for experience
  • The art of alchemy was used in Atlantis and ancient Egypt
  • Alchemy happens without power or force
  • Experience alchemy for yourself
  • Use it in your daily life

New Energy Synchrotize
New Energy Synchrotize


  • Are you living the life you really want?
  • If not, do you want to understand why?
  • Adamus explains how it all works
  • Release the old hypnosis and beliefs
  • Redesign your reality landscape
  • Finally create the life you desire!

Ask Tobias: Time, Space & Measurement Systems
Ask Tobias: Time, Space & Measurement Systems


  • Time doesn’t exist, it’s only a belief system
  • Space is an illusion, you can change it
  • Open your beliefs, use new measurement tools
  • Release time and space to end the old patterns
  • The future is the past healed
  • Bless every experience, set yourself free