Each Master’s Pause presentation is an opportunity to stop for a moment, take a deep breath, rebalance, rejuvenate, and receive supportive insight on a particular challenge that comes with being both human and Master. It is a time to care for you!
I Am Debt Free
- Money is just materialized energy
- Have no shame or guilt about energy
- You've been learning about energy
- When debt is released, abundance flows differently
- How has debt served you?
- Are you ready to let it go?
I Am Receiving
- Can you fully receive the bounty of your energy?
- It’s a huge, unfamiliar, and radical shift
- It upends and disrupts the ancient paradigm of toil
- These new metaphysics can change your life
- Relax and enjoy the fruits of your labors
- You’ve earned this!
I Am Potentials
- Explore the Secret Garden of your potentials
- Let the sense of smell guide you
- Make each choice just for you
- Every potential serves your Realization
- Feel the magic, it’s always here
- Bring it with you every day
I Am Light
- Pain is a signal that you’re holding back your light
- You’ve been more afraid of your light than of your darkness
- No more need to hold back or hide your light
- Feel its purity, tenderness, magic and joy
- You’ve earned it, you deserve it; now let it flow
- Let yourself feel the wonder, the marvel of your own light
I Am Worthy
- You are worthy of your energy
- Can you let it serve you freely?
- Worthiness is an angelic sense
- It’s a way of perceiving yourself
- There’s nothing you need to prove
- “I am worthy!” – the energy lights up
I Am Beauty
- Beauty is its own wisdom
- It changes how energy comes to you
- Beauty is an experience, not a value judgment
- Gift yourself with the sense of Beauty
- Beauty is in everything
- It’s your energy, how could it be anything but beautiful?
I Am Comfort
- There is value in discomfort, but you can transcend it
- Discomfort comes from resisting chaos
- Magic happens in unpredictability
- Chaos just means you don’t understand it yet
- Wisdom is the knowingness of the future
- It’s your energy – how could it not work out?
I Am Free
- The soul has always been free
- Human has been “separate” from consciousness
- Release the past, mass consciousness, time and the mind
- Integrate – “into great” – consciousness and energy
- Then you will be free in your own energy and passion
- True freedom – it’s all natural!
I Am Abundance
- Abundance is a state of being
- Now is the time to get over your hang-ups about it
- Abundance is the ability to receive from your I Am
- Suffering has been a huge block; are you done yet?
- It’s all your energy, serving you in the Now
- “Abundance is a natural state, let’s get on with it”
I Am True
- Doubt is a distraction AND it’s a gift
- It’s an irritant to keep you moving
- Helps you not stay stuck in an unnatural state
- But it doesn’t need so much attention
- There is actually nothing false within you
- Come back to “I am real”
I Am Calm
- The dragon is here, the planet is awakening
- You have all the tools for your own stability
- You have heart – compassion, passion, love
- You have wisdom and knowingness
- You are safe; it’s okay to be calm
- Relax deeply into “I Am Calm”
I Am Merlin
- Merlin is returning
- It’s the integration of the human’s experience and the Master’s wisdom
- “I Am Merlin” – this starts the energy moving
- Magic is real, but it’s only for YOU
- Open to your own energy, truth, passion and magic
- Are you ready to be Merlin?
I Am Remembering
- Remember why you’re here, your passion, your own precious name
- Remember your potentials and the beauty of life
- An experience to share with the Master
- Allowing this wisdom changes everything
- Focus, TimeSpace, gravity, experience – so many reasons to forget
- It hurts to remember too soon, but now you’re ready
I Am Joy
- Allow the awareness of joy
- It changes everything
- Joy is a sense, a way to perceive reality
- Imagine being open, vulnerable and safe
- Feel the joy inherent in every living thing, in all of life
- To be alive is to be in joy!
I Am Safe
- To a sensitive being, feeling safe is a huge challenge
- There’s a place you go…
- Remember the safe space of compassion
- Safety issues with the outer, inner and unseen worlds
- Imagine always feeling safe…
- Watch the profound difference in your life
I Am Sleeping
- Sleep like you haven’t a very long time
- Original purpose of sleep was a return to Self
- A Master doesn’t need much sleep
- The soul beckons, “Come with me…”
- Return to the compassion of the I Am
- The Master’s sleep… just rest…
I Am Cleansing
- A time to stop, integrate and rebalance
- Everything is toxic!
- Free energy body can handle it
- This detox actually works (unlike most others)
- No need for diets and potions
- It’s so easy…