Once a year in January, with an update at mid-year, Adamus gives an overall view of the energy and consciousness trends affecting the planet, including politics, economics, technology, and other issues that impact the human experience. Rather than specific predictions, this planetary forecast aims to support embodied Realization by shifting one’s perspective of reality.
ProGnost 2025 - The Year of Communication
- Communication is the basis of all evolution
- Energy is communication
- It’s moving very fast now, thanks to AI
- Everything communicates, including your stories
- Let yourself out of the programmed limitations
- Stories are consciousness told – don’t hold back!
ProGnost 2024 Update: The Speed of Change
- You’re here at the craziest, fastest time ever
- Everything accelerated after the Quantum Leap
- Earth is becoming the planet of love and enlightenment
- Everything now is about your Realization
- Suffering helps nothing; it’s time to say, “No more!”
- You’re setting the example for how to enter enlightenment
ProGnost 2024 - The Laws Are Not Yours
- Laws and rules attract gravity
- Laws of nature are correct but incomplete
- The laws of religion are the darkest of all
- Social laws are meant for cooperation, not control
- Self laws are the most complex and contradictory
- Release the laws to go beyond density and gravity
ProGnost 2023 Update
- Light will expand at least 7% in 3-5 years
- The atomic structure is simply condensed light
- Reality is an illusion that can be altered
- The key is letting un-gravity serve you
- Gaia’s departure makes way for your light body
- AI is responding to your consciousness
ProGnost 2023 - Quantum Weirdness
- Gravity holds reality in place
- More consciousness means less gravity
- Less gravity means more freedom
- Things get very weird in the “crazy zone”
- Everything opens, realms begin to merge
- Your divinity, your YOU-ness is now available
ProGnost 2022 Update - Meta Realities
- Consciousness is the basis of every reality
- Everything now is about the quantum leap of consciousness
- Humans are moving into digital realities
- Perception comes from within and the observer changes reality
- It’s time to be hyper aware of your consciousness
- Digitize or energize?
ProGnost 2022 - Metaphysics for Masters
- Bring metaphysics to the practical level
- To change something in your life, be more present
- Particles move between dimensions; you can too
- All perceptions take place in the mind
- Limit not yourself with any belief
- You can change whatever you want – for yourself
ProGnost 2021 Update - It's About Time
- Are you ‘losing’ time, feeling disoriented?
- Are you frantically busy or sleeping a lot?
- It’s because time itself is fracturing
- Energy is flowing like never before
- Everything is going new
- It’s all happening now!
ProGnost 2021 - The Ænd Times
- Your energy precedes you
- We’re going local linear and far beyond
- Technology is driving tremendous change
- Society is transforming in countless ways
- There’s a reason you’ve felt deep sadness
- Take care of you first; it changes everything
ProGnost 2020 Update - Adamonomics
- How’s your economy?
- Realization is allowing energy to serve you abundantly
- Let your radiance be seen, even by “Big Brother”
- Debt is the devil, let it go
- Invest in yourself, borrow from the Bank of the I Am
- Learn, engage, invest – and watch what happens!
ProGnost 2020 - Planetary Awakening
- The planetary awakening is happening – huge news!
- Many will come to Realization through technology rather than spirituality
- We found what we were looking for, so Order of the Arc is closing down
- What comes from Earth will go throughout the universe
- There’s a large number of first-timers on the planet
- Humans are facing identity loss, digital hypnosis, gender blur and more
ProGnost 2019 Update - For the Dreamers
- Technology is the most important issue on the planet today
- You are here to bring consciousness to this historic change
- You can get to the New Earth by death or by dragon
- Magic is real!
- Time to stop playing the “spiritual journey” game
- You are the dreamer of a whole new era
ProGnost 2019 - The Dragon Enters
- Ancient dragon stories were based on Atlantis
- It’s about forgetting our origins and losing our name
- The dragon returns now, will you invite yours?
- It brings disruption and clarity
- It demands that you release guilt and shame
- It is time to live in magic and grace
ProGnost 2014 & Update - It’s Happening Now
- You’ve been rehearsing for this – now it’s time
- You already know what to do: Add consciousness
- Disruption, virus, civil unrest, weather changes, anxiety and more
- The desire for freedom brings in immense energies
- Elohim, Lords of Light and archangels
- It’s time for tough love, the unrelenting forgiveness
ProGnost 2018 Update - Goodbye Gaia
- Gaia, your home for so long, is leaving
- It’s time for humans to take responsibility for the planet
- TechGREEN – Technology, Gaia, Realms, Earth, Energy, Nature
- Evolution: moving toward God; Pandelution: God moving in its creation
- Practical implications of Gaia’s departure
- Earth needs to be more social, human sovereignty
ProGnost 2018 - Last Era of the Mind
- Creation starts at the end… really!
- Coming soon – the fragmentation of TimeSpace
- Human are creating a whole new species
- Consciousness changes everything – that’s why you’re here
- Evolution vs. pandelution
- TechGRIN – Tech, Genology, Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Nanotech
ProGnost Update - July 2017
- When you’re not in drama, all is well
- Technology changes are the result of consciousness
- Karma is manmade, and 6 billion people are working on it
- Tech is affecting masculine & feminine, mind & body
- Upheaval in God consciousness brings chaos
- Repercussions of AI and VR in this Time of Machines
ProGnost 2017 - Bridge to Theos
- Technology, politics and artificial intelligence
- Earth, our beloved – and hungry – planet of Love
- Old Earth, New Earth, and why they won’t unite
- Where is the love?
- The beauty and sensuality of Theos is just for you
- A Dream Bridge to the place of deepest love
ProGnost 2016 Update
- Look at Earth and humanity from Angel’s Peak
- Consciousness is changing the planet
- Evolution is accelerating
- Parallel realities: consciousness vs. run-away technology
- Everything goes new … everything
- “When consciousness is present, it changes everything”
ProGnost 2016
- Consciousness and physical reality are converging
- Will Old Earth and New Earth come together?
- Virtual reality and other changes – not science fiction!
- It’s time to awaken your ‘Master Sense’
- Prepare for disruption
- And remember that All is Well