The Good Life, the Ahmyo Life
According to St. Germain, Ahmyo is the conscious every-day realization between human and Master, “The integration of the human and the divine, the Master and the student.” Ahmyo begins with your pre-awakening. You realize something is changing, it is exhilarating, then you move through the dark night of the soul which creates the momentum that brings you into Realization. It is about allowing, which brings release, wisdom and freedom, and it happens naturally. In Ahmyo, you accept responsibility for everything that comes to your door and that happens in your life and begin to understand the physics of true allowing.
In this comforting and inspiring presentation, St. Germain makes it clear that the Ahmyo life is not something to hope for in the future. It is happening now for those who are choosing their embodied enlightenment. In fact, the Ascended Masters who have come before are quite interested in this topic, for it is something they never truly experienced. There are a few challenges in the Ahmyo life, such as a more intimate experience of the Master. This may confuse the human and cause the mind to take credit for and try to manage the experience. But Ahmyo is a state of consciousness that cannot be manipulated.
NOTE: St. Germain recommends several presentations in conjunction with this Cloud Class. These include Ancestral Freedom, The Wound of Adam and the Sexual Energies School.
Session 1 – The Ahmyo Life (45:04)
St. Germain begins by explaining what Ahmyo really is – the flowing, everyday relationship between Master and human – why it is now manifesting, and the importance of one’s integrity in accessing the material. He tells how you arrived at this place of Ahmyo, what it means to live the Ahmyo life, and how the soul’s deep wisdom is now finally available to the human.
Session 2 – Ahmyo and the Human (35:46)
Ahmyo is also called “The good life, the Master’s Life” for the embodied enlightened human. St. Germain compares living the old human life to a farmer having to toil in the field just to survive, where the Ahmyo life is having everything one needs simply appear without effort. This includes abundance, health, beneficial relationships and so much more. St. Germain also mentions a few challenges that might come up while adjusting to the continual presence of the Master, but they smooth out into a constant sense of ease and grace.
Session 3 – Ahmyo and the Master (25:26)
In this touching session, St. Germain speaks directly to the Master, reminding of the limitations, trials and challenges that the human has faced. He encourages the Master to have great compassion for the human, who might be resentful or even suspicious in the beginning, as they each learn to cohabitate together. Even though the human has been dreaming of this moment for eons of time, it is a big adjustment and might take a bit of time.
Session 4 – Ahmyo Physics (53:21)
After a brief discussion with Geoff & Linda as they begin the second day of recording, St. Germain begins by saying that this is not just the next step but the next era we are going through. He says, “The human may wonder at times, ‘Is it even possible to live life on this planet, absolutely in the Now moment, where everything you need comes to you at absolutely the perfect time?’” The answer, of course, is “Absolutely yes,” as he goes on to explain the physics of Ahmyo and how it actually works. Eventually one will find themselves living in multiple worlds as the human and the Master, together.
Session 5 – Ahmyo Merabh (25:47)
This final session is one long beautiful merabh where St. Germain helps one feel and connect with their own consciousness. He guides you in feeling TimeSpace move through, resting in the natural flow of life and simply allowing everything to come to you in service. “Energy serves the Master and the human now. Energy dances to your music, the music of your soul now. Energy goes to work for you. Take a deep breath and feel how it’s flowing from everywhere, from everything, flowing to you. Take a good deep breath into the Ahmyo Life and simply allow.”
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Format: Streaming video, audio and online text e-reader
Cost: $125
Access: 90 days access to video, audio & text e-reader
Translations: When text translations become available, they will be listed on this page. No refunds or extensions will be granted due to translation availability.
Beloved St. Germain
Geoffrey & Linda Hoppe
Recorded at the Crimson Circle Studio, Louisville, Colorado, August 2017
Repeat: You may attend this Cloud Class again at half price. A 50% discount will be automatically applied during checkout.
• Ahmyo is the state of divine grace
• The simplest truth is I Exist; I Am that I Am
• If something’s in your reality, you must like it
• Release makyo from your life
• Allow energy to serve you, unconditionally
• All is well, in all of YOUR creation