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The Lost Children of Christ

The Lost Children of Christ

Carrying the Seed of Consciousness

In this deeply moving message, Tobias explains the reasons behind some of your childhood challenges. If you were born in the decades after World War II; if those around you regarded you as strange or odd; if you often felt sad, lost or abandoned for no obvious reason, perhaps you came into this lifetime as a light bearer. You are probably one who carries the Christ Consciousness seed from the time of Yeshua (Jesus). It was precisely because of this precious treasure within that you didn’t fit in; it just wasn’t time yet. So, you experienced a physical or emotional trauma during childhood that caused you to shut down and hide. It caused you to close the door on the special gift you bore because the world was not ready for it. In doing so, you became one of the Lost Children of Christ. 

This was Tobias’ first channel in the new millennium, and perhaps one of the most touching. For many awakening humans, it explains their childhood trauma and the subsequent energetic shut-down they experienced. In fact, it is nearly impossible to read these words and feel the energy without shedding a tear. In this profound message, Tobias shares how greatly honored you are for the deep heartache you endured as a child and speaks directly to the higher purpose behind those challenges in your early years. Although this wound – and the waiting it caused – has been carried into adulthood, Tobias says that now is the time for the Christ Consciousness seed to germinate and grow. The world is ready. Let your unfolding begin.


$ 0 USD


  • Did childhood trauma cause you to shut down?
  • Though difficult, it was for a reason
  • The Earth faced equal potential for life or destruction
  • You came at this critical time to bring Christ Consciousness
  • Those around you did not understand, couldn’t support you
  • The world is ready now; this is your time


Format: Text only (pdf) 

Cost: $0

Featuring: Tobias 

Recorded in Coal Creek Canyon, Colorado, January 2000

Journey of the Angels - Book
Journey of the Angels - Book


  • Who are you?
  • Why are you here?
  • Where did you come from?
  • Remember your purpose on Earth
  • Awakening the true meaning of your life
  • It's time to remember who you are

Twelve Signs of Spiritual Awakening
Twelve Signs of Spiritual Awakening


  • First of all, you’re not going crazy!
  •  Awakening changes everything
  •  It's a full “reboot” of mental, physical, emotional & spiritual
  •  This too shall pass
  •  Your old contracts and commitments are complete
  •  Hang in there, the transition to embodied mastery is worth it!

The Darkness is Your Divinity
The Darkness is Your Divinity


  • The answer to your tears and prayers – “Where is Spirit?”
  • Light and dark are different expressions from the same source
  • The Darkness took on your burdens, pain and self-loathing
  • It was the greatest gift of love from Self
  • The Darkness IS your divinity, seeking to reunite with you
  • Light and dark – together forever in love and service

Letter to Awakening Humans
Letter to Awakening Humans


  • What is the meaning of life?
  • Why are you here on Earth?
  • The answers are there
  • The call of your soul has been heard
  • You are going through an awakening
  • There is support, and you are never alone

Do You Remember?
Do You Remember?


  • Why are you here on the planet?
  • Why have you lost so much?
  • Why do you feel so alone?
  • This is the most difficult lifetime you’ve ever had
  • The biggest job you’ve ever taken on
  • You’re awakening, integrating self, and changing consciousness

Beyond the Lie of Darkness
Beyond the Lie of Darkness


  • Humans believe in evil, which then makes it real
  • It is Satan’s biggest accomplishment
  • Darkness, power, and sin are illusions
  • You have never done anything wrong!
  • This is your key to freedom
  • Return to the inherent grace and beauty of your soul

The Creator Series e-Book
The Creator Series e-Book


  • Discover who you truly are and why you’re here
  • Remember your true divine nature 
  • Gain practical tools to make the journey easier 
  • Feel the support and encouragement from Spirit
  • Move beyond duality into the New Energy
  • Gnost – even more intimate than spirit