Unleashing Your Creative Potential
Delve into the profound ability of imagination to literally create reality. An important tool of the Master in this Time of Machines, Adamus notes that imagination is not a function of the mind and brain. Instead, it’s an angelic sense that allows you to access potentials far beyond mental limitations. Remember how to tap into this natural ability, a vital tool for bringing in your dreams from the other realms and shaping your human reality. Discover the metaphysics of creation, as Adamus explains how imagination manifests human desires using energy, light, and gravity to form the atomic structures of this physical realm. As Adamus states, this potent tool of imagination is the very light of creation Yeshua (Jesus) talked about.
The physical universe itself was brought into existence by imagination. Now, reconnecting with this natural creative ability brings unlimited potentials to choose from. Adamus emphasizes the importance of accessing pure imagination, allowing your passion to guide the process without worrying about the details. He guides several experiences in which you can connect with imagination as the indispensable creative tool of the Master.
Imagination is not just daydreaming. It is reality building in your light. Light is imagination. Can you imagine how that changes everything? – Adamus
1. Into Imagination (39:58)
Noting its non-mental nature, Adamus says that Imagination is an angelic sense. In fact, you imagined yourself being right here, right now. Most humans hold back their true imagination, an unnatural limitation that can eventually bring mental imbalance. But imagination is a vital creative tool that’s particularly important in this Time of Machines. Now, how will you use it?
2. Metaphysics of Imagination (43:02)
Summarizing the fundamentals of metaphysics, Adamus states that consciousness = awareness, energy = communication, and imagination = light, which then condenses into waveforms, atomic structures, and physical reality. Yeshua (Jesus) called it the light of the world, and Adamus declares that imagination is the creation tool of the Master.
3. How to Imagine (37:07)
With your spiritual maturity, Adamus can now explain the steps of effective imagination. Stating that everything is imagination manifested by light, he gives easy-to-follow instructions for finally illuminating your dreams into the world. Imagine the life you choose – for yourself, no one else – and it manifests, made easier by the opening of Heaven’s Cross.
4. Experience Your Imagination (50:23)
No matter what you were told in the past, imagination is real! It is an angelic sense, a way of accessing all your potentials, and your most important tool as a creator. Adamus explains exactly how it works and helps you experience this practical way of creating your life.
5. Questions and Answers (53:50)
Answering 17 questions about imagination, Adamus addresses such topics as how our imagination affects other people; how it interacts with our mind, body, and beliefs; communicating with nonphysical entities; imagination’s effect on mass consciousness, love, and more.
6. Merabh of Light (36:01)
In a final experience to bring it all together, Adamus invites you to allow your sense of imagination to return, bringing so much more depth and meaning to life. This is how you go beyond and enjoy life as an embodied Master. Relax. You can’t get it wrong, and everything is here for you.
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Format: Streaming video, audio, and online text e-reader
Cost: $195
Access: 90-days access to video, audio & text e-reader (120 days for CC Angels)
Translations: When text translations become available, they will be listed on this page. No refunds or extensions will be granted due to translation availability.
Featuring: Adamus Saint-Germain, Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe
Recorded at the Shaumbra Pavilion, Kona, Hawaii, March 2024
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